Martial Inverse

Chapter 2639 Chaos in the Vientiane Mountains

Chapter 2639 Chaos in Vientiane Mountains

As for the Vientiane Mountains, it was already in extreme chaos at this time. Except for Gu Lei and his son who had left, no one could leave this place for the time being under the complete blockade of Yu Guiyi's aura.

"You are not my opponent, I only want their lives!"

Guiyi's face was full of chills, his eyes filled with endless anger, staring closely at Tianyi who blocked him in front of him, he did not hide the naked killing intent in his heart at all.

"Your son is in collusion with the immortal organization. I think you know better than me how serious this matter is. As for what Wei Junzi said, you are really stupid. I believe it. If it were me, I would shoot it with my own hands." If I killed your son, would I be stupid enough to tell you?"

Tianyi faced such a strong Guiyi, but he had no fear in his heart, he glanced at Guiyi coldly: "You are just blinded by anger now, and you are not afraid of our young master. He is biased and wants to take this opportunity to kill him."

After these words fell, it was a pity that De Guiyi did not calm down. He smiled angrily and said: "Even if you are right, so what, now the facts are in front of you, Le Huang is the one who killed Lin'er murderer."

"Noisy, the more you live, the more confused you become."

Seeing Tianyi being so stubborn at this moment, even Nangong Wuji, who is good-tempered, couldn't help cursing angrily, isn't this simply nonsense.

"Stop talking nonsense, since you want to stop me, I'll kill you too!" Guiyi roared angrily, causing the entire Vientiane Mountains to vibrate, and violent energy continued to spread out.

This is the real Supreme!

It is not an exaggeration to say that when the Supreme One was angry, he shook the world and moved mountains and rivers.

"Young master, back off."

Seeing Gui Yi's aura, Tian Yi's face became extremely serious, and he also gave instructions to Le Huang, and then he also directly took a step to fight Gui Yi.


A shocking explosion sounded suddenly, and the battle between the two peerless powerhouses had already begun, but the cultivation base of the two people was higher than most of the people present, and almost no one could see Gui Yi clearly. The scene of fighting against Tianyi.

Even Feng Hao couldn't do this.

"Hey, this is Supreme, it's really scary." Nangong Wuji was a little shocked, looking at the two afterimages that appeared in midair from time to time, and the ever-present terrifying energy fluctuations, he felt a bit of fear in his heart.

"Isn't your master also Supreme? Why are you making such a fuss?" Le Huang glanced at Nangong Wuji with contempt. This guy must have too little experience.

"Don't mention my master's old man, I haven't seen him make a move before." Nangong Wuji said helplessly, then glanced around, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Look this time, let me alone Appeared, he didn't know where he was going to be happy."

"Haha, don't say that, Mr. Jian Zun won't just trust you like this, maybe he is really watching you from a certain corner, and when you are really in danger, he will naturally appear " Feng Hao laughed, and immediately explained that there is no need to question this point, Nangong Wuji is the direct disciple of Jian Zun, no matter how careless he is during this trip to Longyu, he will not just watch his disciple fall into the trap. in danger.

"What are you afraid of, my father has already rushed over at this time, and even if Gui Yi is old and immortal, he won't be able to make troubles." Le Huang said angrily, this Gui Yi is simply unreasonable, insisting that he is The murderer who killed Gui Lin.

Hearing what Le Huang said, Feng Hao and Nangong Wuji looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief. Although the sky was not as good as returning to one, at least it could be delayed for a while. As long as Le Huang's father appeared, then There is no need to worry anymore.

"Compared to waiting for the suzerain to appear, I think there is something more important in front of me."

But at this time, the shadow who had been keeping silent behind Le Huang spoke slowly, as if the words implied something, and as expected, when the shadow said these words, Le Huang and Feng Hao looked at each other , they all set their sights on Wei Junzi not far away.

"Indeed, some people... just can't tolerate him living in this world."

"I was soft just now, and this time I won't let him have a chance to live again."

Nangong Wuji turned his head, glanced at Wei Junzi, and nodded, "This guy is really annoying."

However, at this moment, Wei Junzi also noticed several cold gazes on him, and he was shocked at the moment. When he saw that it was Le Huang and others, he became even more frightened.

The reason why he was able to live was entirely because he pretended to be dead during the chaos, hid in the pile of corpses, and waited for Feng Hao and others to leave before he dared to appear.

His own cultivation has been completely abolished, and he is no different from an ordinary person. It took a lot of effort to leave Hualongtan abruptly.

However, his heart was full of reluctance, and he was extremely jealous and hated for Yue Huang and others to seize the treasure, but he was always thinking of opportunities to take revenge on Le Huang.

It has to be said that this Wei Junzi really has no specialties other than intrigue and scheming, even in the state of becoming a useless person, he is not reconciled.

Finally, he saw an opportunity, and that was Gui Lin's death!

However, he didn't know that Gui Yi was at odds with Le Huang and the others, but seeing Le Huang's furious expression, he had a poisonous plan in his heart, and he simply accused Le Huang of being the murderer, anyway, he is in this state now If Le Huang made him feel bad, then he couldn't make Le Huang feel good.

But when Le Huang really had the killing intent in his heart, Wei Junzi regretted it, and he kept backing away, but how could Le Huang let him go like this.

"Run? Are you running? Let's see where you're going. It's cool to accuse me, isn't it? If you don't beat you up, you'll feel uncomfortable. Let's see who else will save you this time!" Le Huang cursed angrily.

As for Wei Junzi, he longed to kill him, but due to the face of his master, it was difficult to do so. This time, Wei Junzi's slander made him unable to bear it anymore, so he simply beheaded him regardless of everything else. Forget it.

Even if his master pursues it in the future, it will be just a mistake. Could it be that he can still do something about Le Huang?

Thinking of this, Le Huang and the others sneered.

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