Martial Inverse

Chapter 2610: Linglong Fairy Ruler

Chapter 2610 Linglong Immortal Ruler

With the same expectations as them, there are Feng Hao and other three people. At this time, Le Huang has already obtained the Lingzhu, which can be said to be satisfied, but the three of them have expressed their position that whoever has the ability to take the three treasures .

Noticing the expressions of Le Huang and the others, the remaining eight powerhouses looked at each other, and there were actually two or three groups united. Their goal was very simple, that is to fight for one of the treasures!

After a while, there was some movement again in the Hualong Pond below. Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. Naturally, they knew very well that this might be a sign that the second treasure was about to appear!

"Hey, no matter what happens today, the three treasures have to be obtained, and each of you buddies will get one, so that those guys will be jealous." Le Huang also grinned.

"I'm afraid it's not very good. If it's really extreme, God knows what those guys will do." Nangong Wuji was quite worried.

"What are you afraid of? Who made them ignorant of current affairs? They said that they wanted two things, but there were many refutations. They simply insisted on not keeping one!!" Le Huang's attitude was very firm, and even if these guys wanted to do something, I'm afraid There is no such opportunity, relying on the cultivation of the three of them, coupled with the existence of the shadow, I am afraid that it will really cost some money to keep them.

But these eight people are not together. Who would take the initiative to sacrifice some price to keep the four of them? It's just a short-term alliance of interests. Compared with the three of them, there is no comparison at all.

"Let's talk about the second treasure, if it's not worth our shot, then don't take it." Feng Hao pondered for a moment, although he was inclined to what Le Huang said, but don't do anything too extreme.

"Then let's see and talk." Le Huang shrugged his shoulders, anyway, he has never been a shy master.

A moment later, there was a little fluctuation again from the Hualongtan below them, a dazzling green light filled the world in an instant, like a beam of light, piercing the sky!

Accompanied by the appearance of the green light, there were bursts of dragon roars, which made people look shocked. This kind of thing is not ordinary at first glance!

"Why do I feel that this thing that is about to appear seems to have a lot of background." Le Huang closed his eyes slightly, and after searching for a while, he opened his eyes and said in astonishment.

"I think so too, I'm afraid this thing has an unusual origin." Feng Hao pondered, he vaguely felt a breath of vicissitudes from that green glow, as if it had passed through countless time and years!

Can something that has this kind of breath be so simple?

The next moment, as if to confirm the speculation of Feng Hao and others, the dazzling green light gradually disappeared, and the next moment an extremely deep green light appeared through the sky, rushing out of Hualongtan suddenly, like a roaring giant Dragon, with supreme coercion!

After the appearance of this deep green divine light, Feng Hao changed his color slightly. This kind of thing actually...has such a coercion! It is even the coercion standing side by side with the Supreme Divine Soldier!

"Damn it, this is the coercion of the Supreme Divine Weapon!"

Le Huang's eyes widened at the moment, he never thought that after the appearance of the Soul Jade, the second item would be the Supreme Divine Weapon! This is simply something that can't be found!

"No! It's not the Supreme Divine Weapon! But that aura... is more terrifying than the Supreme Divine Weapon!" The next moment,

Feng Hao's face suddenly changed slightly, he stared closely at the green light, and his heart was full of shock.

At first, he also thought it was the terrifying aura emanating from a Supreme Divine Weapon, but he soon discovered that the truth might not be as he expected, the coercion of a Supreme Divine Weapon is not as simple as that!

"Not the Supreme Divine Weapon??!"

Hearing what Feng Hao said, Le Huang and Nangong Wuji were also taken aback for a moment, they almost forgot to breathe, if it wasn't the Supreme Divine Weapon... then what could it be? ?

Is there a more terrifying existence than the Supreme Divine Weapon?

"Look first before talking, it's really unbelievable." Feng Hao murmured, his eyes had been locked on that green light all the time, trying to observe what it was, but the distance was too far away, but he couldn't see through it.

After a while, the green light gradually dimmed, like the piece of soul jade just now, quietly suspended in the sky above Hualongtan. Until this time, Feng Hao and the others could clearly see what this one was. !

This is a weapon similar to a long sword, but the blade is smooth and thick, and has no blade, even the top is flat, without any sense of sharpness. On its blade, there are many cumbersome symbols. Wen, with a faint green glow, looks even more mysterious!

"Is this a giant sword? It's such a strange sword, I've never seen it before." Nangong Wuji's eyes widened, and he looked at the weapon carefully, but found that he couldn't recognize what it was.

"That's a ruler! A ruler with a heavy ruler and no front!" Le Huang has so much knowledge, he immediately recognized the origin of this weapon. It is a heavy ruler. Looking at the whole Penglai world, there are not many people who use heavy rulers. Many, so it is also very unpopular.

"The two rather special runes above are obviously a kind of characters, do you know them?" Feng Hao looked carefully, and immediately saw that there were two rather special runes on the sword body , looks mysterious, and obviously has a lot of background.

When Yue Huang heard the words, he also looked at them carefully, then slowly shook his head and said: "I have never seen this kind of writing before, so I can't recognize it."

At the moment, De Fenghao was even more shocked. Even Le Huang couldn't recognize the characters, how old it is, and what era did this heavy ruler come from!

"That's Linglong, hence the name Siyi. This heavy ruler is called Linglong Immortal Ruler."

However, at this moment, Xiao Meng's voice came directly from Feng Hao's heart, telling Feng Hao the origin of these two characters.

"Linglong Fairy Ruler?!"

Feng Hao's heart was shocked, and he subconsciously asked: "Which era did this heavy ruler come from?"

But the strange thing is that Xiaomeng didn't answer any more questions, which made Feng Hao feel full of doubts, Linglong, Chi, but the most important thing is this fairy word!

At the moment, he also told Le Huang and Nangong Wuji the name of this heavy ruler, which surprised both of them, it was actually a fairy ruler, no wonder it was so extraordinary.

"Let the guy with the epee take away the fairy ruler, and he is the only one who can use it."

However, at this time, Xiaomeng's voice slowly came out again.

,--! ! !

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