Martial Inverse

Chapter 2644 Repression!

Chapter 2644 Repression!

In an instant, Feng Hao, Le Huang, Ying Ying and the other three had already shot like thunder, and the momentum created was quite astonishing, which almost caused many ripples in this space, as if Can't bear the coercion erupted by these three people joining forces.

"Huh? The law of space, what kind of power is there?"

At the moment, Wei Junzi's master also looked at Feng Hao in confusion. He felt an unprecedented feeling in Feng Hao's body. It seemed that there was a mysterious law in Feng Hao's body, which made him unable to guess. .

This is naturally another law manipulated by Feng Hao. Compared with the law of space, the law of time appears quite few times. If it is not known about the existence of this law, no one will remember it at all. There is another kind of law. The law is completely above the law of space!

Master Wei Junzi couldn't bear to think too much, the three of them teamed up and were already facing him, and his expression didn't change at the moment, he just raised his palm lightly, and then slapped it down hard!


A loud noise, just such a simple palm, immediately brought an illusion to Feng Hao and others, as if the falling palm was not as simple as a palm, but a mountain!

A kind of depressive fluctuation came oncoming immediately, and the terrifying offensive created by Feng Hao and the three together, collapsed immediately in front of this palm without the slightest pause.

Feng Hao's face suddenly turned aside. He subconsciously felt that there was an invisible force imprisoning him around his body. The other party was only a chapter, but it was really impressive to be able to bring such coercion to them. unimaginable.

"This is the power of the Supreme Realm, how can you people compete?!"

At the moment, Wei Junzi's master laughed. Although Feng Hao and the three of them are almost invincible to ordinary people, they are not worth mentioning in front of him!

The Supreme is the Supreme, and the Divine Lord is the Divine Lord. The gap between the two is simply a world of difference. Even if what he descends on is just a divine thought, the power that can be unleashed is simply beyond what the other party can imagine. .

In an instant, Feng Hao's face paled a lot, his body was like a kite with a broken string, and he shot backwards, facing Master Wei Junzi, they couldn't bear even one blow !

The existence of the Supreme Realm is so terrifying!

"Oops, I really underestimated the other party's cultivation. Even if it's a divine sense, I'm afraid it's not something we can fight against." Feng Hao abruptly paused in the mid-air and stepped out of his own figure, his face becoming extremely ugly.

Originally, he thought that the other party was just a divine thought, even if it was the supreme one, but not the true deity. With the cooperation of the three of them on his side, at least he could delay it for a while, but only now did he realize how naive this idea was.

Especially when it comes to thinking that the Linglong fairy ruler was able to withstand the blow of the supreme being just now, this is also a terrifying thing, no wonder this guy has greed for the Linglong fairy ruler!

"Feng Hao, are you okay?"

But at this time, the situation of the two Lehuangs is not much better. In the face of Master Wei Junzi's coercion, he can't take any action at all. Just now Master Wei Junzi just launched an attack on Feng Hao.

He didn't do anything to Le Huang.

"I'm fine, but I'm afraid I'm in big trouble now." Feng Hao took a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the boiling blood in his body, and then said slowly.

"This guy is too scary. The existence of the supreme level is actually such an unshakable existence. What should we do?" Shadow also said solemnly. This situation is very bad for them.

"Hand over that Linglong fairy ruler, and you may not die."

At this time, Master Wei Junzi saw that he had succeeded in one blow and forced the three of them back abruptly. He glanced at the three of them coldly, and finally his eyes fell on Nangong Wuji. Obviously, the target was still Linglongxian. ruler.

"I told you, don't keep thinking about it. You don't feel ashamed if you take action against the younger generation." Le Huang immediately began to scold him. This shameless guy really has a master if he has an apprentice.

"If you speak wild words again, don't blame the old man for being rude, even if you are the second young master of Ling Xiaofeng, I will kill you here!"

Faced with Yue Huang's insults, Master Wei Junzi's expression became ugly, and he said fiercely.

"It's really not good, I will do it. If I force it, I can use the Linglong Xianru once again to see if I can cause any harm to him this time." At this time, Nangong Wuji also walked up slowly, his face still the same. Pale, but the footsteps are not as vain as before.

"It's useless, the Linglong Immortal Ruler consumes too much energy, and you can't use it a second time at all in your current state." Feng Hao shook his head, glanced at the pale Nangong Wuji and said.

"Under this situation, I don't know how long we can delay!" Le Huang also gritted his teeth and said in a low voice. Facing a supreme divine mind, the pressure is so huge. Now he finally understands the difference between the two. gap between.

At the moment, Yue Huang couldn't help but glanced at the place where Elder Tianyi and Guiyi were, and found that the space where the two of them were was filled with two terrifying energies without any overflow. But it can feel the danger contained in it.

Obviously, the battle between the two of them is far from over so quickly, but they can't hold on for long. It seems that as long as Master Wei Junzi strikes again, they will completely lose the ability to resist.

A supreme being is enough to make the four of them completely lose their ability to resist! !

This is not fear, but lack of ability, the difference is too great, even at this time, Feng Hao still did not give in, he stared at Wei Junzi's master silently, there was a kind of madness in his eyes His expression flashed by.

Seemingly aware of the crazy meaning in Feng Hao's eyes, Wei Junzi's master couldn't help but look at Feng Hao a few more times, thinking it was a provocation, and immediately smiled lightly: "You think you group of ants, Do you still have the ability to resist? Hand over the Linglong fairy ruler, or die!"

Regarding his tough attitude, although Le Huang and the others felt angry, there was no way for them to do anything. They really didn't have the ability to shake a supreme being, even the divine sense.

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