Martial Inverse

Chapter 2651 If you have the ability, you can move anyone

Chapter 2651 If you have the ability, you can move anyone

Faced with Master Wei Junzi's tone, Le Xiao didn't get angry, but looked at him with almost idiotic eyes, and said calmly: "Yes, as long as you dare to bear the consequences of moving him."

As soon as this sentence came out, Master Wei Junzi was taken aback. He suddenly remembered that he hadn't figured out the identity of the other party until now. He only knew the identity of Le Huang, but for Feng Hao And Nangong Wuji's identity is unknown.

"I forgot to tell you that his master is Master Jian. I don't think there is any need to introduce him. If you have the ability, anyone can do it. I won't stop you." The corner of Le Xiao's mouth slightly raised Said with a contemptuous smile.

When the words "Jian Zun" appeared in Master Wei Junzi's ears, his expression was obviously stunned. He didn't expect that Nangong Wuji's identity was not weak, Jian Zun!

A strong man who once ruled an era, but behind him is hiding in the world of mortals, but his disciple has appeared this time, how dare he attack the disciple of Sword Master?

This idea, even Master Wei Junzi himself felt extremely ridiculous in an instant. Just kidding, once Master Jian knows that he did it himself, I am afraid that there will be no place for him in the world of Penglai in the future.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you one thing." Le Xiao seemed to have done it on purpose, and said in a neutral manner: "As for the other young man, he is a person who is valued by both the Supreme Being and the Supreme Being. Personal disciple, you can move if you have the ability."

These words shocked Master Wei Junzi even more, he didn't know what to say for a while, why are these guys bigger than the other? One sword master is fine, but there is actually another ancient existence that can involve such ancient existences as the Primordial Master and the Supreme Master of Good and Evil!

Whether it is the Sword Master, the Primordial Master, or the Supreme Good and Evil, these three are existences comparable to those who dominate the power of the two giants today, even if he is given ten guts, he will not dare to move these thoughts.

Seeing Master Wei Junzi's paler face, Le Xiao smiled lightly, "It's not that I'm stopping you, if you have the ability, you can do whatever you want with these two people, but what are the consequences..."

Seeing Le Xiao's actions, Feng Hao and Nangong Wuji also looked at each other, both of them wry smiles, what is this, it scared Master Wei Junzi so much that he didn't dare to do anything.

Immediately, the field fell into silence, and even the rest of the powerhouses turned their serious eyes on Feng Hao and Nangong Wuji after being astonished. These two guys have such big backgrounds.

A sword master, a primordial primordial being, and a supreme being of good and evil, no matter who these three people are, they are the existences of an era!

Master Wei Junzi didn't even know what to say at the moment, he just looked at Feng Hao and the two in a daze, regretting in his heart, if he had known that these two people were so powerful, he would not have stepped into this muddy water.

At this moment, he was also annoyed at the apprentice who died early, if it wasn't for him, why would there be so many troubles.

"How about it? Think about it, either get out or do it, I will never stop you."

Le Xiao's attitude was very strong, he didn't give him the slightest bit of face, he either got out now, or he had the guts to attack these two people.

All of a sudden, Wei Junzi's master suddenly became extremely painful,

Looking at the eyes of the other strong men around him waiting to watch the show, he suddenly felt ashamed, but he couldn't help it, did he really dare to do it?

A Sword Master, a Supreme Being of Good and Evil, and a Supreme Being of Primal Origin, no matter who they are, he cannot afford to offend them.

In the end, Master Wei Junzi also gritted his teeth. He could only admit that he was unlucky, and immediately left the Vientiane Mountains without saying a word, not daring to make any stop at all.

"Haha, this old guy is actually so bullying and fearful." Seeing the back of the other party fleeing in embarrassment, Le Huang immediately smiled heartily, releasing all the grievances in his heart.

"This old man, if he had known this earlier, it would be fine to scare him to death with the fame of my old man. Why bother to spend so much effort?" Nangong Wuji also grinned, but he didn't expect that his master would actually be here Penglai mainland also has such a reputation.

"It's useless for us to say it. It depends on who said it from." Feng Hao said all his thoughts, and he also figured out the key point at the moment. In this situation, Wei Junzi's master will not give up because of this.

The main reason is that this time, it was Le Xiao who said in person that there was a lot of pressure on this invisible child, so that he had to let it go, otherwise, if he stayed, he would either be ashamed or offend those three existences.

Obviously, Wei Junzi's master could only run away in despair.

Tian Yi next to him was also speechless for a while, unexpectedly, the originally complicated matter would be easily resolved in Le Xiao's hands, and he could only sigh at the moment.

Le Xiao looked at Master Wei Junzi's back, shook his head, and flashed a look of contempt. This kind of people probably won't do much in this life, so they scared away with a few words.

At that moment, Le Xiao turned around, glanced at Le Huang and the others, and nodded, then saw the dumbfounded Gui Yi, and sneered, "Still leaving? Could it be that you still want me to personally Take you back to Xuandao Valley?"

As soon as these words came out, De Guiyi immediately came back to his senses. Hearing Le Xiao's words, he shuddered unconsciously. He didn't dare to stay any longer and left directly. here.

Now, in Gui Yi's heart, the most troublesome thing is whether it is true that his son colluded with the immortal organization. If it is true, he may not be able to escape the relationship.

In Xuan Dao Valley, this kind of crime would implicate the nine clans! Even if his son is already dead, this kind of behavior has caused great harm to Xuan Dao Valley, someone must be responsible for it, and when the time comes, even if he is the Supreme Elder, he will not be able to escape at all.

"Others should do whatever they want. It doesn't make any sense for the Vientiane Mountains to stay." Le Xiao immediately glanced at the other strong men, and shook his hand, telling them to leave.

Although these people also had some old monsters among them, they had nothing to do with Le Xiao's strength. Even if they knew that the treasures of this trip to Longyu were on Feng Hao and others, they could only give up.

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