Martial Inverse

Chapter 2614 All Appeared

Chapter 2614 All appeared

Nangong Wuji was undergoing a transformation, and apparently some unexpected things were happening outside, leaving De Fenghao and the others speechless for a while.

Because the real dragon's energy in Hualongtan was completely absorbed by him alone, the dense white mist around Hualongtan has gradually thinned out.

And as this happened, Hualongtan suddenly became lively. At first, nothing was discovered, but soon, Feng Hao felt that there were other people directly appearing in Hualongtan. !

And this kind of situation has not stopped, on the contrary, as time goes by, more and more people will appear here!

"It seems that once the third treasure is born, I'm afraid it will cause a bloody storm." Feng Hao looked at the strong men who appeared around, and smiled wryly.

"This is beyond my expectation." Le Huang shrugged his shoulders and said: "The disappearance of the real dragon's aura not only caused the fog around Hualongtan to dissipate, but even the entire Dragon Domain .”

"You mean, once the fog disappears, these strong men can easily find here?" Feng Hao asked doubtfully.

"It should be like this. They didn't show up before because the process took a little time, but now that time has passed, they can obviously find Hualongtan with ease." Le Huang chuckled: "But for us It’s not too bad to say, even if you didn’t get the third treasure.”

Feng Hao nodded when he heard the words, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, he absorbed the real dragon energy of the entire Hualongtan by himself, and as for Yuehuang, he obtained the soul jade, Nangong Wuji said this It is also in the process of accepting the master at the time, it is an exquisite fairy ruler, and its value is also incomparable.

Of course, if Nangong Wuji cannot complete the process of identifying the master, then Feng Hao and the others have no choice. Once that happens, let alone them, including everyone who appears here, they can leave Longyu directly up.

Because once no one can take away the second treasure, the third one will naturally not appear.

"I don't know why, I have a feeling." Yue Huang was silent for a moment, and said: "I feel like everything is arranged, and I always feel that something is wrong."

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, he raised his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, I can't say it, maybe I'm worrying too much." Le Huang shook his head, this feeling came out suddenly, it was his intuition, and he couldn't find the reason at all, he glanced around As more and more powerhouses appear, this feeling becomes even stronger.

But at this time, because there are more and more powerful people around here, apart from the previous eight people, there are already dozens of strong people gathered around Hualongtan at this time!

These people are not scary old monsters behind them, nor are they people who belong to the two giants, but their respective cultivation bases are not weak, and they are generally around the God Master Realm. Only Feng Hao is a freak, a Great Emperor Realm The existence of the Dragon Realm will participate in it.

"The real dragon spirit is gone, no wonder we came late!"

"The aura of the real dragon is gone, and there are still treasures! What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid it's too late,

I didn't see that before we appeared, several of them stood still. It was obvious that the treasure had appeared, but they couldn't take it away. "

At this time, the gathered crowd obviously had some shrewd people, and they could roughly distinguish the situation at this time with just a few glances, but they didn't know which treasure had appeared.

On this point, only Feng Hao Le Huang and others know, but obviously they will not say it.

"Look, there is a group of gods suspended in the midair, very strong fluctuations! Could it be a treasure?"

Apparently, someone noticed the existence of the Linglong Fairy Ruler, which immediately aroused the covetousness of many people, and they all showed coveted looks. After all, who can control themselves when the treasure is in front of them.

However, due to Le Huang's status, these people did not act excessively, but this time, many people's attention was immediately focused on Linglong Xianchi.

Some people even began to approach the direction of Linglong intentionally or unintentionally. This situation made De Fenghao and Lehuang slightly frowned. If this situation continues, it may not be good.

Because Nangong Wuji was in the process of recognizing the master, no one knew what he was going through at this time, if someone disturbed him casually, what would happen, even Feng Hao could not imagine.

"Let's go, it seems that we have to protect Nangong Wuji. Although I don't know how long this guy will last, but we can't let some unnecessary people harass him." Le Huang pondered for a moment and said to Feng Hao.

Feng Hao's face became more solemn, he nodded, and the figures of the two people suddenly moved, and they came directly from the original place to the vicinity of Linglong Xianchi.

The actions of Feng Hao and Le Huang were very obvious, which made many people's faces change slightly. They couldn't recognize Feng Hao, but they could know Le Huang's identity.

"Linglong Immortal Ruler really lives up to its reputation. This coercion alone is too much for many people to bear."

When they got close to the range of Linglong Xianchi, they obviously felt this majestic coercion, and they also smiled at Feng Hao at the moment.

Feng Hao nodded, he was naturally within the range of this coercion, and he said softly at the moment: "This is not a bad thing, at least it makes these people want to retreat."

Le Huang shook his head, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, people are always greedy, sometimes even if they know it is dangerous and it is not suitable to go, they will still take the risk.

"Those who come within a radius of ten miles will die!"

At the moment, in order to frighten this part, Le Huang also directly used the power in his body, making his voice echo continuously in the entire Hualongtan.

After Le Huang's words fell, many people turned their faces away. You must know that Le Huang is the second young master of Ling Xiaofeng, and even he said so. If you get closer at this time, you may be with him For the enemy.

Just imagine Le Huang's background, if you want to become an enemy of him, it will be a very tragic thing.

It has to be said that these words of Le Huang's are indeed very intimidating, making most people quiet down, even if they are coveted in their hearts, they dare not make excessively blatant actions.

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