Martial Inverse

Chapter 2667 Confrontation

Chapter 2667 Confrontation

At the moment when Feng Hao let go, the mass of majestic energy that escaped from his body seemed to be out of control. It kept rolling and changing into various shapes, and there was a faint sound of dragon chant out.

"Hmph, I want to see what else I can do." Feng Hao sneered again and again, clasped his hands together, and his handprints kept changing, and as his handprints changed, the rolling speed of the ball of energy in front of him also became faster and faster. more often.

Feng Hao's eyes were as bright as a dragon, and he watched the tumbling energy in front of him closely. He knew that if he wanted to completely melt the dragon ball into his own energy, he had to get rid of it completely. residual consciousness.

"Come out, I want to see how capable you are." Feng Hao seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be talking to the tumbling energy in front of him.

For a moment, the sound of the dragon's chant continued, and there were strange fluctuations in this mass of tumbling energy. The next moment, this mass of energy was tumbling, as if under the dominance of the power in the eyes, it transformed into It became the appearance of a real dragon, directly filling this room.

Looking at the changes in the scene in front of him, Feng Hao looked calm. In front of him, a real dragon head gradually took shape, but the strange thing was that the eyes of this real dragon head were filled with red.

As the real dragon was completely formed, the sound of dragon chant continued, and an unprecedented majestic aura filled the entire room, even some strong men in Ta Xianlou were alarmed by this aura.

"Huh? What is Feng Hao doing? These energy fluctuations are quite majestic." In another secret room, Le Huang also opened his eyes again, talking to himself authentically.

However, even if you caused such a commotion, there is still no one to go to find out what happened in Ta Xianlou, because Yue Huang had ordered before that no matter what happens here, you can't get close.

"Who are you?" Feng Hao looked at the condensed real dragon in front of him, frowned and asked subconsciously.

However, what responded to him was continuous dragon chant, and one could clearly feel that the real dragon formed by the condensed energy in front of him seemed to have malicious intentions.

"It seems that it's just a leftover idea, and even the most basic communication can't be done." Feng Hao shook his head, and at that moment, his hands suddenly joined together again, forming a mysterious handprint.


With a soft shout, Feng Hao's eyes suddenly shot two rays of light, which shot directly at the body of this real dragon. In an instant, this real dragon had no time to roar, and its body suddenly turned into countless fragments .

For this situation, Feng Hao already had a way to deal with it. After all, if there is no way to control the energy that escapes from his body, wouldn't it make others laugh when they find out.

After completely dissipating this majestic energy, the formerly condensed true dragon can no longer be maintained, and with Feng Hao's move, the residual consciousness contained in the dragon ball It also completely collapsed.

A moment later, a bead the size of a longan quietly floated in front of Feng Hao. This time, this bead was extremely pure, without any impurities in it.

Feng Hao slowly spread his palm, and the bead automatically returned to his hand,

Looking at the bead in his hand, the corners of Feng Hao's mouth slightly raised.

This is the real dragon ball, the dragon ball that can be used for his refining!

Holding the dragon ball tightly in his hand, Feng Hao closed his eyes slightly. This time, he didn't need to do anything more. This dragon ball the size of a longan directly dissipated the liquid-like energy. Starting from the palm of his hand, it occupied the whole body!

Just a moment later, Feng Hao's body was completely covered by the liquid transformed by the dragon ball, and the scene looked very strange.

However, Feng Hao didn't feel anything wrong. With the change of the dragon balls, his whole body fell into a silent mood. The liquid energy transformed by these dragon balls enveloped his whole body. In fact, it also began to enter one's body through pores.

Suddenly, Feng Hao's heart trembled, as the energy of the Dragon Ball began to enter his body, whether it was his internal organs, his bones, or even his meridians, an unprecedented transformation began to take place!

And this kind of transformation made him feel a little familiar. This is exactly the same tempering he did when he absorbed the real dragon's energy last time, but this time the tempering was more thorough!

"God Lord! It really is the refining dragon ball, I can take the opportunity to break through to the God Master Realm!"

At the moment, Feng Hao was also very happy. He noticed the changes in his body, and he was naturally very clear. As long as he finished tempering his body with the Dragon Ball this time, then that barrier that blocked him will completely disappear!

And at that time, he will naturally have achieved the realm of the supreme god master!

Feng Hao thought so in his heart, and then he also took a deep breath. In order to prevent other accidents from happening during this process, he also restrained his mind at the moment, and completely concentrated on observing the tempering changes of his body process.

At this time, in his body, the energy dissipated by the dragon ball has entered into his meridians, and began to temper his whole body. In the vagueness, Feng Hao began to feel a little pain. Come.

How domineering the energy of the dragon ball is, even after tempered by the real dragon's aura, he felt that the energy contained in the dragon ball was still gradually making his body unable to bear it.

Soon, Feng Hao's face became extremely red, and he clenched his teeth tightly. The pain passing through his body now almost made him collapse.

That kind of pain is almost equivalent to making Feng Hao feel a process of transformation. The bones, meridians, including the flowing blood, also become stronger under the continuous impact of the power of the Dragon Ball!

Faced with this change, Feng Hao did not make a cold snort, but sat cross-legged on the ground again, silently enduring it, he knew very well that he was at a critical moment of breakthrough, if he persisted, then he would Able to transform and be reborn, thus becoming one of the gods.

Therefore, there is only one choice for Feng Hao at the moment, and that is to continue to persevere, even if the pain in his body is unbearable, he must endure it!

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