Martial Inverse

Chapter 2660 Conversation

Chapter 2660 Talk

After returning to Ta Xian Tower, Le Xiao first settled down the black-robed man. After all, in the current situation, he can't have any accidents. After a while, he will be needed to go to Xuan Dao Valley help.

Feng Hao wants to take some time to look at Le Xin's current situation, but it seems that there is no chance, Le Huang has been following him, and after the black-robed man has been settled, Le Xiao has put Le Huang and Le Xin together. Feng Hao called together to a secret room, where there were only the three of them.

Seeing Le Xiao, Feng Hao also sighed slightly in his heart, as expected, Le Xiao wanted to clarify the doubts in his heart, why did the immortal organization take him back, and what secrets were hidden in him, this point is definitely Le Xiao's most important point. want to know things.

"I believe you also know why I called you this time."

Contrary to Feng Hao's expectation, Le Xiao didn't show any politeness, instead he straight to the point.

"You want to know why the immortal organization is looking for me?"

Feng Hao's face is calm, both of them are smart people, there is no need to turn around when there are some words, and depending on the situation, he wants to hide it, but it seems that he can't hide it, Le Xiao must be very interested in this secret.

"Yes, I'm very curious, what secrets do you have that even immortals are pursuing." Le Xiao smiled lightly, and Feng Hao's reaction made him a little satisfied, at least he didn't directly pretend to be stupid.

Le Huang was silent beside him. He knew that he had no chance to intervene. It was no ordinary matter that this matter involved the immortal organization, and he also wanted to know, what was hidden in Feng Hao's body? what.

"Before I say it, there is something I hope you can agree to."

Feng Hao was silent for a while, and after a while, he slowly raised his head, looked at Le Xiao and said.

Hearing what Feng Hao said, Le Xiao was immediately delighted, shook his head, and said, "Do you think this is a deal?"

"Of course not, it's just a request from me, and this request doesn't seem to do any harm to you Ling Xiaofeng." Feng Hao said irrefutably, he wants to propose now, let Le Xiao cancel Le Huang and Huangfu Wushuang marriage between.

In exchange, he would tell all the things he knew, but he didn't plan to tell them all. After all, Xian'er was also very important to him. , will bring infinite hidden dangers!

"Oh? Tell me about it." Le Xiao really showed interest, and immediately set his sights on Feng Hao, waiting for his request.

"Cancel the marriage between Ling Xiaofeng and Xuan Dao Valley." Feng Hao said lightly, but Le Huang next to him was taken aback. He didn't expect that Feng Hao would bring it up so directly.

"Feng Hao..." Le Huang opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it in the end because he didn't know what to say.

"Is this what you call your request?"

Although Le Xiao felt inconceivable about Feng Hao's inexplicable request, he shook his head after recovering, looked at Feng Hao and said, "Do you know what this marriage means to our two giants?" , if it is cancelled, I really can't think of any benefit to Ling Xiaofeng.


From Le Xiao's point of view, Feng Hao's request is undoubtedly very puzzling, but to Ling Xiaofeng, this request is almost impossible. The marriage of the two powers is almost a certainty, how could it be because Feng Hao's words changed.

"If Huangfu Wushuang is already my woman, will you let Huangfu marry her again?"

Faced with Le Xiao's reaction, Feng Hao didn't feel any surprise. After all, this marriage must not be changed at will, but don't forget that Le Xiao's identity is not only the suzerain of Ling Xiaofeng, but also a father , Le Huang's father.

No one in this world would be happy to see their son take someone else's woman, especially compared to a giant like Ling Xiaofeng, it would undoubtedly be a very shameful thing.

Le Xiao's face slowly darkened, Feng Hao's words shocked him a bit, and he said casually: "Huangfu Wushuang is your woman? Just based on your words, do I believe it?"

"You don't have to believe it, maybe you don't need to cancel the marriage, if it doesn't work out, Ling Xiaofeng will have to help me raise my son."

There was something wrong in Le Xiao's tone, and Feng Hao's tone gradually became colder, and the words just dropped a bomb, causing Le Huang and Le Xiao to fall together. Both of them were severely shocked once.

"F*ck... buddy, Huangfu Wushuang... you are still..." After Yue Huang came to his senses, he was not angry, but showed a look of extreme admiration, and he couldn't help it Extended a thumbs up to Feng Hao.

As far as Yue Huang is concerned, he himself does not like this kind of marriage. Although he has heard about Huangfu Wushuang's peerless appearance before, he has never met him before. Speaking of this kind of thing, he immediately felt that Feng Hao was not only a monster with a cultivation base, but also a top-notch skill in picking up girls.

Who is Huangfu Wushuang, the supreme saint of Xuandao Valley, how many young heroes in the entire Penglai world are willing to bow down under her pomegranate skirt, but it is said that Huangfu Wushuang is indifferent by nature, and no one has ever caught her eye, but However, Feng Hao did something that the younger generation in the entire Penglai world could not do. He overthrew even the Supreme Saintess of Xuandao Valley without a sound.

"What you said, you know how big the consequences will be."

Le Xiao's face was gloomy, dripping water, and at the same time he gave Le Huang a hard look, and said, "It's none of your business, don't interrupt."

Seeing his father's appearance, Le Huang also shrugged his shoulders and didn't continue to say anything, but he still gave Feng Hao an awesome look.

Feng Hao naturally ignored Le Huang's eyes. He looked directly into Le Xiao's eyes and said, "Since I told you, I don't worry about you saying it. After all, if this matter gets out, you Ling Xiaofeng will It will be thrown away."

After Feng Hao's words fell, Le Xiao immediately lost his temper. Indeed, although the marriage of the two giants has not been announced to the world, it is not a secret to most powerhouses.

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