Martial Inverse

Chapter 2631 Hard Fight

Chapter 2631 Hard Fight

This time Hualongtan was completely quiet, no one had any other thoughts, and the atmosphere became silent for a while.

Le Huang glanced around and took a deep breath. He didn't stop at the moment, and disappeared in place instantly. Even Feng Hao couldn't detect his disappearance.

"Huh?" Feng Hao raised his eyebrows, he has been paying attention to the movement of the two of them, but just now, even he himself could not catch how Le Huang disappeared.

"He was born able to control the power of the wind, and his sword, like the wind, is invisible." At this time, the shadow who had been silent all this time also spoke slowly.

"Perhaps what you see next is the real Emperor Yue."

Hearing what he said, Nangong Wuji's expression became more stable, and at the same time, a kind of fighting spirit burst out unconsciously in his eyes. He knew that in the previous fight, Le Huang and him did not show up. With all his strength, at this moment he finally had the opportunity to see Le Huang exerting all his strength, and he was also watching intently.

Both of them are kendo, if Lehuang belongs to the power of wind, then he represents the mountains, and the steady kendo just happens to be two extremes with Lehuang.

With the disappearance of Le Huang, Gu Lei obviously became more dignified, his body was suspended in the air again, but beside him, the double star puppet was like a patron saint.

The blood-red eyes of the two puppets kept scanning around, trying to find the trace of Le Huang, but it didn't seem to have much effect, as if Le Huang had completely disappeared.

At this moment, the robes of everyone present were fluttering slightly, Feng Hao suddenly raised his head, his face showed a look of astonishment, this is the wind!

Wind appeared in Hualongtan!

The next moment, Gu Lei's expression froze suddenly. He naturally knew the unusual thing. At that moment, he also directly made a strange handprint with both hands. At that moment, the two double star puppets directly sent out a strange feeling. The roar became more cautious.


When the breeze blows, it is accompanied by a dazzling sword light!

There was no sign before it appeared, it was as if this sword light was hidden in the wind, its speed was very fast, and it was so elegant that it was impossible to guess from which angle it fell!

At this time, Le Huang's figure was naturally revealed along with the appearance of the sword light. Feng Hao couldn't help but praise the sword when he saw the sword. It really took the help of the wind force to make his swordsmanship become Unpredictable.

When Gu Lei saw Le Huang appearing, he was naturally fearless. The next moment, the twin star puppets moved out together, and the two burly bodies like mountains blocked Le Huang's sword directly!

Just stop it directly! There is no skill, and there is no secret technique at all. For puppets, their most powerful lies in their unimaginably strong physical body!

Moreover, the energy in the puppets is enough for them to explode with terrifying power to fight. Under such circumstances, a terrifying puppet is equal to a fighting machine! And it is a fighting machine that does not feel pain and will not feel tired!

The Hongchen sword suddenly pierced the space, but one of the two star puppets directly stretched out its palm,

Caught the sword with bare hands!

Dazzling sparks flashed suddenly, Le Huang's figure froze suddenly, his face was solemn, the palm holding Hongchen Sword was trembling constantly, he found that he couldn't continue to slash down!

Although it was guessed in advance that the double star puppet was extremely stiff, it was not expected to be this level!

The casting material of the Hongchen Sword is also not weak, and coupled with the energy blessing of Le Huang, it can't fall anymore. One can imagine how terrifying this puppet is.

"Jie Jie, it's useless, unless there is an existence of the supreme level, it will be able to completely destroy the double star puppets, and you can't do it at all!" At this time, Gu Lei also chuckled, but he said this While speaking, he also coughed a few times, and immediately covered his mouth with the palm of his hand.

The sharp-eyed Feng Hao vaguely saw a little red seep out of Gu Lei's palm, which was obviously blood. Seeing this scene, Feng Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, it seemed that this guy wanted to manipulate this terrible Puppet, the price to pay is also quite a lot.

This is obvious, once manipulating the twin-star puppet, it can be said that it is too difficult to deal with it in the God Master Realm, even if it is Le Huang, it does not have this ability.

"Be careful, this puppet has a weirdness, it can absorb the vitality of others, don't be touched by you!"

Suddenly, Feng Hao's sound transmission fell into Le Huang's ears, Le Huang's eyes tightened at the moment, and he was about to punch further, when Feng Hao's sound transmission abruptly stopped.

With a click, Le Huang took a lot of effort to forcefully withdraw the Hongchen Sword from the palm of the Double Star Puppet, and took a few steps back, revealing a dignified expression.

Facing the double star puppet, he almost didn't know how to do it!

However, it was too late for him to think too much. Under Gu Lei's control, the two star puppets took a step forward together, and the violent breath erupted directly, and the two puppets also shot directly!

Facing the attack of the double-star puppets, Le Huang also had to avoid the edge temporarily, because Feng Hao had just told him that the double-star puppets could devour life, and he couldn't rashly fight against the two puppets before he was sure to deal with them. The opponent fights.

This time, the situation became more interesting. Le Huang couldn't continue to attack at all, and could only dodge blindly.

"Jie Jie, why, don't you even have the ability to fight back?" Gu Lei laughed when he saw this scene, and then said solemnly: "If you want to rely on such behavior, you think you can use up the puppet's energy , that is almost impossible, I am afraid that the power of the puppet will not be exhausted by then, and you will be exhausted to death!"

In order for a puppet to be manipulated, in addition to artificial control, it also needs enough power energy. This is everything that supports the puppet, and it is also the most important thing for a puppet.

The usual method is to forcefully consume the energy of the puppet. When the power energy in the puppet's body is completely exhausted, even if someone is still manipulating the puppet, it will not be able to exert its previous power!

But this is not a problem at all for the double star puppet.

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