Martial Inverse

Chapter 200 Who is the black hand?

When the lower supreme blew his soul, it was obvious that other powers were tyrannizing his soul to blew himself up, and he did not do it voluntarily. However, he is a majestic supreme powerhouse. It is also not to be underestimated.

In this world, who else can make a subordinate supreme give up his soul and show his loyalty? This is probably a bit intriguing.

In the scene just now, it should be a kind of oath made by one soul that had consequences. In fact, the inferior supreme just now felt shaken in his heart. After all, no one wants to die, especially after they have cultivated to their level. , then there is really nothing.

However, at the moment when his heart was shaken, it was too late for Feng Hao to act, and the soul of the next supreme was directly disintegrated. some type of.

Although this sounds a bit mysterious, but Feng Hao feels that it is similar to such an understanding, especially in some ancient pasts, oaths are really things that uphold the laws of heaven and earth.

It's like swearing, swearing with your own soul, etc. If you violate these, you may really face some bad things.

At this time, the soul of the inferior supreme in front of him also completely disintegrated and disappeared. From then on, this person disappeared completely. This scene naturally made the black hand behind the scene even more confused.

One must know that even the next Supreme Being swears to follow him with his soul. It is conceivable that the mastermind behind the scenes is probably an extremely extraordinary guy.

At the moment, one of the lower-ranked Supremes died, but there was another lower-ranked Supreme. Immediately afterwards, Feng Hao wanted to find another lower-ranked Supreme, that is, the one who was seriously injured just now. Give some news.

However, to his surprise, the opponent actually ran away first, leaving behind a middle-ranked Supreme that Nangong Wushuang was dealing with.

The lower-ranked Supreme ran away, and Feng Hao had no choice but to turn around and focus on the middle-ranked Supreme who was confronting Nangong Wushuang.

Seeing this scene, Nangong Wushuang also grinned slightly and said: "It seems that your subordinates are not very good, they die and run away, but now you are the only one who is alone."

The expression of the middle-level supreme was also much more severe. He did not continue to fight Nangong Wushuang, but instead he kept backing away, as if keeping a safe distance between them.

He is not worried that he will die. After all, he is also a middle-ranked supreme being, and Nangong Wushuang knows very well that it is probably not so difficult to kill this middle-ranked supreme. Other than this, no one else can do it at all.

"Don't try to use any soul-refining technique on me. These are useless to us. I have sworn a blood oath and will not betray anyone! Once you violate it, your own soul will be completely disintegrated between the heavens and the earth. between!"

The middle god master also said in a cold voice, and his heart felt a little numb. Seeing Feng Hao approaching step by step, he felt a kind of chill in his heart. This guy can easily hit the body of the lower supreme with one blow. The guy who killed him is not a hot master.

"No wonder."

At this time, Feng Hao also put his arms around his shoulders, and looked at the middle-ranked supreme with a sneer on his face. Now he finally understood that even if he performed the soul search technique on these people, he would not get anything , In the depths of these people's minds, like the power of a blood oath, everything they know in their minds will not be discovered by others. Once they have the force to know, their own souls will start collapse.

The advantage of this is that you don't have to worry about the secret being leaked out, because even the soul is disintegrated, so there is probably no way for other people to know the secret.

And facing the middle-ranked Supreme in front of him, to be honest, Feng Hao was not sure that he could deal with it. After all, even if there was only a gap of one realm in the Supreme Realm, it was a very difficult distance to bridge, so he didn't have any clue at the moment.

"Let him go."

At this time, Nangong Wushuang said softly, shaking his head, since there is no way to get some news from them, then there is no need to waste time here, for them, enter Lingxiao Peak as soon as possible That's the business.

Feng Hao nodded, and immediately said to the middle-ranked Supreme: "Let's go."

Although I am unwilling, there is no other way. It is indeed a pity that I have no ability to know who is behind the scenes from their mouths. It seems that the only way to enter Lingxiao Peak now is to ask Le Huang to see if it is possible. May be some answers.

Now in the world of Penglai, there seems to be another force quietly appearing. In the past, perhaps the strength of the two giants was tyrannical, and they did not dare to make the slightest change. , then they can naturally appear openly, and it has to be said that their appearance has indeed brought Ling Xiaofeng a great crisis.

Hearing the words, the middle-ranked supreme could not help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a hint of a smile, and then he turned and left directly, but paused slightly, and said: "If that's the case, then I can also repay you." .”

"Meddling in Ling Xiaofeng's matter may be the last thing you will do in this life, not one of them."

After finishing speaking, the middle-level supreme left directly. Nangong Wushuang looked at his back and couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said: "This guy...I knew he would suffer a little bit!"

Feng Hao also shrugged his shoulders, but there was nothing he could do about it. He and Nangong Wushuang had no ability to learn any news from the other side, and staying there was useless, it was just delaying their time.

"Let's go, although I think the mastermind behind the scenes is not easy, but it seems that they can only start from within Ling Xiaofeng at present. I hope they can know that they are going to attack them." Feng Hao also shook his head, In this case, he was helpless.

"Hey, my mighty sword energy is left on that guy, he can't run very far." However, Nangong Wushuang said with a slight smile at this time, Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, and immediately showed a knowing smile meaning.

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