Martial Inverse

Chapter 2712 Soul Symbiosis

Chapter 2712 Soul Symbiosis

Invisibly, after finding that he could not touch the Art of Opening Heaven, obviously Feng Hao simply gave up this idea, and he knew that he might still need to contact him a lot.

After a while, no matter it was Le Huang or Feng Hao, their goals were the same, and it was obviously the one in the white robe.

And this pair of twin brothers was obviously unruffled in the face of danger. Seeing the two men rushing towards them with a ferocious posture, they immediately roared directly, and the positions of the two kept staggering and flashing.

All of a sudden, Yue Huang and Zhuo Feng Hao lost their target of attack, and the sprinting figure also stopped abruptly.


The scene in front of him also made Feng Hao slightly astonished, and even he was confused at this moment, the joint attack technique of the twin brothers was indeed very weird, just the scene in front of him made him a little difficult start.

The two black and white figures are constantly intertwined, this is caused by the extremely fast movement speed of the two of them, and it is also causing people to be unable to tell which figure is the two of them at the moment.

The sound of breaking through the air constantly emerged in the space. This word also made Le Huang and Feng Hao a little hesitant. Originally they planned to concentrate the strength of two people to attack one of them, but it happened. Such a scene made their calculations come to nothing.

"If you think that you can defeat us alone and thus crack this joint strike technique, then I'm sorry, I have disappointed you."

Suddenly, a cold voice came from the surrounding space. This voice seemed to be spoken by two people at the same time, which made people sound a little weird.

In less than a breath, the pair of twin brothers had already launched an offensive again. This time, it was different from the previous ones. The two black and white figures seemed to fit together, almost without distinguishing each other, directly exposing She passed by.

"Be careful."

Le Huang also exclaimed, because at this moment, the other party's aura suddenly soared a lot, already vaguely surpassing their expectations, and even made Le Huang feel a kind of jealousy in his heart. illusion.

Feng Hao nodded without any trace, his expression was slightly astonished at the moment, his figure trembled slightly, the next moment, a figure suddenly broke through the space and appeared in front of him.

The target of this pair of twin warriors was actually him.

It's no wonder, after all, Feng Hao is slightly inferior to Le Huang as reflected in the aura, and the corner of this map is in the hands of Feng Hao, as long as the easiest one is defeated, then this so-called contest will naturally That is, when the dust settles.

"Do you really think I'm a soft persimmon?"

The twin warriors smashed through the space where Feng Hao was, causing faint ripples to appear in the space of a certain area, but the next moment Feng Hao who was standing in place turned into nothingness.


"Do you really think I'm a soft persimmon that's easy to pinch?" Feng Hao's icy voice was also heard at the moment. He controls the law of space, so naturally he won't be hit by the opponent so easily. All he needs is a thought in his heart. It is to avoid this attack directly.

Seeing that their offensive failed, the pair of twin brothers were quite astonished at the moment. They thought Feng Hao was quite easy to deal with, but now it seems that Feng Hao also seems to have some means. Dodge their attacks.

"It's a bit tricky." At this time, Le Huang's expression also became slightly more dignified. He took a deep breath, shook his arm, and also sacrificed his own Red Dust Sword. Shooting out makes people feel chilled.

Feng Hao remained silent, Le Huang even used the Hongchen sword, which shows that in Le Huang's heart, the twin brothers have been raised to a certain height, facing ordinary people,

Le Huang didn't bother to use his Hongchen Sword.

The tense atmosphere was confronting each other, but at this moment, the pair of twin brothers also came out of a pause, and the figure was divided into two again, one black and one white, with exactly the same appearance, which seemed even weirder.

This time, neither side was in a hurry to act, but seemed to be waiting for something.

Not far away, Nangong Wuji frowned, looking at the pair of twin brothers, as if thinking of something in his heart, he also exclaimed at the moment: "Be careful, their combined attack technique can bring out two Personal power, that is to say, you may face two people at any time."

Because, Nangong Wuji had already remembered which strong man these twin warriors should be under his tutelage. He remembered that his master once said that in the world of Penglai, there used to be a pair of legendary warriors. They are a pair of twin brothers with a tacit understanding.

When they broke through to the supreme, they realized a secret technique through the punishment of heaven, which is the joint strike technique they became famous for, called soul symbiosis.

"Well, it seems that you know something." At this time, the twin brothers couldn't help being taken aback, and glanced at Nangong Wuji, and the other party could actually see something, which can explain that the other party seemed to have a little something in common. head.

"However, what's the use? Under the symbiosis of souls, they are all ants."

Another voice sounded immediately, and the two voices seemed to be from the same person, and there was no dissonance at all.

"Let's do it, one person at a time, hold them back, and don't let them get together again." Feng Hao said in a deep voice. Facing the joint attack technique, although the other party's routines cannot be understood, they remain the same. If they are separated, they can't be shot together, so the power of the joint attack will naturally not be exerted.

"It's difficult to estimate. The two of them are almost one body. No matter which one is attacking, it seems that the other one can sense it in time and change the attack instantly." Yue Huang shook his head.

Feng Hao remained silent, the fact is indeed the case, they have no way to prevent the opponent from using the joint attack technique, if this is the case, they are basically caught in the opponent's routine from the beginning to the end, no matter who the target is, in fact they That's right, it's two people.

This is the horror of the technique of joint attack. Two people can exert strength beyond their own, thus achieving a surprising and winning effect.

"If not, let me try it myself."

At this moment, Feng Hao raised his head suddenly and said.

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