Martial Inverse

Chapter 2564: To the Vientiane Mountains

Chapter 2564 To Vientiane Mountains

Compared with the spirit fetus, Feng Hao is quite helpless now. After all, Xiaomeng’s existence cannot be detected by others, and even Le Huang and others don’t know what the spirit fetus actually is. Learned from some ancient books.

"Forget it, don't think too much about it, let's go to the Vientiane Mountains." Feng Hao shrugged his shoulders, and now he desires to become stronger in his heart!

However, the Vientiane Mountains this time is a good opportunity for him. If possible, he can even directly attack the God Master Realm. This kind of opportunity has never been seen once in thousands of years. Naturally, he will not do this give up easily.

"Okay, we can also leave directly." Le Huang nodded, and then a group of people left directly from Taxian Tower. Feng Hao and Le Huang accompanied each other along the way. As for the elder that day, he was hiding in the behind.

"By the way, you don't need to change your appearance or anything?" Le Huang asked Feng Hao while he was on his way in confusion.

"I have such obvious white hair, I am afraid that it is difficult to find other people in the world of Penglai. Even if it is a change of appearance and body shape, if someone pays attention to it carefully, they will naturally think of me." Feng Hao also shook his head and smiled wryly. This situation is also quite distressing, but there is nothing to do.

Since the last time he experienced the scourge of God, his hair has become like this, no matter how he tried, he couldn't change it, and Feng Hao got used to it naturally.

"I have a way!"

However, when the two were talking, Xiaomeng's crisp voice suddenly appeared in Fenghao's mind, upon hearing this, Fenghao also stopped abruptly, which surprised Delehuang.

"Do you have a way to solve it?" Feng Hao was overjoyed at the moment. If Xiaomeng had a way, it would be the best. After all, he appeared in the Vientiane Mountains with such a white hair, and he was definitely recognized by the people of the immortal organization. come out.

He is not afraid of being recognized by the people of the immortal organization alone, but the trouble is that if some other people, such as Gui Yi, etc., are passed on to his ears, I am afraid that he will not be very happy in the days to come. It's better.

"Look at me." Xiao Meng also smiled coquettishly, and then Feng Hao suddenly noticed that there was a feeling in his body that was difficult to express in words, it was a majestic aura that was almost transparent and invisible .

Afterwards, this wave of spiritual energy directly wrapped Feng Hao's hair, and the astonishing change happened in the next moment. Feng Hao's snow-white hair gradually began to turn black at this time, and it was only for a moment. After a while, she had already dyed her long, pitch-black hair!

"I'm going, Brother Feng, what are you doing?" Le Huang next to him was taken aback by Feng Hao's change. He said that there was no way to solve it one moment ago, and immediately solved it the next moment.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I thought of a trick just now, and with the mentality of trying, I really didn't expect it to be successful." Feng Hao rubbed his nose and saw that his hair had turned pitch black again. There is also joy in my heart.

"So that's the case." Le Huang didn't doubt anything else, and immediately nodded and said: "Then you should change your appearance, if this happens, I'm afraid Chunxuan and the others won't be able to recognize them."

Feng Hao nodded. Naturally, this little trick doesn't take much effort. After a while,

Feng Hao's face showed a vague and distorted feeling, and he turned into another person, and he couldn't recognize the slightest relationship with the previous one.

"This disguise technique is really rare." Le Huang was amazed. He had seen many disguise methods, but it was like Feng Hao, who could almost change his own aura. There were not many Individuals can do it.

"If you need it, I can teach it to you, anyway, it's just a small trick." Feng Hao laughed, this little trick was taught to him by the Supreme Being.

"Very good, if it can be like this, it will be perfect." Le Huang's eyes lit up, and he thought of something in his heart at the moment, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

"You don't want to change your appearance, and then swagger to find trouble with Xian, right?" Feng Hao is He and others, and his personality can be said to be very similar to that of Le Huang. With a smile, I guessed in my heart and got the result.

"Haha, the one who knows me is Nai Feng." Le Huang chuckled, and immediately whispered into Feng Hao's ear: "You said that if we become like the strong ones in Xuan Dao Valley, then we will go to trouble with the immortal organization , what do you think will happen?"

Feng Hao was speechless for a while, this Le Huang's mind was as black-bellied as his own, and he still came up with such an idea. on him.

"However, there is a disadvantage of this little trick, that is, if you use your own strength, it will be easy to be recognized." Feng Hao shrugged his shoulders. Naturally, he didn't care, but Le Huang was different. As the second young master of Ling Xiaofeng, I am afraid that there are many people in this Penglai world who are very familiar with him.

This trip to the Vientiane Mountains, there must be some old monsters appearing. Although they can't participate, as a deterrent force, they must completely calm down some people with evil intentions.

"It's okay, let's talk after you recognize it." Le Huang smiled, and then obtained the cultivation method of this little trick from Feng Hao's hands. It didn't take long, just a moment of effort, and Le Huang standing in front of Feng Hao transformed into a A burly and strong man appeared, and the gap between his previous handsomeness was a bit big.

"Let's go, there is the Vientiane Mountains in front of us. It must be a gathering of heroes this time. I'm looking forward to it." Le Huang tried it again and again, nodded with satisfaction, and then he set his sights on the people in front of him. direction.

Following Le Huang's line of sight, Feng Hao also raised his head, but found that they had entered an endless mountain range unknowingly, covered with thick mist everywhere, even a strong man like him, unexpectedly It can only be seen visually in a radius of thousands of miles, and it is impossible to see through it at all.

"Is this the Vientiane Mountain Range?" Feng Hao murmured in his heart, and his eyes were filled with a kind of hotness. If he can succeed this time, then he will become a real divine master!

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