Martial Inverse

Chapter 120: The Gate of Time and Space

However, all of this is based on the premise that the Supreme Evil Immortal can return.

"They are right ahead, and they are absolutely not allowed to leave this wild mountain range."

The current ruler of the immortals also said in a deep voice, because once they leave the Great Wilderness Mountains, it may not be so simple to continue to pursue them.

"Well, what a powerful spatial fluctuation."

At that moment, a strong man also raised his head suddenly, and immediately his eyes fell on the front, and an astonishing energy fluctuation came from the front, and it was also a spatial fluctuation.

"There is also the energy fluctuation of the law of time." The ruler of the fairy also said in a deep voice. All of a sudden, the two laws of time and space are used at the same time. What are they doing, even if they have these two as inheritance? Immortals with countless years of power also don't know what effect they will have once these two powers are combined into one.

"The two laws of power have fallen into Feng Hao's hands. Could it be that he has already handed over all of them to Spring." One of the elders was also puzzled, what would happen if these two powers merged into one, They simply don't know.

"It looks like it should be." The Immortal Ruler also glanced ahead and said, "According to this speed, they have no chance to leave the Great Wilderness Mountain Range."

Indeed, according to the current speed, although they still have a long distance from Feng Hao and the others, within a short while, according to their speed, they can quickly catch up with the three of them. After all, the realm gap between the two sides is placed here.

However, at this time, Feng Hao was paying attention to the many auras behind him all the time. As these auras got closer and closer, he also showed a worried look in his heart. With two kinds of auras of gold and silver, mysterious waves emanated from her body.

At this time, in the palm of Spring, the two clusters of gold and silver represent two completely different forces that are fused together in a protective way. It seems that as long as these two forces are successfully fused, the so-called The gate of time and space.

With the gate of time and space, they would leave the Great Wilderness Mountains in an instant.

Xian'er's expression was also extremely dignified, she glanced at the back from time to time, but she quietly made up her mind that if she had to, she would directly stay and block the group of strong men behind her, so as to give Feng Hao Get enough time to leave.

"Fool, don't be confused, we came to the Great Wilderness Mountains together, and I will definitely not abandon you."

Feng Hao also noticed the change in Xian'er's expression at this time, and he smiled slightly at the moment. He couldn't guess what was going on in Xian'er's heart. Between him and Xian'er, there was almost someone who could sacrifice their lives for each other , but in the current situation, he would definitely not sit back and watch Xian'er stay.

Xian'er forced a smile, the more Feng Hao was like this, the more determined she was in her mind, at the moment she was also quietly using the power of her whole body, and when necessary, she would turn around abruptly to intercept.

"Quick, it'll be fine soon."

However, at this time, Chunchun also said in a deep voice, Feng Hao glanced at it, and the two kinds of gold and silver auras in Chunchun's hands were almost fused. Naturally, there is no need to consider other things.

"They're coming after them."

However, at this moment, Xian'er spoke calmly. When Xian'er's voice fell, the world suddenly trembled slightly, and a huge coercion fell from the sky immediately. Next, Xian'er didn't change much, but Feng Hao and Chun Chun suddenly slowed down, as if they had been imprisoned.

"No, they have locked up this space." Feng Hao frowned, and a bad thought flashed in his heart.

"It's okay, give me a little more time, even if they confine the space, the gate of time and space can still go through the space." Chunchun said anxiously, at this time the energy in her hand was about to be fused,

It just takes a little time.

"You don't want to leave this wild mountain range."

However, at this time, a cold female voice suddenly echoed around Feng Hao, and within a short while, many strong men behind him also caught up, and immediately blocked Feng Hao and others' retreat.

Feng Hao took a deep breath, knowing that there seemed to be no other way at the moment, he simply gave up and continued to move forward, instead he stopped and turned to face the many strong men from the immortals.

"I'm stalling for you, hurry up."

Feng Hao is also a sound transmission way, obviously, as long as he buys a little time, it is enough.

At that moment, their way was blocked, and many strong men surrounded them, the leader of which was the ruler of immortals. She glanced at Chunchun and ignored her. Instead, she turned her attention to Xian'er and carefully identified After waiting for a while, he also said respectfully: "My lord Xiexian, we are here to welcome you back to the immortal."

"See Supreme Evil Immortal!"

The current group of strong men immediately knelt down on one leg. Of course, they were facing Xian'er, and they have almost concluded that Xian'er is their supreme evil fairy.

"No, you have misunderstood the person, I am not some kind of Evil Immortal Supreme." Xian'er was very calm, glanced at the ruler and said.

"I think, my lord, you may have temporarily forgotten some things, but it doesn't matter, come back to heaven with us, and you will naturally remember everything." From her point of view, Xian'er is indeed the Supreme Evil Immortal, but the same thing is, she can't remember anything now, including her own identity, but as long as she can be brought back to the heaven, there is naturally a way to make the evil immortal Xian Zhizun restores her memory.

"I'm afraid you can't get what you want."

However, Feng Hao raised his head slowly at this time, with a strange smile on his mouth, which made many of the immortals stunned, what is this guy laughing at.

However, the next moment, the two golden and silver energies in Chunchun's hands finally merged completely, and immediately erupted a terrifying energy fluctuation. The next moment, the space in front of him was directly torn apart, forming a crack.

"The gate of time and space has appeared, let's go."

Right now, Spring didn't hesitate at all, directly took Xian'er and Feng Hao's arms, turned around and jumped into the gate of time and space without looking back.

"Damn it, this space is blocked by my means, how can they still do this."

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