Martial Inverse

Chapter 193 Rectifying the Xuandao Valley

At that moment, Huangfu Jinglei's face was ashen, he never expected that Feng Hao would be the Supreme Realm.

This is a realm that he can't compete with. He has stayed at the peak of the God Lord for many years, but he has never been able to find an opportunity to break through. At present, Feng Hao has entered this realm one step earlier than him, especially in today's world. , a Supreme is the embodiment of the peak combat power!

"you you"

Huangfu was startled, he was even speechless, the feeling of his mood can be imagined, originally he thought that after a period of comprehension, he would not dare to say that he could win against Feng Hao, but at least he could evenly win with Feng Hao .

But the scene in front of him can be regarded as completely breaking his mind.

Feng Hao in the Supreme Realm, not to mention being equally divided, as long as Feng Hao is willing, his own life and death are all in Feng Hao's thought.

"Aren't you surprised?"

Feng Hao sneered slightly and said: "That's right, I have entered the Supreme Realm, otherwise you think that by relying on my status as the patriarch of the guarding clan, you can let the two seniors Tongtian and Honggu entrust the power of these two giants to me?"

"It's so naive, without absolute force, do you think I will establish this alliance of ten thousand races.

Feng Hao shook his head, showing a look of pity, looked at the dumbfounded Huangfu Jinglei, and said: "What you did today, even if I killed you, it is not too much, but I think you are Senior Tongtian For the sake of my disciple, I will not kill you."

Huangfu Jinglei was angry and furious, but facing Feng Hao who could absolutely suppress him, he had nothing to do, so he roared angrily: "Kill me if you have the ability."

Feng Hao shook his head, and immediately glanced coldly at the part of the strong who supported Huangfu Jinglei before, and said coldly: "I will not kill people, but for the stability of Xuandao Valley in the future, I will abolish your cultivation base, as a Warning."

After his voice fell, his palm suddenly pressed down on Huangfu Jinglei's dantian, exerted a slight force, and immediately Huangfu Jinglei let out a terrible howl.


At this time, Huangfu Jinglei fell to the ground suddenly, rolling continuously, like a lost dog, extremely embarrassed, a hint of panic appeared in his wide-eyed eyes, and he realized that the cultivation in his body had not changed at that moment just now. In an instant, it was broken.

When the dantian was disabled, the energy in the body would dissipate directly. From now on, Huangfu Jinglei would be a disabled person.

How could he accept that the holy son of Xuandao Valley fell down from the high place and became a cripple with no cultivation at all.

"If you don't kill me, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost."

Even so, Huangfu Jinglei gritted his teeth and stared at Feng Hao with resentment, that expression was terrifying like a ghost.

Feng Hao shook his head, and said softly: "This is your own crime. At this time, you still tried to split the Xuandao Valley, and didn't kill you because of your master's face. Don't think too much about yourself. I want you Life, you can’t die, if you want to die, no one can save you.”

After such words fell, the powerhouses in the entire Xuandao Valley were completely quiet. If Feng Hao said this sentence before, some of them might have dismissed it, but after Feng Hao's aura spread out, , they naturally did not dare to say a word!

"Whoever violates Xuandao Valley in the future will be an example."

Feng Hao glanced at everyone who passed by Xuandao Valley, and said in a cold voice at the moment, he completely passed his tyrannical means, giving everyone a blow.

The audience was silent, and everyone didn't dare to say a word. Even those strong men in the Supreme Realm looked at each other and said nothing more. Although they were also in the Supreme Realm, they naturally passed this From time to time, it can be seen that even if they are in the same realm, they are not Feng Hao's opponents.

With Huangfu Jinglei, the young bird who suffered first, they would not be stupid enough to continue to provoke Feng Hao, the evil star.

Seeing that these people finally became completely quiet,

Huangfu Wushuang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, although she was not interested in the position of the master of Xuandao Valley, but Feng Hao asked her to do it, and she did, and as the saint of Xuandao Valley, she was unwilling to see Xuandao Valley At this time, it will be disintegrated.

If there is no Feng Hao today, Xuan Dao Valley will face being split. This is what senior Tong Tian knows. This is such an ironic thing.

"Right now, do you still have opinions on letting Huangfu Wushuang take over the position of Lord of the Xuandao Valley?"

Feng Hao also said in a cold voice, scanning the audience, everyone lowered their heads and said respectfully: "I have no objection at all."

This is the situation after the strong hand, although Feng Hao did not want to use such a strong means to suppress these people, but now the situation is chaotic, so he has to do so.

"The chaos in the restricted area has completely lost the peace of the Penglai world and the Hundred Clans Continent. The power of the two giants has also been greatly reduced. At this time, whether it is for yourselves or for the entire Penglai world, what you need to do is to unite. Instead of fighting in a nest like you."

After Feng Hao heard that everyone had no objection, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, his tone softened a lot, and he said in a flat voice: "Think about those elders who died in the forbidden area, do you think that what you have done at this time is worthy of them. "

This sentence can be heard by those powerful people in the Supreme Realm. In order to completely calm these people down, Feng Hao also used both soft and hard methods.

"I will not intervene in Xuandao Valley, this matter is still serious." Feng Hao said slowly: "The establishment of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance is just to work together to solve the problem of the forbidden area. Now your Xuandao Valley is in charge of Huangfu Wushuang. A hundred years later, she will choose another person to inherit the Taoism of Xuandao Valley, and there is no need to worry that Xuandao Valley will fall into the hands of others."

"My request is very simple, and I know that many of you present may be unconvinced, but what I want to say is that within a hundred years, no matter who you are, you will be honest and secure. I only want a hundred years of stability. Do you understand what this means?"

Feng Hao glanced past these people coldly, they are really stupid group of people, if it is not for the face of senior Tongtian, relying on the Xuandao Valley at this time, it will not be able to form any combat power at all, if he does not forcefully intervene In terms of supervision, without other people, Wo Lidou can destroy Xuan Dao Valley.

Within a hundred years, he needs everyone to work together to face the restricted area, so naturally he can't sit idly by.

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