Martial Inverse

Chapter 2637: The Anger of Returning to 1

Chapter 2647 Unified Anger

However, even though Lehuang and the others didn't want to face the immortal Guiyi, they had to face it after all, and Elder Tianyi also appeared again at this time, seeing that Lehuang and the others were all safe and sound. After the incident happened, he was completely relieved.

"Hey, isn't this Guiyi? Why? My young master can't enter Longyu?"

Tianyi also smiled lightly at this time, this Dragon Realm was not opened by your Xuandao Valley, we will come whenever we want.

Gui Yi's gloomy eyes paused on Feng Hao's body, obviously he still harbored resentment towards Feng Hao, which gave Feng Hao a headache, it's not a good thing for such a terrifying existence to miss him.

"Of course, I just remember that when I entered the Dragon Realm, there was no Young Master Le. Could it be that he entered in disguise?" Gui Yi sneered and countered directly: "The second young master of Lingxiao Peak, when will It’s also fallen to this level.”

Faced with Gui Yi's irony, Tian Yi raised his eyebrows, he naturally couldn't stand it anymore, but at this moment Le Huang waved his hand, telling Elder Tian Yi not to engage in unnecessary fights.

Seeing Le Huang's expression, it was obvious that not only Elder Tianyi was shocked, but even the parties involved were a little baffled. According to Le Huang's personality, he wouldn't just let it go.

"In order to avoid the troubles of certain organizations, I have to cover up my whereabouts." Yue Huang took a deep breath, and immediately said calmly.

Regarding Le Huang's explanation, Elder Tianyi frowned slightly, and instinctively sensed something was wrong, but he didn't know what happened.

"In the world of Penglai, who dares to attack Ling Xiaofeng's people? Young Master Le hasn't seen him for a while, so he would be joking." Gui Yi shook his head. Although he couldn't understand Le Huang, his tone of voice It's still full of sarcasm.

"Elder Guiyi, you can't pretend that you don't know about the existence of immortals. There are some things that are enough for each other to know, and there is no need to expose them." Under such circumstances, how could he be so silent.

Seeing what Le Huang said, Gui Yi was obviously taken aback. After a while, Gui Yi seemed to have lost interest in mocking Le Huang, and immediately snorted coldly, wanting to turn around and leave.

"Slow down, Senior Guiyi."

However, at this moment, Yue Huang stopped calling Gui Yi.

"What's the matter?" Gui Yi turned around slowly, and looked at Le Huang inexplicably, why did he feel that there was something wrong with Le Huang today.

"There is something that I must tell you." Le Huang said seriously, he looked into Gui Yi's eyes calmly, and said, "Your son, Gui Lin colluded with the immortals."

When we got back together, we were taken aback at first, but then we realized that we laughed, and looked at Le Huang with eyes like looking at a fool, and said: "Young Master Le, I think you are crazy, there are some things that cannot be said indiscriminately. !"

"I don't need to lie to you about this, and your son Gui Lin has already died in the hands of the guardian of the immortal organization."

Le Huang finally told the story, after all, if he wanted to hide it, he couldn't hide it, so he might as well just say it outright.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became silent.

The smile on Gui Yi's face gradually froze, and the initial expression in his eyes gradually changed into a kind of disbelief, and finally anger!

"What did you say!?"

At that moment, Gui Yi's voice suddenly exploded like a thunderbolt, shaking the entire Vientiane Mountain Range. His vision immediately attracted the attention of many other strong men.

These people all entered Longyu with disciples or the young masters of the sect, but they soon discovered that since Feng Hao and others appeared, there were only more than 20 people who appeared again. After that, no one else can appear in Longyu!

Immediately, the atmosphere in the Vientiane Mountains became a little tense, and some people gradually fell silent, but the aura in their bodies gradually became violent.

At this time, those who have not yet come out have only one explanation, that is, there is no chance to come out again.

"Your son Guilin is a traitor from Xuandao Valley! He colluded with the guardians of the immortal organization and wanted to harm me inside, but was repelled by us together. The guardians of the immortal organization directly killed people to put blame on him!"

Le Huang also calmed down for a while, and said it directly, without any pause, because some things are not happy without talking, and it is too uncomfortable to hold back.

"Nonsense! How is it possible!"

Guiyi's first reaction was that it was obviously impossible. How could his son be the protector who colluded with the immortal organization? Once this matter is true, the fun will be great. You must know that Xuan Dao Valley and the Immortal Organization are deadly enemies, and it is still the kind that cannot be resolved.

"Believe it or not is up to you. I've told you about this." Le Huang simply shrugged his shoulders. Anyway, he didn't expect Gui Yi to believe it at all. He just told this matter to avoid what would happen in the future. Trouble happens.

"Believe?" Gui Yi's expression suddenly became ferocious, he stared closely at Le Huang and said, "How do you make me believe it!? You must have killed Lin'er and then slandered him! Are you The young master of Ling Xiaofeng is actually able to do such a thing!!!"

Now, seeing Gui Yi's words, Le Huang suddenly became restless. He himself is the victim. How come Gui Yi said that he became the murderer?

"Senior Guiyi, let me tell you once again that this matter is absolutely true, and the people around me can also confirm that they were all present when your son united with the immortal organization to deal with me, and your son also admitted it himself!" Le The emperor frowned and said, not in the slightest afraid of the terrifying aura that Gui Yi was emanating from his body at this moment.

"I haven't settled this matter with you Xuandao Valley yet, but you're accusing me instead." Le Huang sneered again and again.

"It's just a few of you? Together, you killed my son and slandered him!" Guiyi was filled with anger at this moment, and he couldn't accept this fact at all.

In his subconscious judgment, Feng Hao and others must have joined forces to harm his son. In order to clear up the suspicion, they still slandered him like this. How can such things make him not angry!

"Lin'er must have obtained some treasure. You are jealous of him, so you killed him!" Gui Yi's voice trembled, obviously extremely angry.

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