Martial Inverse

Chapter 2602 Wei Junzi, a hypocrite

Chapter 2603 Wei Junzi, a hypocrite

As Feng Hao set off first, Le Huang and Nangong Wuji followed closely behind, and immediately attracted the attention of the other nine people. At this moment, no matter how stupid they were, they knew that the treasure in Hualongtan had already been born. !

These nine people did not have any communication, but the tacit understanding with each other actually made them follow closely at the first time, because for them, the real dragon spirit is gone, so this treasure must be fought for. !

Suddenly, before Feng Hao got close to the treasure, he was directly locked by the nine breaths, and his momentum suddenly became stiff. Feng Hao paused slowly, turned around and stared at the nine locks. own strong.

At this time, Le Huang and Nangong Wuji also came to Feng Hao's back, feeling those nine eyes full of hostility, obviously their expressions became much more dignified.

"Don't be too greedy, you have already absorbed the real dragon's energy, why bother to fight for this treasure again."

One of them also said lightly, they were not afraid of Le Huang's identity, after all, they were about to compete for treasures now, as for identity, would it be useful at this time?

Feng Hao didn't speak, but Le Huang took a step forward, glanced at the few people in front of him, and said in a calm tone: "The spirit of the real dragon is first come, first served. You can't catch up with it. Can you still blame us for being greedy?"

As soon as this sentence came out, these nine people immediately didn't know what to say. Indeed, even if Feng Hao didn't absorb all the real dragon's energy alone, it might not be their turn, because when they appeared , There are already many people here in Hualongtan, Lehuang, Nangong Wuji, Chunxuan, Guilin, etc., and even Xuanhuang.

"Anyway, you can only take one of these three treasures."

At this time, there was another person who slowly stood up and said, with his Chinese face, and looking at his aura, he could roughly guess that this person should be an upright person, but Le Huang snorted coldly and shouted: : "I said Wei Junzi, there are no outsiders here, so why show your hypocrite face, no one here knows your details."

Hearing what Le Huang said, Feng Hao couldn't help but subconsciously sized up the so-called Wei Junzi, and immediately frowned. Although this person had a good appearance, there was a flash of brilliance in his eyes from time to time. , obviously a person who is good at calculating.

"Wei Junzi? A hypocrite? It's a good name." Feng Hao also thought to himself, shaking his head. I'm afraid this person is the kind of person who says one thing and does another thing. It would be Le Huang calling him a hypocrite.

Wei Junzi's face slowly froze, he glanced at Le Huang, and there was some anger in his eyes, but it was quickly covered up, showing a cheerful smile: "Brother Le Why do disciples from powerful forces like you compete with us for treasures?"

"I said Wei Junzi, don't be shameless, I don't know you too well." Le Huang turned over the white smoke and said directly: "In a word, the three of us need two, and the remaining one , you distribute it as you like!"

Le Huang's words were very serious, and he didn't give the other party a chance to refute at all, which made Wei Junzi stunned for a while, but after Le Huang said these words, it was obvious that the eyes of the nine people all changed. up.

"Why do you seem to have a lot of resentment towards this guy.

At this time, Feng Hao also glanced at Wei Junzi in confusion, and asked in a puzzled manner. The tone of Le Huang was also a little too blunt. If there was no festival between the two, he would not believe it.

"This guy used to sneak into Ling Xiaofeng before, and even harmed several female disciples. He looks upright on the surface, but in fact it is all kinds of tricks and conspiracies. When he sneaked into Ling Xiaofeng, in order to fight for the identity of the chief disciple, he repeatedly framed Ten disciples from the same sect!" Le Huang heard Feng Hao mentioning Wei Junzi, and immediately gritted his teeth.

Hearing this, Feng Hao was also quite surprised. After such a person did these things, Ling Xiaofeng would still survive in this world?

Apparently, Yue Huang also guessed the doubts in Feng Hao's heart, and shook his head at the moment: "Later, his matter was revealed, and when Ling Xiaofeng was about to punish him, his master appeared. Some old bastards, make a deal, let this guy go."

Feng Hao was speechless for a while, this is all right, I am afraid that Wei Junzi's master is not young, and also paid a big price to change his life.

"There are only three things in total, and you just take two. Do you still pay attention to the nine of us?" At that moment, Wei Junzi also frowned, and his voice raised a little deliberately, this guy was afraid that others would not hear him Same.

Looking at Wei Junzi's appearance, Feng Hao and Le Huang glanced at each other, and immediately felt that something was wrong in their hearts, this guy is indeed a hypocrite as his name suggests, and now he probably wants to stir up the emotions of the other eight people.

"If you can't kill this bitch later, you'll be annoyed when you see him."

At this time, Nangong Wuji behind him obviously felt that Wei Junzi's approach was obviously too much, but at this time, it was not so useful! After all, these people present all came here to compete for the treasures, but now the three treasures were forcibly taken away from two places, and no one would accept this change.

If it was before, they might have been a little bit more jealous, but now after Wei Junzi's instigation, they also feel that this is really not good. If the other party really takes away two treasures, then only one of the three treasures will be left. In this way, nine people compete for one piece? What a joke.

Especially thinking that Feng Hao and his party of three can allocate two treasures, which is far easier than them!

"That's right, although the three of you are strong, you still don't take us seriously!"

"One of your quotas is already too much. You have taken the real dragon spirit, and now you want to fight for the treasure? Is it too much? Don't think that you can run wild with Ling Xiaofeng's signboard."

At the moment, following the instigation of Wei Junzi's words, among the nine people also had their own thoughts, but one or two of them did not speak, but kept silent tactfully.

But the culprit at this time, Wei Junzi, quietly raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. This is what he wanted. As long as they objected, Lehuang and the others would feel jealous.

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