Martial Inverse

Chapter 2703 Consolidation

Chapter 2703 Consolidation

Feng Hao and his group had nothing to say afterwards. After a detailed discussion, they left separately. Feng Hao also returned to his room, and set up some restrictions around him.

They temporarily settled in Yunshui City this time, although it was hidden, but some necessary means also needed to be done.

After scanning the restrictions he had set up around him, Feng Hao clapped his palms in satisfaction, then sat down and began to look inside his body.

According to the previous management, Feng Hao would call Xiaomeng habitually to see if she would respond. However, after Feng Hao echoed a few times as usual, he shrugged his shoulders when he found that there was still no response. To enter the state of cultivation.

However, at this moment, a wave of spiritual energy invisible to the naked eye suddenly burst out of his body, and then slowly condensed the appearance of a little girl, which was the little dream that had been lost for a long time.

The sudden appearance of Xiaomeng made Feng Hao startled, why did it appear suddenly.

"Xiaomeng, what's the matter with you recently?"

Feng Hao looked at the sudden appearance of Xiaomeng suspiciously, and found that Xiaomeng was looking at him with a smiling expression.

"Falling into a deep sleep." Xiao Meng shrugged her shoulders, pretending to be ignorant.

"Sleeping, what's going on." Feng Hao frowned, he always felt that something was wrong with this little dream, but he couldn't tell.

"You absorbed the real dragon's energy, and I obviously benefited a lot from it, because the absorbed energy was too large, and I also entered a deep sleep state, waiting for the real dragon's energy to be completely refined before I woke up Come."

Xiaomeng said bouncingly, and sat easily on Fenghao's shoulder again, showing her mischievous nature.

For Xiaomeng's behavior, Feng Hao is not surprised, he looked Xiaomeng up and down immediately, and asked in doubt: "You have absorbed so much real dragon energy, what has changed?"

Xiao Meng tilted her head, thought for a while, then shook her head, and said in a daze, "It seems not."

Hearing what she said, Feng Hao was almost pissed off. Damn, so much real dragon qi, even though what he absorbed was only a part of it, it made him stand at the peak of the Great Emperor Realm. After removing most of the real dragon's aura, there was no change.

Feng Hao was speechless for a while, and said slowly, "The prodigal stuff."

Xiao Meng giggled, she almost didn't care about Feng Hao's expression, but she looked Feng Hao's body up and down, and said in surprise: "Hey, you actually broke through."

Obviously, Xiaomeng realized at this time that Feng Hao had already broken through a realm of what she saw before she fell into a deep sleep, and she was quite surprised at the moment.

"Of course, it's okay. I want to consolidate my realm." Feng Hao waved his hand, and he also breathed a sigh of relief. Regarding the existence of Xiaomeng, he didn't know that when he lost consciousness, she controlled him from time to time. body, but in the current situation, it doesn't seem to be the case, which makes him very contradictory.

Feng Hao is not a stubborn person, since he can't think clearly for the time being, he simply doesn't think about it, and then he fell into closed-door training.

Seeing Feng Hao closing his eyes tightly and falling into the state of cultivation, Xiaomeng's expression suddenly changed, the previous expression of laughter slowly disappeared, replaced by a dignified and serious expression, which was very different from her current image. Because of the difference, it gives people a very weird feeling.

It's just that Feng Hao couldn't see this scene. Now he has sunk into his body and started to observe the changes in his body. With the addition of the baptism of God's Scourge, his whole person has obtained a brand new transformation.

In Feng Hao's inner vision, the bones in his body are like the condensed pieces of fluorescent jade, and the meridians are also extremely strong, and the majestic energy is constantly flowing in his body.

The level of this energy was almost twice as incredible for him before.

And when Feng Hao's consciousness reached the dantian, it was even more astonishing. Apart from a cluster of nine-color rays of light converging, there were still four clusters of faint blue divine light slowly lingering around the nine-color rays of light. .

The nine-color rays of light are naturally the power of divine punishment, and the four dark blue rays of light are naturally the spirit beads.

At this time, Feng Hao's body already contains four spirit beads, and every time these four spirit beads turn, people can detect them, and they contain endless energy. At this time, Feng Hao also began to concentrate on research Lingzhu got up.

As for the fourth spirit bead, he didn't seem to have experienced it carefully. He still remembered that the previous spirit bead brought him a phoenix nirvana rebirth magic technique and a formula for soul cultivation.

As for the third spirit bead, Feng Hao didn't gain anything, so he is now focusing on the fourth spirit bead. If the fourth spirit bead contains any secrets, I'm afraid it will be another A peerless secret.

In fact, there is also a secret in the third spirit bead, but now Feng Hao has not reached the time to solve this secret, perhaps it means that the third spirit bead brought him a secret. The benefits of this have already been manifested, but he just didn't realize it.

At the moment, Feng Hao's spiritual consciousness is once again paying attention to the fourth spirit bead. Previously, the fourth spirit bead was in the hands of the mysterious doctor, but it seems that the mysterious doctor just developed the spiritual bead. The majestic power within the pearl, but it doesn't know something deeper.

So at this time, Feng Hao also started researching with confidence. He felt that the spirit beads seemed to have some causal relationship with him, otherwise he would not be alone, but he could hold four spirit beads. I know that looking at the entire Penglai mainland, although many people have obtained Lingzhu by various chances and coincidences in the past, they have never seen it. One person can own two or two at the same time, let alone Fenghao now A full four of them.

When Feng Hao's spiritual consciousness gently wrapped the Lingzhu, suddenly, the fourth Lingzhu trembled slightly, and immediately a mysterious wave was also transmitted from the Lingzhu at this moment .

"Sure enough, there is an ulterior secret." Feng Hao was subconsciously pleasantly surprised. It seemed that he had guessed correctly. The occurrence of this situation made Feng Hao's heart full of surprises. As he expected, every All the spirit beads contain a kind of secret technique, of course, the third one is an exception, at least he has not noticed what is contained in the third one so far.

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