Martial Inverse

Chapter 2655: Leave 1 alive

This horrifying scene deeply shocked everyone present, even Feng Hao and the others couldn't help but be dumbfounded, Le Xiao was just a blow!

One blow actually has such a terrifying effect, it is really terrifying.

"He... he is Le Xiao! The suzerain of Ling Xiaofeng!"

The leader at the moment also recognized this ordinary person suddenly, who is it? Le Xiao's method just now combined the power of wind and the power of space, but in Ling Xiaofeng, who can The only person who can manipulate these two kinds of power at the same time is the current suzerain, Le Xiao!

This time, the only surviving group of black robes were terrified. They didn't expect that they couldn't help but kicked a big iron board!

"Damn Xuanhuang!!!! I will never let you go!"

At that moment, the leader of the black-robed man also roared angrily to the sky. The damned Le Huang gave them the information that there is only one inferior supreme, but in fact there is still a terrifying existence like Le Xiao!

They come to many people, and they are automatically sent to death!

"If you have time to complain, why don't you think about whether you can survive!" Le Xiao sneered, the move just now had already killed this group of black-robed men.

There are dozens of strong men, but only six of them are still standing! And among these six people, only the leader of the Supreme Realm is slightly better, and the other five people are all injured.

Under such circumstances, they simply cannot continue to fight any longer, but in fact, as Le Xiao said, the most important thing for them right now is how to survive!

In this situation, I can't blame Xuanhuang's intelligence for mistakes. If Xuanhuang hadn't killed Gui Lin before leaving, naturally there would be no follow-up events, and without these events, Le Xiao would definitely not have appeared In Vientiane Mountains.

It can be said to be self-inflicted retribution. If Emperor Xuan knew that he had just killed Gui Lin, which caused the elites of these immortal organizations to die here, I don't know what kind of expression he would have.

"six people."

Le Xiao spoke lightly, glanced at the six people, and said, "Only one person can survive, you can choose for yourself."

Obviously, Le Xiao didn't intend to kill them all. Since this time the immortal organization not only attacked Xuandao Valley, but also Ling Xiaofeng, they would not let go as the suzerain of Ling Xiaofeng.

He wanted to fight back fiercely, to let Xian know that Ling Xiaofeng was not so easy to deal with, and those who moved Ling Xiaofeng would have to pay a heavy price!

Moreover, Le Xiao also has his own plan in mind, if he can leave a living person, and let this living person point out that Gui Lin is a traitor, then he can avoid a lot of trouble.

At first, when Le Xiao heard that Gui Lin had colluded with the immortals, to be honest, he was also shocked. Even the Xuan Dao Valley was infiltrated. You must know that Gui Lin's status in the Xuan Dao Valley is not low. , even Xuandao Valley is like this, let alone Ling Xiaofeng.

He wants to take this opportunity to severely dampen the spirit of the immortal organization, and try to see if there is any immortal power to penetrate into Ling Xiaofeng.

This move is killing three birds with one stone.

And it was the people from the immortal organization who automatically delivered it to the door.

Listening to Le Xiao's words, the remaining six people all looked at each other, and suddenly fell silent. This situation fell into Feng Hao's eyes, but he was slightly astonished. It seems that within the immortal organization, there is no Everyone is loyal.

"Don't be surprised. The way the immortal organization attracts talents is firstly to lure and secondly to intimidate. Except for their real insiders, other powerful recruits will not take the immortal organization too seriously. If they choose in front of their lives, they will definitely choose to betray the immortal."

Le Huang saw the puzzled look in Feng Hao's eyes at this time, and immediately guessed what he was thinking, shrugged his shoulders, and explained to him.

"That's the way it is, but it's not without their reasons that the immortal organization can survive so far. I'm afraid they still have some other restrictions on them. If they betray the immortal rashly, then they will not live long." Thoughtful.

"Well, you guessed right, there is a kind of Gu in the body of everyone in the immortal organization. Once you betray the immortal, then the ruler of the immortal can, with a single thought, no matter how far apart, It can kill the traitor instantly." Le Huang also sighed.

"This kind of Gu shouldn't be too difficult for your father, right?" Feng Hao said with a relaxed smile and glanced at Le Xiao's back.

"Well, Supreme's method must be able to solve it easily. Presumably the reason why he left a living is probably to prepare for going to Xuandao Valley after a while." Le Huang smiled and said, as expected of Le Xiao's son, Right now, he could easily guess Le Xiao's plan.

Following Le Xiao's words, the remaining six people had their own ghosts in their hearts. To be honest, facing a super strong Le Xiao, they obviously had no ability to escape.

And they also knew very well that Le Xiao only wanted to leave one alive, and learned the secret of the immortal organization from them. In this way, only two of the six of them would end up living or dying.

"How is it?" After a while, Le Xiao also said slowly, he glanced around the six people, and said softly: "Have you chosen who survived?"

As soon as this sentence fell, the six people were all entangled with each other. They really wanted to survive, but they had Immortal Gu in their bodies. Once they chose to betray the immortal, the end might be worse than death!

However, at this moment, the leader of the black-robed man suddenly raised his head, with a fierce look in his eyes, and the next moment he suddenly made a move, but his target was not Le Xiao, but the other five people !

This sudden action made the other five people unable to react, and they all became his unjust souls. Even before they died, they didn't understand why they were killed by their companions?

After a while, there was only one man in black standing standing, and the rest were dead. His hands were dripping with blood. As the person with the highest cultivation in this group of people, he felt that he was qualified to survive, but Now he has the capital to negotiate with Le Xiao!

"What a vicious method." At this moment, Le Xiao clapped his hands slowly and said.

,--! ! !

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