Martial Inverse

Chapter 113: Joining Forces for a Strike

In the God Prison, everyone gathered together, trying to stop Feng Hao and others. The only thing they can do now is to pray that the restriction will not be defeated like this, otherwise, they will face It will be a fight to the death!

Outside the divine prison, Xian'er's terrifying energy fluctuations are still brewing. As time goes by, the energy fluctuations erupting from Xian'er's body are also very terrifying, but she still hasn't stopped, and continues to Brewing, once shot, it will be the strongest blow.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Hao felt that at the moment Xian'er made a move, he should join hands to strike. Only in this way can he have enough confidence to break the restriction.

"Kirin Demon Dragon, come again, don't hide your ability, we only have this chance."

At the moment, Feng Hao also turned his head slowly, and glanced at the Qilin Yaolong Dao. It was true that the Qilin Yaolong made a move just now, but Feng Hao believed that it was not the last resort of the Qilin Yaolong. , is also hiding.

The Qilin Demon Dragon was silent for a moment, then nodded immediately, and didn't say much. Instead, the huge body was once again entrenched in mid-air. bamboo.

This black bead is filled with extremely terrifying power of destruction.

The dragon ball, the natal dragon ball of the unicorn demon dragon, is the most important thing for him. As long as the dragon ball is not destroyed, he will not die. It can be seen how important this dragon ball is, but this time the unicorn demon dragon does not even have the dragon ball. If it is taken out, it is obviously to use real strength.

Seeing this scene, Feng Hao also nodded, at least he is decent now, and he also slowly closed his eyes at the moment, he has to cooperate with Xian'er's attack, including the Qilin Yaolong, the three powerhouses join forces to fight Xeon hit.

If it is impossible to break the restriction, then Feng Hao can only admit his failure, even the three of them have no way to break the restriction, let alone other means.

At the moment, Feng Hao is trying to activate the Art of Opening Heaven, even if it has three times the combat power, once it appears, then Feng Hao's blow can almost stand shoulder to shoulder with the Supreme.

However, at this time, Feng Hao was thinking in his heart that the Kaitian Jue with three times the combat power was still not enough compared to the current situation. He wanted to obtain more powerful power, only in this way could he be Increase their chances of breaking the ban.

Feng Hao fell into a state of silence, and the sound of roaring monsters beside him was filled with two extremely terrifying energy fluctuations. He didn't pay attention to it, but instead kept deducing the Art of Opening Heaven in his heart. .

The power in the Lingzhu is constantly operating according to the tricks of the Kaitian Jue, but this time, what Feng Hao wants is not only three times the combat power, he wants to obtain higher power, that is the Kaitian Jue 4 Heavy, can explode four times the combat power.

This is what he needs.

Running again and again, even several times, he was able to successfully trigger three times the combat power, but Feng Hao gave up directly, and he kept trying, trying to trigger four times the combat power Appear.

However, at this time, Feng Hao fell into such a strange state, and Xian'er and the Qilin Demon Dragon continued to brew. Everything was waiting for a suitable opportunity. Once this opportunity appeared, then it would be the three of them. When people teamed up to unleash the strongest blow.

However, at this time, the strong immortals had already set out from the heaven in a mighty way, and the entire Penglai world could feel such a powerful aura. As for the strength of the two giants, they kept silent at first, but after a while, it seemed that After some discussions, they also began to quietly mobilize their respective strengths.

Even the Guardian Clan is no exception. They have recalled the strong people who have experienced outside and gathered together.

In such a world of Penglai, there is a feeling that a storm is about to come at the moment, no one can explain clearly,

What the hell is going to happen.

But now, many strong men of the Immortal are rushing to the Great Wilderness Mountains. They are extremely fast, so Feng Hao and others don't have much time, and there is only one chance to succeed. .

Within the Great Wilderness Mountains, about a moment later, Xian'er slowly opened her eyes. At the moment, Xian'er seemed to have completed what she needed to do. She opened her eyes and saw the Qilin Demon Dragon and Feng Hao. The move, the heart is also enlightened at the moment.

I'm afraid, this is the rhythm for the three of them to join forces to strike the strongest blow, so Xian'er is not in a hurry to make a move, but is waiting quietly, the soft and bright light in her hand is like a round of hot Like a god, filled with frightening fluctuations.

And after a while, the preparations for the unicorn demon dragon were obviously completed. The dragon ball kept rolling, and the terrifying aura lingering on it also made many monsters look terrified. This is the panic coming from the depths of the blood. .

At this time, no matter it is Xian'er, or Qilin Yaolong, they are all waiting for Feng Hao.

As long as Feng Hao is ready, the three of them can launch an attack in an instant. At this time, it seems that if they are aware of these abnormalities, the fluctuations permeating the invisible restriction are becoming more and more intense at this time, extremely unusual.

It seemed like a moment, like a hundred years, Feng Hao was immersed in the world of his spiritual consciousness, I don't know how long it took, the next moment, his heart trembled suddenly, and there was a strange feeling in his heart a feeling of.

This feeling made him excited, because he knew very well that he had achieved what he wanted to do.

At that moment, Feng Hao stretched out his palm slowly, and there was nothing on it, and a deep nine-color light slowly condensed together. The next moment, Feng Hao suddenly opened his eyes, and his breath became Extremely violent.

And following this transformation, both Xian'er and the Qilin Demon Dragon trembled in their hearts. The powerful power from Feng Hao made them all feel extremely surprised, especially the Qilin Demon Dragon, which was not expected at all. It turned out that Feng Hao was actually able to prepare such a terrible blow.

"Let's do it."

At this time, a faint word came from Feng Hao's mouth, and his own aura was already like a boiling flame, he could no longer suppress it, there was no way to wait any longer, the three of them had to act now.

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