Martial Inverse

Chapter 197: Killing the Past

At the moment, after discussing for a while, the two of them turned back directly. This time, the two of them didn't cover up their whereabouts, nor suppressed their aura deliberately, and appeared directly in front of Taxianlou.

However, with the appearance of the two of them, all the powerhouses in the city cast their gazes, including the three supreme beings, who also set off at this time.

"Stop, who are you two?"

However, at this moment, a figure in a blue robe slowly stood up, glanced coldly past Feng Hao and Nangong Wushuang, his expression gradually became dignified, he waved his hand, and dozens of people rushed out of the surrounding area immediately For the strong, one part is the God Master Realm, and the other part is the Great Emperor Realm.

"You are not qualified to talk to us yet, step back."

Feng Hao smiled lightly, just a god master, not enough for them to face up to it.

"Presumptuous, catch them, they must be people related to Ling Xiaofeng, torture will definitely pay off."

At that moment, the strong man in the blue robe was also furious. The majestic God Master Realm was actually underestimated by such an old man who looked like he was about to enter the coffin, and a young boy in front of him. This made him feel unbearable, and his heart was full of killing intent And now.

"In that case, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Feng Hao smiled slightly, and immediately said to Nangong Wushuang: "Senior, these little shrimps don't need your hands."

Nangong Wushuang nodded with a smile. He also wanted to see what kind of supernatural power this Feng Hao had. He could make his unfilial disciple a person who wanted to surpass him, and even broke the curse of the Hundred Clans Continent. reached the Supreme Realm.

This group of people rushed forward, and the momentum at the moment was quite frightening, but Feng Hao took a step lightly, glanced over coldly, his hands slowly formed a handprint, and said softly: "burn."

When the sound fell, he stepped on the ground suddenly, and immediately a huge force centered on him and spread out rapidly. The ground was filled with cracks like spider webs, but the cracks passed by Everywhere, bursts of nine-color divine lights rushed out instantly.

These nine-color divine lights spread out like deep flames at the moment, and at this moment, they seemed to form a huge profound formation.

And these powerhouses have all rushed into this formation at this time, shrouded in the entire terrifying flame. Once the divine flame condensed by these nine-color divine lights is contaminated, it cannot be extinguished at all. These strong men were all panicked at this time.

There was no way to rush in front of Feng Hao, but there were dozens of strong men, including the green robe strong man before, and the nine-color divine light on his body quickly made them feel the life threat.

"I said, you still don't stop, you can't live by doing your own crimes."

Feng Hao also waved his sleeve robe at the moment, he didn't look at these people at all, he didn't need to feel pity for these people, he also went straight to Taxianlou.

However, at this moment, three majestic auras suddenly descended from the sky, and three divine lights of different colors streaked across the night and turned into three figures, blocking Feng Hao in front of them. The person's aura is majestic, obviously not extraordinary.

Feng Hao and Nangong Wushuang looked at each other, and also paused, looking at the three supreme powerhouses, presumably the three people Nangong Wushuang was talking about were them.

"You are from Ling Xiaofeng."

However, among the three supreme powerhouses, one of the old men in plain robes was also indifferent, with a rather unfriendly tone, staring at Feng Hao and saying: "Hand over the key to open the road to Ling Xiaofeng, and I can spare you from dying."

However, in the face of such threats, Feng Hao chuckled and shook his head and said: "I thought who it was, but three outdated old men, one low-ranked supreme, and two middle-ranked supreme, but I feel sorry for the person who ordered you." Interested."

"Tell me, who ordered you to besiege Ling Xiaofeng, tell me and spare you."

With the same tone, Feng Hao retorted lightly, but Nangong Wushuang coughed lightly beside him: "Little guy,

In your words, the old man is also included. "

Feng Hao laughed, and said: "Senior, don't worry about it, I'm talking about these three old guys."

Nangong Wushuang also rolled his eyes, glanced at these three guys at the moment, and said coldly: "If you don't want to die, get out."

The three supreme powerhouses laughed back angrily. They never expected that someone would be so bold. At that moment, the plain robed old man waved his robe violently and said angrily, "Then I have to do it."

At the moment, these three powerhouses attacked together suddenly. They were quite shrewd, and they felt the extraordinaryness of the sword master Nangong Wushuang. At the moment, the two inferior supremes joined hands to entangle Nangong Wushuang, but the other The middle-ranked Supreme is to deal with Feng Hao directly.

This lineup is also reasonable. Relatively speaking, Nangong Wushuang is obviously more difficult to deal with than Feng Hao. It is better to deal with Feng Hao as quickly as possible, and then turn around and the three of them join forces to deal with Nangong Wushuang.

"I really think highly of this old man, the two join forces."

Nangong Wushuang is also authentic, this scene is naturally in Feng Hao's expectation, the opponent will definitely use Feng Hao as a breakthrough, but as long as one of them is solved, the remaining one is naturally not that important.

But they didn't seem to think that Feng Hao is not an ordinary person, or in other words, even when facing the Supreme, he is different from the ordinary Supreme.

Logically speaking, the combination of the two inferior supreme beings should be able to give Feng Hao a lot of attention, but the Feng Hao they are facing is the patriarch of the guardian clan, and he is the first one to break the curse of the Hundred Clan Continent. The supreme being who is also a person who has inherited the celestial lineage of nothingness, how can it be so easy to deal with.

"Boy, if you want to blame it, it's your bad luck. After all, you have to pay the price for using your tongue."

One of the lower ranks also said in a cold voice, he was the most upset when he saw Feng Hao, and he even thought of how to torture Feng Hao later, that would be fine.

Feng Hao smiled slightly, and took the lead to step out, directly facing these two supreme beings, he was right, if he wanted to solve the opposite, it would just take time, if it was the central defender supreme, he would still Be afraid.

Sometimes 11 is not equal to 2, especially in terms of strength, the combination of two low-ranked supreme beings may not be able to defeat the middle-ranked supreme, and naturally it cannot make Feng Hao fearful.

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