Martial Inverse

Chapter 156: One person short

At this time, many people gathered in the human race's conference hall, Feng Hao listened to Huang Yuntian and others talking about the situation of the human race one by one, and nodded from time to time.

It has to be said that no one dares to provoke the current human race, looking at the Hundred Clans Continent, all because of the existence of Feng Hao.

"Since that's the case, then I'd like to trouble you to think about the matter of merging with the Guardian Clan."

At this time, Feng Hao also smiled and said, he is not good at this kind of thing, but he can leave it to other people to do it.

"You kid, you want to be the shopkeeper again." Huang Yuntian said with a resentful expression.

"Haha, no, because I have more important things to do." Feng Hao said with a smile, his eyes glanced over the girls, and a rare tenderness appeared on his face.

"Daddy, are you going somewhere else?" Xiao Qingmeng asked with her head tilted, and the girls also looked puzzled. Logically speaking, at this time, the threat of the fairy can be temporarily ignored. Then Feng Hao can also stay in the human race quietly for a period of time.

"I owe a wedding to all of you, and it's time to hold it now." Feng Hao touched Xiao Qingmeng's ground, looked at the girls and said, "I'm very lucky to meet you all this way, and I want to let you Everyone in the world knows that you are my Fenghao's women."

When Feng Hao said these words, everyone was in an uproar immediately.

However, Huang Yuntian and Liu Canyan looked at each other and nodded, among them, Huang Yuntian said: "Feng Hao is right, at least you are also the leader of our human race, this time the wedding will be held in a splendid manner."

"That's right, it is."

"Haha, the human race is another grand event."

At the moment, everyone turned down one after another, and turned against the audience, but now they had a shy expression on their faces, even Qingwu blushed in a rare way, let alone Xian'er.

"But before again, I have to bring Wanxin back." Feng Hao also smiled and said, there is only one person missing from his many beauties, and that is Wanxin.

The girls nodded when they heard the words. In the past, Wanxin followed Liu Canyan to practice in a ruined place, but it has been a long time since now. Logically speaking, Wanxin should have returned.

At this time, Liu Canyan also nodded, and said: "It was indeed I who took Wanxin to practice in the ruins that day. I originally went there once a hundred years ago, and every time before was okay, but last time, I went When we arrived at the ruins, there was no reply from Wanxin."

Hearing this, Feng Hao couldn't help but his face darken. It seems that this is not good news.

"But don't worry, Wanxin's soul jade slip is still there, and it is relatively stable. Otherwise, I would have told you." Seeing Feng Hao's nervous expression, Liu Canyan immediately understood Feng Hao's heart thought.

Hearing what Liu Canyan said, Feng Hao breathed a sigh of relief, if something happened to Wanxin, he might feel uneasy.

"Don't blame Liu Canyan. At that time, you just came back from the Zhenwu Continent. You had no time to spare, and there was nothing wrong with Wanxin's soul jade slip, so I will wait for another opportunity to take a look." At this time, Huang Yuntian also Slowly and authentically.

Feng Hao nodded, rubbed his brows, and thought so, it seems that after returning from Zhenwu Continent, he has never been free, but now it is time to pick Wanxin back.

Wait until Wanxin comes back, then Fenghao can hold a very shrouded wedding!

"Okay, if that's the case, you and I will go to the ruins together and bring Wanxin back." Liu Canyan also nodded.

"I know most of the relics in the Penglai world, but which relic is she in?" At this time, Huangfu Wushuang also asked slowly.

"The remains of the glacier."

Liu Canyan replied: "That place is said to be the place where a supreme master who manipulated the power of ice once fell, and I also got some opportunities there, so I sent Wanxin there.


"The ruins of the glacier, the most difficult place in the Penglai world, the ruins of the glacier on the endless ice field." Feng Hao also raised his eyebrows at the moment. He knew that place, but he had never been there.

"Well, that's right, that place is relatively not too dangerous, and there are few people."

Feng Hao thought for a moment, and said: "If that's the case, let's leave tomorrow, Wushuang will go with me, and I will bother Huang Yuntian and Liu Canyan to come with me, and then I will go with the Guardian Clan It is estimated that there is something to discuss, and it would be better for you to come forward."

"Haha, boy, you said it when you wanted to be a shopkeeper, but you didn't say it. Anyway, it's not the first time for you." At that moment, Huang Yuntian saw through Feng Hao's thoughts at a glance, and couldn't help laughing.

Feng Hao grinned, this is indeed not what he is good at, it might be better for Huang Yuntian and others to handle these matters.

At that moment, Feng Hao took a glance, and couldn't help asking in astonishment: "Where are Leng Yusen and After Shadow?"

Leng Yusen and Remnant Shadow were once the three great geniuses of the human race who stood side by side with Feng Hao, both of whom were divine masters. However, Feng Hao has already left them far away, and has achieved unprecedented feats. Let a person sigh.

"The two of them are now practicing besides cultivation, and they have also been promoted to the God Master Realm."

Huang Yuntian said quite comfortingly: "Our human race has finally endured for ten thousand years. After this time, no one can kick the human race off the altar again."

Indeed, today's human race has reached an unprecedented peak. Although it is a bit too much to say that the Hundred Clan Continent is unified, there is no race in the Hundred Clan Continent that is not headed by the human race, let alone the alliance of many human races. Races, at this time, are willing to become vassal races of the human race.

And once the Guardian Clan and the Human Race are fused together, the status of the Human Race will be unprecedentedly high, and no matter how long it has passed, the Human Race will not fall because of this, because it is the Guardian Clan.

It has to be said that the old man Xuanyuan knew what Feng Hao wanted very well, and the condition he proposed was almost impossible for Feng Hao to refuse.

Feng Hao also smiled when he heard the words: "If that's the case, let's go away and leave tomorrow to return to the world of Penglai."

That night, Feng Hao naturally enjoyed the blessings of Qiren again, and spent time with many beauties. It is a pity that the time has passed too fast. You understand.

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