Martial Inverse

Chapter 84 Uninvited Guest?

Hearing this, Feng Hao's face became slightly more dignified, and immediately he scanned the surroundings with his huge spiritual consciousness, and immediately found that there were many enchantments around the place where he was.

It seems that the two of them, Xian'er and themselves, have already triggered the prohibition of the Great Wilderness Mountain Range after stepping into the Great Wilderness Mountain Range. I am afraid that someone has already known of their arrival at this time.


Sure enough, after a while, Feng Hao and Xian'er continued to walk forward, but before they had gone a hundred miles away, there were several sounds of breaking through the air, and Feng Hao and Xian'er stopped immediately. Next, showing a cautious look.

In a rare place like the Great Wilderness Mountains, what kind of benevolent people will appear, maybe they are from the existence of immortals.

After a few breaths, five or six figures in white robes suddenly came through the air, and stopped directly in front of Feng Hao and Xian'er, suspended in mid-air, showing a posture of looking down, Looking at Feng Hao and so on.

"This is not a place for you to come, go away."

The leader of the person spoke coldly and honestly, if he was not afraid of the aura faintly revealed by Feng Hao and Xian'er, why would he need to talk nonsense and kill him on the spot? Anyway, this kind of thing is not the first time. did it for the first time.

But this time, it was clear that Feng Hao and Xian'er in front of him were hiding their auras. For the sake of caution, he did not act hastily, but warned them both.

Feng Hao was silent, his eyes glanced over these people, but what made him feel regretful was that the robes on these people did not have any embroidery, they were the kind of fairy runes that could represent their identity.

But after thinking about it, the Great Wilderness Mountains have always been rarely populated. Even if the immortals chose this place as their old nest, I am afraid they would not be willing to be found by the world. It is naturally impossible for the people who appear here to reveal their identities .

"What are you to hinder us?"

At the moment, Feng Hao did not reveal his identity, instead he asked in a questioning tone, he didn't want to let the immortals know that he had entered the Great Wilderness Mountains so soon.

"Who are we? You don't need to pay attention to it. You can't come to this place. If you want to survive, just listen to me. If you insist on thinking, then I won't stop you."

The person in the lead also said in a cold voice, he clenched his fist tightly, but in the end he didn't choose to make a move, because even though Feng Hao changed his appearance in disguise, the majestic aura in his body still made them fearful What's more, Xian'er next to her has been silent all the time, but she can give them an extremely oppressive feeling.

Under such circumstances, if they choose to act, it is tantamount to taking a risk, so the person in the lead also endured it. If Feng Hao insists on going deep into the Great Wilderness Mountains under this warning, then naturally there are other people waiting for him. with him.

A few of them are just acting as guards on the outside. Some ordinary people may be able to deal with it, but if they are replaced by other people, if they can't solve it, let the people inside do it.

"Wait, you guys speak clearly before leaving."

At that moment, Feng Hao saw that the other party wanted to leave, so he also shouted angrily, and stepped out suddenly, wanting to take the first shot, grab a person directly, and see if he could get some news from him After all, their understanding of the Great Wilderness Mountains is really too little.

But unexpectedly, the moment he started, the figures of those people suddenly became unreal, making Feng Hao's attack in vain, and the change of this scene made Feng Hao a little bit overwhelmed .

"Since you are determined to seek death, I will not stop you, so you can do it yourself."

The person in the lead obviously showed a strange smile, and then led the people behind him, and disappeared in place, completely, without any trace of breath.

"What's going on, this is."

Feng Hao looked back at Xian'er in surprise,

He also looked puzzled, just now a few people on the opposite side disappeared collectively in an instant, what happened, and he didn't feel any fluctuations in space energy.

"The prohibition here sent them away."

Xian'er closed her eyes slightly, and said slowly, the reason why those people disappeared directly just now is probably related to the restriction here, otherwise, the strongest of the people on the opposite side is only the God Master Realm, how could it be possible Slipping away in front of the two of them silently.

"It's a pity, I still want to catch one."

Feng Hao shook his head, showing a look of regret, the scene just now was indeed a pity.

"Next, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to face. They didn't choose to fight us because they knew they were invincible, but as we go deeper, I'm afraid there will be more strong players."

Xian'er said in a deep voice, and immediately glanced around. This place gave her a vaguely familiar feeling, as if her soul was trembling from the moment she stepped into the Great Wilderness Mountains.

"It's probably the case, but let's go first and try to go where there is no restriction."

Feng Hao pondered for a moment, and then he came up with a way. Now that they entered the Great Wilderness Mountains, they had to try their best to avoid the prohibition monitoring on the opposite side. Feng Hao found that it seemed that these restrictions could let the immortals know what kind of situation they were in. position.

If this is the case, it will inevitably make myself and others fall into a passive position.

"If I'm not mistaken, these restricted areas are relatively safe. Once we leave these areas, we may encounter some ancient monsters." Xian'er replied. Existence should be relatively safe, at least not encountering monsters.

"I'd rather face some tricky ancient monsters than be monitored all the time." Feng Hao smiled. If it's purely ancient monsters, with the strength of him and Xian'er, naturally It is also true.

"Well, if that's the case, then let's avoid these restrictions." Xian'er also nodded, and the majestic consciousness spread out at the moment, and began to look for the weak points of the restrictions.

Only if they leave this place with restrictions, they will not be monitored by the immortals all the time. In this way, the immortals cannot track their whereabouts, and it may be quite difficult to deal with them.

In this way, Feng Hao and Xian'er can easily start to gradually move away from these restrictions, and thus enter the Great Wilderness Mountains.

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