Martial Inverse

Chapter 207 Devour Gu Poison

At the moment, following Feng Hao leading Xiao Qingmeng, Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu directly from the Hundred Clans Continent to the Penglai World, but when they returned to Taxian Tower again, they still found that the surrounding area was full of surveillance line of sight.

"Is this where Ling Xiaofeng is?"

Xiao Qiuqiu glanced at it in surprise, and also sighed. It is sad that the former overlord has fallen into such a situation.

"The situation is worse than expected."

Feng Hao whispered to himself, then shook his head immediately, and glanced around, his expression was quite surprised at the moment, he still had the aura of Supreme Realm, although it was extremely concealed, but he couldn't hide it from him.

However, Feng Hao also shook his head. These are all strong men under Mo Luotian. No need to ask, they must be waiting here. At the moment, he did not take the initiative to pay attention to these strong men, and these strong men did not seem to come to seek trouble. .

This time, he easily entered Taxian Tower, and no one stopped him.

"Is this really allowing him to leave freely?"

After Fenghao entered Taxian Tower, the group of strong men discussed again, especially this time, there were other people following behind Fenghao. Plans have had an impact.

"It doesn't matter, as long as people from Ling Xiaofeng can't come out, that's enough."

This is still the case, but the old man in the lead smiled and didn't take it seriously. In his opinion, even if Feng Hao found a helper, so what? How could Mo Luotian's methods be so easy to deal with?

Feng Hao entered Ling Xiao Peak directly without any obstruction. More than two days had passed, that is to say, there were still less than four days left. It's very rushed.

Seeing Feng Hao's return, Le Huang and Le Yu were also overjoyed, and when they saw Xiao Qing Meng's appearance, they were also taken aback for a moment.

"This is?" Le Yu frowned, and immediately cast his questioning eyes on Feng Hao.

"Hello, uncles." Xiao Qingmeng nodded obediently and said hello to Le Yu and Le Huang.

At the moment, the faces of Le Yu and Le Huang are covered with black lines, Nima... this uncle? Are you that old?

"This is my daughter, Qing Meng." Seeing this scene, Feng Hao immediately laughed and said, "If she can't remove the soul poison in Le Xin's body, then no one in this world can save her."

Le Huang and Le Yu finally realized at this time that the little girl in front of them was still Feng Hao's daughter, and now it was Le Xin's last hope.

"Let's go, accept it later, it's important to save people."

Feng Hao also smiled and said, there is not much time left for them now, these polite words, wait until Le Xin is rescued.

At that moment, Le Huang brought Feng Hao and others to the place where Le Xin was unconscious again. Looking at Le Xin who had fallen into a deep sleep, Feng Hao asked, "Did she wake up these days?"

Le Huang shook his head and said: "No, after you left, she has been in this state, but the situation in her body is getting worse and worse."

Feng Hao nodded when he heard the words, and immediately understood that all this was caused by the poison in Le Xin's body.

"You go out first, it is enough to leave this place to Xiao Qingmeng."

Afterwards, Le Huang and his party left. Although they were anxious, they knew the process of saving lives, and they couldn't tolerate any disturbance. They were also guarding the side one after another.

"Qingmeng, she has Gu poison in her body, try it, could it be that the Gu poison was swallowed by refinement?"

Feng Hao pointed to the unconscious Le Xin and said softly, Qing Meng is the supreme poisonous body, it should be quite safe to let her face the poisonous poison.

Qing Meng also nodded, and then she walked directly to Le Xin's side, and gently placed her palm on Le Xin's dantian. At that moment, Qing Meng also felt a sense of coldness all over her body, which instantly hit her whole body .

"It's cold."

Qing Meng also couldn't help shivering,

But then a bright green aura emerged from her palm, slowly wrapping her jade hand and covering her dantian, but with this change, the comatose Lexin also There was a reaction again.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a cold look in them. Seeing this scene, Feng Hao naturally understood that it was Mo Luotian who controlled Lexin again!

"Qingmeng, leave her alone and continue refining Gu poison!"

Feng Hao shouted softly, and at the moment he was also reminding Qingmeng not to be distracted, one thing is to show a little carelessness, and let the poison enter Qingmeng's body instead, then the gain outweighs the loss.

Qing Meng nodded, and immediately she entered the refining state with full concentration, and the bright green light immediately covered her whole body, like a jade sculpture, unaffected by the external situation.

However, at this moment, Le Xin's body reacted immediately, a bright green aura suddenly entered her body from Le Xin's dantian, and in a short while, Le Xin's body surface was filled with There were bursts of foggy white chill.

These chills seemed to be resisting the power from Xiao Qingmeng's body, and for a while, Le Xin also said again: "I told you not to look at me, just relying on your strength, you can also undo my Gu poison!! ?”

Faced with Lexin being manipulated by Mo Luotian, Feng Hao ignored her, but watched Qingmeng closely, and if any unexpected situation happened, he would forcefully stop it immediately.

"Huh? It's still the Supreme Poison Body? Haha, you are too naive. Is my soul Gu poison so easy to crack?"

At the moment, Mo Luotian seemed to be aware of the unusualness of Xiao Qingmeng's body, and laughed wildly at the moment, Feng Hao and others actually had such a plan, which surprised him, but don't think that the Supreme Poison Body can To deal with the soul poison, this is simply too naive.

However, not a moment later, the bright green light on Xiao Qingmeng's body immediately became extremely vigorous, and the whole space was filled with this bright green light. Seeing this scene, Xiao Hei couldn't help but He smiled excitedly and said, "Sure enough, it's refining!"

At the moment, it can be seen that a trace of misty white energy dissipated in the bright green divine light, but Feng Hao's brows seemed to loosen a lot, because in his perception, Le Xin's body The chill seemed to be beginning to weaken.

The source of these chills is the soul poison, but now the chill dissipates, doesn't this mean that the soul poison is being suppressed?

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