Martial Inverse

Chapter 2720 The Storm Is Coming

Chapter 2720

The entire Yunshui City fell into a suspicious atmosphere, Feng Hao and Le Huang had already returned to the inn smoothly, and they were naturally not in the mood to watch the trade fair later on.

As soon as they returned to the inn, the three of them immediately gathered together to discuss. Now their identities have been exposed, especially since they don't know who the other party is, but the other party knows who they are. is the most headache.

Enemies on the bright side are not scary, but the most terrifying are those hidden in the dark.

For this incident, Feng Hao felt weird, because it was the pair of twin warriors that the mysterious man attacked, not them.

"You mean, their master, the symbiosis supreme, is a member of the immortal organization?" Feng Hao also slightly raised his head and asked, after time and understanding, he realized that the one who fought against him just now was a The apprentice of the old monster, it's no wonder that at such an age, he has such a cultivation level. If it were someone else, if there was no one behind him, he would not be able to do it at all.

"Well, as far as I know, the Supreme Symbiosis joined the immortal organization a thousand years ago, and the pair of twin warriors are indeed the apprentices of the Supreme Symbiosis." Le Huang shrugged his shoulders and said, now things are getting tense. Su blurred, even he couldn't see through.

"This is a bit strange. Logically speaking, the symbiosis supreme has an amazing background. Even if he joins the immortal organization, his status will not be so low. It is impossible for his apprentice to be treated as a victim. "Feng Hao hesitated for a moment. According to this statement, the person who attacked the pair of twin warriors might not be the immortal organization.

Hearing this, Le Huang and Nangong Wuji were both taken aback. They didn't think of this when the incident happened suddenly just now. Now that they think about it, they think it makes sense. If the person who attacked was an immortal, they wouldn't be taking this pair. The twin warriors were sacrificed, and now the immortal organization has completely turned against the two giants. Even if they succeeded in killing and blaming Feng Hao, it would only cause trouble for Feng Hao.

"You mean, the people who attacked them were not planned by the immortals?" Le Huang hesitated for a moment, feeling that this statement was a bit vague.

"I'm just speculating." Feng Hao also shook his head and said: "After today's incident spread, some people must know about it, including Shixian and some guys hiding in the dark. It won’t be a peaceful day after that.”

Hearing what Feng Hao said, Le Huang also poked his head back in distress, and sighed: "That's right, especially those two guys seem to have something to do with the deputy commander of Yunshui City... This must be Work hard."

"Deputy Commander?" Feng Hao hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "Have you seen him?"

"No, I've only met the lord of Yunshui City. After all, I haven't become the lord of Lingxiao Peak, and I can't understand many things too much." Le Huang shook his head, and then said: "I think, if you Check the background of this deputy commander, if he really has any collusion with Xian, it must be eliminated as soon as possible!"

Feng Hao closed his eyes slightly, pondered for a while, then opened his eyes, and said: "Leave this matter to me. Is there any way for you to get the residence of the deputy commander?"

"Will this be too risky? Otherwise, I should tell my father to send someone to help?" Le Huang hesitated for a moment, thinking that this would be too risky.

If you act rashly, you may even startle the snake.

"Don't worry, I naturally have my own way." Feng Hao grinned, a mysterious smile rose from the corner of his mouth, but he didn't say much.

But what Feng Hao didn't expect was that in the garden of the city lord's mansion, the woman in Chinese clothes said to the mysterious woman at the same time: "Go to the residence of the deputy commander at night, and see Can there be some gains, if possible, get rid of those two guys, this will also bring him some trouble."

"In this case, I'm afraid that the deputy commander will suspect you." The mysterious woman was also silent for a while.

"It doesn't matter. I have suspected him for a long time. I was thinking that my sister was kidnapped. I am afraid he also has a part in the credit." This city lord has been in the position for a long time, if it wasn't for me being the chief disciple of Ling Xiaofeng's outer sect, he would have planned to plot something wrong a long time ago."

"The fairy's move this time is nothing more than trying to blackmail you. Why don't you become Le Huang and the others, and they are in this Yunshui City." The mysterious woman sighed.

"No, Xian didn't want to blackmail me, but wanted to use my hand to get rid of Le Huang and the others." The woman in Chinese clothes shook her head, she saw the matter thoroughly, and said calmly: "At first, Xian My sister is being hijacked, and then uses this to blackmail me. Once I agree to their request, then the news that I helped them will definitely fall into Ling Xiaofeng's ears through a certain channel. Xiaofeng's people will definitely be furious and attack me."

"Once Ling Xiaofeng takes action against me, the immortal organization will secretly let the deputy commander take over. This will kill two birds with one stone. Even Ling Xiaofeng will not know that the deputy commander is an immortal."

The calm analysis of the woman in Chinese clothes seemed to reveal some of the current situation in Yunshui City. She also glanced at the mysterious woman and said, "Wan'er, if it wasn't for me this time, I really have no other choice, and I wouldn't be looking for your help." .”

"I know, I'll go there at night." The mysterious woman didn't say much, she nodded and left quietly again, leaving the woman in Chinese clothes sighing alone in the garden.

"Xian, xian, you are counting on me, so why am I not counting on you?"

After a long time, the woman in the fancy dress also raised her head, looking at the gloomy sky, she faintly revealed a feeling that a storm was coming, which made people feel extremely depressed.

After a while, Yue Huang also found Feng Hao again, he took out a map, handed it to Feng Hao and said: "I asked someone to find it, and it recorded some secret sentries where the deputy commander lived. Distribution, even the mechanism of the secret room and so on."

When Feng Hao heard this, he was overjoyed immediately. If there was such a thing, then he would be more confident in sneaking in in the middle of the night.

"Don't kill people. See if you can get some valuable information back. I want to see if there is anyone in Yunshui City who secretly colludes with the immortals. Let's take advantage of this time to clean them up in one fell swoop!"

Le Huang also said coldly: "I will also go to the City Lord's Mansion at night."

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