Martial Inverse

Chapter 181 Use my blood to summon the demon soul

This is more than vicious, it is almost used to force the lives of innocent people in the whole world to complete the goal of this monster!

Moreover, the actions of Feng Hao and others also briefly helped the monster's plan, and this effect is what the monster wants to see.

"Use my blood, the wronged soul in the world, summon the demon soul!"

Suddenly, that monster also roared angrily, and the sound resounded for nine days. Almost no one could have foreseen that this scene would happen at this time.

The strong wind is still there, and the icy energy is everywhere, as if it wants to swallow the world. The seals of the three restricted areas are filled with countless strong fluctuations in an instant, and a series of mournful howls are heard from within the restricted area. come out.

Like hell!

Feng Hao watched all this helplessly, but he couldn't stop it!

Thunder and lightning suddenly flashed across the black sky, but in an instant, the torrential rain came, like the cry of a wronged soul. With the appearance of the torrential rain, the area where it was located was like a sea of ​​blood! It terrified him!

"Haha, all it takes is a little trickery to make my plan succeed. Give up! The seals of these three restricted areas, because of what you have done, will be covered with the blood of your fellow clan, and they will soon be invalid! And when that It's time for us demons to return to the land!"

The monster's voice slowly echoed in the world, but his aura suddenly dissipated, as if he had never appeared before.

Feng Hao raised his head slowly, let the heavy rain fall on him, and asked softly, "Is he dead?"

"No, he can't die, this is just his avatar, the real body, in the mountain range of the fairy!" The old man Xuanyuan also took a deep breath, and said: "I finally understand why the void Immortal, I want to seal the entire organization of Immortal for a thousand years, because he has noticed where the monster is."

"However, this monster is extremely cunning. Before the seal appeared, it forcibly separated its own soul, created a clone, returned to the Hundred Clans Continent, and created this conspiracy."

At this time, naturally, many things were explained clearly. Hearing the old man Xuanyuan's words, Feng Hao's whole body fell into a dignified state. It would be a trap! Moreover, their killings promoted the emergence of this trap.


A loud noise suddenly came from the restricted area, and a series of tyrannical auras diffused out of it. This kind of change made many people present even more dignified, especially the old man Xuanyuan and others. They had already noticed it. , the power of the seal is gradually weakening.

However, as time passed, the resentment contained in this blood was enough to destroy the seal of the restricted area! You know, this is the blood of tens of thousands of people, and the resentment condensed in it is very terrifying!

Moreover, this unwilling resentment before dying has a miraculous effect on this seal. Other powers cannot destroy the seal, but this resentment can, and it can continuously devour the energy of the seal. Once enough time has passed, it will be Completely disintegrate the entire seal!

And at that time, even the seal left by God Venerable Pangu will be broken by this monstrous resentment, and the monsters that have been sealed for countless years will break the seal and come out!

"Is there any other way to do this!!! It is absolutely impossible to just sit back and watch something go wrong with the seal.


Feng Hao roared, even if he had given everything, he would definitely not let the seal go wrong. Once the seal appeared, let alone the Hundred Clans Continent, even the Penglai World would be doomed! In ancient times, there were existences such as Pangu God Lord and Nuwa Holy Queen, who could suppress these monsters, but looking at the present, it is impossible to find such people.

All the people are silent, including Tongtian, Honggu and others. They have no way to solve the predicament in front of them at this time, they can only watch helplessly as a group of people rises gradually in the restricted area. A blood mist, like a vicious ghost, soared into the sky.

After being silent for a while, the old man Xuanyuan sighed, lowered his head slowly, looked at his withered palms, and said to himself: "Since I am the previous guardian, so am I It's time to do something."

Feng Hao suddenly noticed that the old man Xuanyuan's words seemed to give him a bad premonition, and suddenly stopped in front of the old man Xuanyuan.

"Senior, what are you going to do!"

Facing Feng Hao, the old man Xuanyuan slowly raised his head, with a calm smile on his face, looked directly at Feng Hao, and said with a smile: "Feng Hao, I will entrust you to protect the clan in the future, you have a spirit pearl on your body , if possible, take the Lingzhu, go to Chaos, and summon Pangu God back."

"Also, the girl's body has a lot of connections with the Queen Nuwa. Maybe she can give you a helping hand in the future."

The old man Xuanyuan said slowly, as if entrusting his funeral, the more he looked like this, the more shocked Feng Hao was. He couldn't help but think of the Immortal of Nothingness, who was so calm before leaving , the same incomparably calm demeanor.

Supreme Being Hongmeng and Supreme Good and Evil were silent, and they also vaguely guessed in their hearts what Elder Xuanyuan was going to do.

"Feng Hao, you are the hope, not only the hope of the human race, but also the hope of this world."

However, the old man Xuanyuan shook his head, patted Feng Hao on the shoulder and said: "In the future, it is your responsibility to lead the guardian clan and truly protect this land."

After finishing speaking, the old man Xuanyuan stepped forward. Feng Hao wanted to stop him, but he was imprisoned by an invisible force. This is the power of the old man Xuanyuan. .

The old man Xuanyuan smiled, turned around abruptly, and walked towards the restricted area.

With one step down, a golden aura suddenly appeared, like a lotus flower. With each step down, like a lotus flower blooming, the aura of the whole person gradually became majestic, and the whole world seemed to be because of this. trembling.

The torrential rain continued, and the invisible oppressive atmosphere was pervasive. The old man Xuanyuan approached the restricted area step by step, but at this time his body was full of golden light, and the whole world was shaken by it! The power of the Divine General Realm is absolutely terrifying!

"Senior...why did you do this..." Feng Hao tried to struggle, but he was powerless, he could only watch the old man Xuanyuan's actions helplessly.

"I came from heaven and earth, so why not be afraid to return to heaven and earth." The old man Xuanyuan said indifferently, raised his head and looked at the sky, and in an instant, a golden light soared into the sky.

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