Martial Inverse

Chapter 105 Pursuit

After the two guards were beheaded as many as possible, Feng Hao and Xian'er both evacuated from this place in an instant. Just now the last God Prison guard was forced to self-destruct. It is said that immortal people must be able to feel it.

Moreover, during the fight, No. 9 also said that on the way, someone had already rushed over. If they didn't leave, they might have to face more guards.

These God Prison guards are all well-cultivated. Although one or two is not a problem, once the God Prison guards alarmed everyone, I am afraid it will be a great trouble.

When Feng Hao and Xian'er left this space, within a moment, several other warriors also in black robes came here. They glanced around, but their expressions were extremely solemn.

One of them said softly: "No. 9 and others are dead."

All that was left on the scene was a piece of dilapidated ruins, and the self-destruction of a strong man in the Divine Master Realm was indeed enough to completely raze this space to the ground without leaving anything behind.

"Three people are not inferior, I'm afraid this matter has to be reported." Another black-robed warrior also said in a deep voice. This time, the guards of the **** prison lost three at once. Great loss.

Among the immortals, there are indeed some means that can make some people quickly become god masters, but that will lose the chance of becoming a supreme being. They guard everyone in the god prison, but they are not that kind of people. They have such When you achieve success, you have to work hard on your own, and if there is one less, it is a loss.

This time, three people died at once, plus the Black Crow who also died in Feng Hao's hands earlier, this is equivalent to four fewer guards in the prison.

There are only fourteen guards in the God Prison, and now there are six of them here, and they can't continue to pursue it now, and they don't have the means. No clues were left.

"Let's go, go back to God's Prison first, the fluctuation here may have attracted that unicorn dragon."

At that moment, the six figures looked at each other, and left here directly, returning to the divine prison, and after they left, a loud roar suddenly broke the tranquility of this place, and the next moment, the earth trembled , A huge figure came running immediately.

This huge figure is the huge monster that Feng Hao had met before, that is the so-called Qilin monster dragon!

It was only at this time that the huge body of this unicorn dragon was fully presented. After it appeared, it roared angrily, as if it had sensed something, and immediately ran straight in a certain direction.

And the direction that the Qilin Demon Dragon is running towards is the direction where Feng Hao and Xian'er are leaving!

At this time, Feng Hao and Xian'er were running fast, away from the area where they fought just now. On this road, they also encountered many monsters that wanted to destroy, but Feng Hao did not disturb them.

"I just found the location of God's Prison from the mind of that unlucky guy."

Feng Hao said softly while walking, in the soul search just now, although there was not much time, he also found the place where the divine prison is located in the mind of the other party, and he also learned that in the divine prison, some who.

"If we go, how long will it take?" Xian'er asked.

"It's about a few hours, but we can't go there so rashly." Feng Hao also took a deep breath and said: "There are still eight guards in the prison, and two powerhouses in the supreme state guarding the prison." , and those who are imprisoned in the God Prison are also some strong people, they are all sinners of immortals, and the lowest is the existence of God Master Realm."

Hearing this, Xian'er couldn't help but frowned. It seemed that the power of this divine prison was a bit beyond what he had expected. It was really hard for people to imagine that a mere divine prison possessed such a huge heritage.

How many tricks does this fairy have?

"And I also learned from his memory that there seems to be a huge secret hidden under the God Prison."

At this time, Feng Hao hesitated for a moment, and immediately said to Xian'er: "I intuitively think that the secret may be related to you."

Hearing this, Xian'er's body stiffened suddenly, and then asked, "What's the secret?"

Feng Hao shook his head, and said: "I don't know, I don't have much time to search for the soul, but after knowing about the God Prison, there is no other time for me to continue to search for the soul, that guy is about to explode gone."

The situation just now was extremely dangerous. If Feng Hao and the others took half a step too late, they would be involved in the range of the self-destruction of the god master, and I'm afraid they would suffer a lot.

"From this point of view, I still have to go to this divine prison." Xian'er frowned. If this is the case, then as long as she enters the divine prison, she will be able to learn some things. Regarding her own identity, She has always doubted whether she is really the Supreme Evil Immortal.

"We must go, but we need to discuss it. Rushing into the restricted area is undoubtedly courting death." Feng Hao smiled wryly, if Xian'er was at the peak of the past, then they could break through openly, but not now.

"Besides, there is not much time left for us. I am afraid that in a few days, once the monster turmoil this time is subsided, our whereabouts in the Great Wilderness Mountains will be easily captured by them." Feng Hao also added Dao, some things I learned when searching for the soul of the guards of the **** prison.

"Well, let's talk about getting closer to the prison first." Xian'er also nodded, and now they have to get close to the prison before they can decide what to do next.

"Well, something is wrong."

At this moment, Feng Hao raised his head suddenly, glanced at the back, and said in shock. "What's going on?" Xian'er looked at Feng Hao in astonishment, not knowing why.

"There is an aura locked on me behind me." Immediately, Feng Hao's expression became extremely dignified. This was not his own illusion, but an inexplicably powerful aura that tracked him down and locked him in.

"It's those two supreme beings." Xian'er also asked, if it wasn't for the supreme beings, I'm afraid the powerhouses in the God Master Realm wouldn't be able to do this.

"No..." Feng Hao's face sank, his face was a little ugly, and he said: "I'm afraid it is a more difficult existence than Supreme."

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