Martial Inverse

Chapter 2625: The Culprit

Chapter 2625 The Culprit

"There are still such secret techniques? Wouldn't it be possible to find the deity through that puppet in black robes?" Feng Hao was also overjoyed at the moment, he knew very clearly that if he could find the deity of the other party, Then it is tantamount to finding the Dragon Ball.

"Huh? What about that figure?"

At that moment, Le Huang glanced at it in astonishment. He found that the figure of that puppet could no longer be found. The other party took advantage of the chaos and hid it directly again. In this way, it was almost impossible for them to find it. other side.

"He took advantage of the chaos and hid again!" Feng Hao gritted his teeth, narrowed his eyes slightly, and kept scanning past everyone present. Now the arena is in chaos, bloody battles continue Appear.

Originally, this kind of battle could have been avoided, but because of their respective greeds, it eventually turned into this kind of chaotic battle 1 Even they themselves don't know why they are fighting with the people in front of them. It's just that their hearts are full of killing at this time, and they subconsciously think that as long as they kill the person in front of them, they can take the Dragon Ball into their hands.

"This is not good news, that guy is too cunning." Le Huang also took a deep breath, and immediately said: "However, the four of us are in a position that can completely occupy the space in this area. It is shrouded in it, if someone wants to take the opportunity to leave, I am afraid it is not that simple."

Indeed, even though the powerhouses around Hualongtan fell into endless melee, Feng Hao and the others still did not panic. The four of them watched all this happen with cold eyes and did not intend to intervene.

Feng Hao nodded, his spiritual consciousness has been spreading out in the surrounding space, constantly searching for abnormal fluctuations, if he wants to take the opportunity to leave this place, then he must be unable to hide it from the eyes and ears of the four of them.

At the same time, Feng Hao also tried to contact Xiaomeng to see if Xiaomeng could provide some solutions, but this time Xiaomeng never responded at all, as if she had fallen asleep.

For this, Feng Hao was also quite helpless. At the moment, his sharp eyes kept scanning past. The chaotic battle situation made people sigh again and again. Feng Hao shook his head. Maybe these people will not know in the end After all, I have achieved others.


However, at this moment, Feng Hao's eyes paused slightly, and his eyes fell on a figure in a black robe in one corner. This figure was obviously very strange, and he did not participate in this chaotic battle. , but they have been avoiding, as if hiding as far away as possible.

"It's strange, you can still see this kind of person, haven't you been confused by the superficial phenomenon?" Feng Hao chuckled and shook his head, not avoiding his attention, his eyes moved away again, I want to find something wrong in the chaotic crowd.

However, at the moment when Feng Hao's eyes just moved away, the black figure he was watching before suddenly raised his head, revealing a pale face.

"Damn it, he almost found me." The murmured voice came from his mouth, and it was clear that there was a trace of blood on his palm, obviously he was the one who manipulated all this just now The mastermind behind the scenes, Dragon Ball is naturally in his hands.

He glanced around,

He found that although the battle situation was indeed as he had imagined, it was in a kind of chaos, and everyone was jealous, but it was not enough!

Because the positions of the four of Feng Hao are still the same, the positions of the four of them are very delicate, and they are not moved at all. As long as the four of them do not move, it is almost impossible for him to take advantage of the chaos to leave here. .

Moreover, he is also very clear that Feng Hao is very good at the power of space, and if he uses these methods in front of him, if he is not careful, he will show his feet.

Feng Hao and the others felt very solemn at this time, because as time went by, the battles in the arena became more and more exciting!

Up to now, some strong people have begun to fall directly. You must know that these are all the existence of the God Master Realm. The fierce battle to this level is really beyond their expectations.

"I'm afraid it's not appropriate to continue like this." Le Huang frowned, watching such an exciting battle situation, his brows were deeply furrowed.

"No way, even if you come forward, you can't stop this situation. Now they are so jealous, it doesn't matter who it is, even if you stand in front of them, I'm afraid they will directly attack you." Feng Hao sighed helplessly.

"Damn it, why is that guy hiding so well." Nangong Wuji gritted his teeth and said, this situation really made him feel powerless, the other party was like a mouse, never showing up.

"I can only wait and see if I can find something wrong." Le Huang also thought about it, facing the fierce and tragic situation in front of him, he was helpless.

"What's wrong?" Feng Hao was taken aback suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind, as if he had thought of something, his eyes became sharper immediately, and he kept scanning the crowd.

"Huh? Did you find something?" Le Huang was obviously taken aback when he saw Feng Hao's expression, and then he had some guesses in his heart.

"Just now I saw a man in black robe. He behaved a bit weirdly. He didn't participate in this chaotic battle. Instead, he kept avoiding various energies. It seemed that he didn't want to participate." Feng Hao frowned slightly. Frowning, he now wants to find the other party again, but he can't find it.

Hearing this, Nangong Wuji and Lehuang both looked at each other, showing expressions of astonishment. There is something wrong with this kind of person.

After all, they are all entering the Hualongtan at the moment, who is not here for the treasure, but this kind of behavior will inevitably make people suspicious.

"What do you mean? The person you saw is the culprit?" Le Huang hesitated for a moment before asking.

"It's not impossible. In short, find someone first." Feng Hao took a deep breath. If the other party is the culprit, it may not be impossible, because he is the only one who wants to find opportunities to leave here. Naturally, they will not participate in any battles.

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