Martial Inverse

Chapter 2649: Arrival

Chapter 2649 Arrival

Seeing Gui Yi's attack, the majestic momentum has already enveloped the entire place, Feng Hao and others felt that it was very difficult to breathe, but at this moment, a subtle fluctuation came from a distance.


At this time, Gui Yi suddenly paused, his face changed from the previous sternness to a deep fear, he stepped back again and again, showing a look of vigilance.

Because, he knew very well that at this time, there were already other strong men descending suddenly, and their breath was not weak. They should belong to his own level, and obviously, they belonged to Ling Xiaofeng!

But Yue Huang and the others also came to their senses after hesitating for a while, and they also noticed the appearance of another breath.

"Is it your father??"

Feng Hao's spiritual sense was the first to notice the tyranny of this energy, and he was taken aback for a moment. He turned around and asked Le Huang, if it is, then naturally there is nothing to worry about, but...if it is not, they will completely troublesome.

"That's right, it's definitely my father." Le Huang was also pleasantly surprised, and his expression was completely relaxed. In his opinion, with his own father appearing, there will be no such so-called dangerous situation today.

"The suzerain has arrived." Shadow also nodded to confirm.

"I was scared to death. Fortunately, the old man from your family came here at the last moment." Nangong Wuji also directly put away the Heaven-shattering Sword in his hand, with a relaxed expression on his face.

A moment later, a figure quietly appeared in front of Le Huang, there was no extremely strong energy fluctuation, even Feng Hao and others didn't see clearly how he appeared, as if he appeared in an instant In front of oneself and others.

"Le Xiao, it's you!!!"

Gui Yi's expression also changed suddenly, he did not expect that it would be Ling Xiaofeng's suzerain and also Le Huang's biological father appearing! This time, he had no chance at all.

Le Huang's father, also known as Le Xiao, after he appeared, scanned his surroundings, and found that Tian Yi was fighting against Wei Junzi's master, so he also frowned.

"Prince, what happened here?"

Le Xiao didn't take a second look at Gui Yi, but turned around directly and asked Le Huang slowly.

At the moment, Le Huang also told the whole thing in detail, without any concealment, and without any exaggeration, everything he told was the truth.

"Nonsense, Le Huang, you killed my son with your own hands, and now you still want to spit blood on people!!!" Gui Yi's eyes turned red immediately, he simply couldn't accept this.

"Are you sure that Gui Lin was killed by Emperor Xuan himself?" Le Xiao still ignored Gui Yi, and asked again to confirm.

"That's right, Gui Lin colluded with the people from the Immortal Organization, but in the end they killed Gui Lin with their own hands in order to keep the secret and at the same time blame us." Le Huang nodded.

"Okay, leave the rest of this time to me." Le Xiao said indifferently, and at the same time said to himself: "This fairy organization has become more courageous, and it actually wants to attack Ling Xiaofeng!"

A faint sentence, but it is full of the anger in Le Xiao's heart at this time,

After all, before this incident happened, his daughter was also attacked by the immortal organization and almost died, which made him not angry.

"Le Xiao, what on earth do you want!?" Seeing that Le Xiao hadn't looked at him directly from the beginning to the end, Gui Yi almost exploded with anger. How could this guy treat him like this?


Le Xiao finally glanced at Gui Yi, a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Just what qualifications do you have to ask me? Go away!"

Le Xiao's words, not to mention Gui Yi himself, even Le Huang and the others were shocked, the other party was a supreme being, to let him go, this Le Xiao was really crazy.

"Your father is awesome." Feng Hao could only silently give a thumbs up, no doubt feeling more relieved by Le Xiao's behavior.

"Haha, I just like your father's personality, introduce me later??" Nangong Wuji grinned and said, seeing Guiyi's face flushed with anger, he really felt relieved.

Le Huang took the back of his head and smiled, his father was so strong that he really exceeded his expectations.

"Your son killed my son, and you still want me to leave?!" Gui Yi laughed angrily, "Is your Ling Xiaofeng so arrogant!?"

"The emperor killed your son?" Le Xiao glanced at him, and couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Show evidence or witnesses, don't talk nonsense if you don't have it, I also said that your son colluded with the immortal organization to harm Ling Xiaofeng, this matter I haven't settled with you yet!"

Faced with Le Xiao's rebuttal, and what he said in a high-sounding way, Gui Yi was so angry that he didn't know what to say!

"Don't worry, today's matter will not be just let go. I will go to Xuandao Valley in person. The matter of your son colluding with the immortal organization will not end so easily!"

Le Xiao also sneered, and immediately waved his hand and said, "Get out, don't let me see you."

Another scrolling word made Gui Yi helpless, and at the same time, a kind of panic was born in his heart, because if Le Xiao's words made Le Xiao go to the Xuandao Valley in person, I am afraid that this matter would happen. It's being made a big deal!

Because of Le Xiao's status, he is the suzerain of Lingxiao Peak, and the person who will meet him at that time will definitely be the valley owner of Xuandao Valley, or even some other Supreme Elders, colluding with immortals. Those who know about it will inevitably alarm the ruler.

And when the time comes, this matter will be thoroughly investigated! To be honest, Guiyi is not clear about the authenticity of this matter, if he really finds out something by then, then he will also get into big trouble!

In Xuandao Valley, the biggest enemy is the immortal organization, which has been passed down from generation to generation. Once it is thoroughly investigated now, if Gui Lin really colluded with the people of the immortal organization, then this matter will definitely be Startled the ruler.

This time, even Gui Yi was dumbfounded, he didn't know how to end it, he could only just stand there blankly.

At this time, Le Xiao didn't continue to pay attention to Gui Yi, but instead turned his attention to Tian Yi and the two who were fighting not far away, and asked in confusion, "Why did that guy fight Tian Yi?"

At the moment, Le Huang also told other things dumbfoundingly, including the things that Wei Junzi slandered them later.

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