Martial Inverse

Chapter 2683: Strange Change

Chapter 2683 Strange Change

Everyone's eyes were on Feng Hao's actions. Although Le Huang and the others couldn't guess why Feng Hao's current aura had become so weird, the most critical moment was now.

As long as he can survive this attack, then Feng Hao can be promoted to God Master Realm.

Now Fenghao's body can be said to have four spirit beads. In the world of Penglai, the spirit beads have been pursued by countless people. It is rumored that they contain the secret of immortality, but in the end, not many people can see through it Lingzhu.

Even, they don't even know how many Lingzhu there are, and it even appeared. Now Feng Hao is pregnant with three Lingzhu, no, it should be four at this time, this point In the world of Penglai, there is no one before or after.

No one knows why Feng Hao can have four spirit beads alone, and no one knows why Feng Hao has thoroughly researched the secrets of the spirit beads from time to time.

Following the pause of that phantom, Feng Hao raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said a word again with a voice that could only be heard between him and the phantom.

"You are no longer worthy of being the Dao of Heaven, you will definitely be killed in the future!"

If this sentence is spread out, I am afraid that many people will be shocked. You must know that the will of heaven is contained in the phantom at this time, but Feng Hao spit out such a sentence from Feng Hao's mouth, which is even more shocking. It's unbelievable.


All of a sudden, the whole world trembled, and the figure of the phantom began to rippling, as if it was angry. At that moment, this phantom raised its head again, brewing an even more terrifying energy fluctuations.

Regarding Xu Ying's actions, Feng Hao obviously shook his head and didn't care too much. Instead, he whispered to himself: "I created you yourself, do you think you can surpass all living beings? .”

This time, the phantom didn't give any answer. On the contrary, this phantom began to tremble violently, and the original dim figure became weaker, as if it was about to disappear at any time.


A subtle voice sounded immediately, and it was seen that the world changed again at this time, and this phantom began to disappear gradually, but a light red divine light was left behind, which was constantly brewing.

As such a huge phantom completely disappeared, what was left in the end was an extremely deep red aura, which appeared in the midair, accompanied by a wave of extremely destructive aura!

For this scene, Le Huang and the others were also very surprised. The disappearance of the phantom obviously made them unclear about what happened, but the red light that remained was full of blood, which made them even more excited. The dreaded energy.

"This is the last blow of this phantom. No matter what the result is, the phantom will eventually disappear, but whether Feng Hao can make it through is another question." The mysterious doctor also saw the way, the phantom's All the power is condensed into this group of divine light, obviously this is the most terrifying blow.

"Have you noticed that the current Feng Hao really wants to feel a little different." Le Huang said indifferently, staring at Feng Hao's figure closely, and asked in puzzlement.

"Well, I also have this feeling. It feels like he has become even more unfathomable, almost judging the two of them as before." Nangong Wuji also said solemnly.

"No, it's not just this kind of change. I mean the change in his entire temperament. The current Feng Hao looks like a being who dominates everything. Compared with him in the past, he is very different." Le Huang Shaking his head, Feng Hao's changes at this time are definitely more than what Nangong Wuji said.

Among the crowd, Le Xin was the only one who had always frowned. Whether it was what Le Huang said or what Nangong Wuwu said, for Feng Hao, she was the one who had the most say.

But she didn't say it.

Because she really felt the difference in Feng Hao at this time, just like Feng Hao in front of her, although she was still the same person, she had actually become another person. This feeling was very mysterious, but Le Xin But it can be detected by intuition.

"What happened to you?"

Le Xin didn't dare to say this sentence, but she said it silently in her heart. Naturally, she was more worried about Feng Hao's safety than anyone else, but in the current situation, she couldn't help at all, the only thing she could do , that is only prayer.

Seeing the appearance of this mass of red divine light, Feng Hao's expression remained calm, as if everything was under his control, he shook his head, but it was a palm that was already stretched out, but it was a sudden grip.

However, it was such a simple action, but in an instant, the hearts of all the supreme level powerhouses in the Penglai world trembled.

Almost at the same time, all the supreme beings felt their souls tremble slightly, and they were even more astonished. What happened in Lingxiao City, such a strange thing happened.

"There seems to be a turning point." Tongtian opened his eyes suddenly, put his palm on his heart, and said slowly: "You guys also have the feeling just now."

"Although I don't know what kind of power this is, it is really incredible that it can affect all the supreme beings at the same time." Honggu also said in astonishment, his eyes fell on the old man Xuanyuan, and asked: "Old man Xuanyuan , What exactly did you see?"

But this time, the old man Xuanyuan shook his head and closed his eyes, as if he didn't want to answer this question.

Tong Tian and Hong Gu looked at each other, and shrugged their shoulders helplessly. Xuanyuan refused to say that they definitely had no way of knowing, and they could only keep this question in their hearts at the moment, but the two of them didn't realize it. At this time, the palms of the old man Xuanyuan also trembled slightly, as if he was quite excited in his heart.

At this time, the reactions of all parties are different. Apart from surprise, there is more fear. Even though among them, there is a supreme level existence, it can make them feel this way in their hearts. Power, how can it make them not panic.

In the city of Ling Xiao, a group of red divine lights confronted Feng Hao, while Le Huang and others were watching the result of this scourge in the distance, but after a while, there was finally a movement that broke the deadlock.

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