Martial Inverse

Chapter 209: Gu Worm Appears

The power of this Gu worm was suppressed by Feng Hao all of a sudden. This scorpion was formed from the strength in Le Xin's body. Because Feng Hao had completely isolated everything around him in advance, he had no ability at all. Facing Feng Hao's blow!

After punching, the surrounding area became completely calm, and the air was even surrounded by bursts of misty white icy breath, but Feng Hao released the restriction, these forces really have no effect on him at all!

"Very good, the power of this Gu worm has weakened a lot, I can feel it."

At the moment, Xiao Hei is also overjoyed, the weaker the Gu worm's power, the better, because Feng Hao has suppressed this part of the energy, relatively speaking, Xiao Qingmeng's refinement will become simpler, at least There will be no danger.

However, at this time, Le Xin still looked at Feng Hao coldly, and said coldly: "I underestimated you, since that's the case, don't even try to save this person."

Feng Hao's eyes tightened, his expression changed drastically, and he shouted angrily: "Moluotian,,,, what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing, you are destroying my plan. If that's the case, I won't let you do what you want, to save her, just dreaming."

Mo Luotian's power controlled Le Xin, and she immediately let out a stern laugh. Suddenly, her eyes narrowed suddenly, and immediately Le Xin's body began to tremble violently. The power transmitted becomes more intense!

"Oops, no, the power of that Gu worm seems to be out of control."

Xiao Hei opened his eyes suddenly, because it instilled power into Qing Meng, so he could easily know the body in Le Xin's body at this time.

Hearing this, Feng Hao's expression became more serious, and he asked, "Is there any way?"

"If I'm not wrong, next, the soul poisonous insect will completely break away from her body, and then completely devour the last soul power of Le Xin, and at that time, naturally There’s just no way to save people.”

"Does it mean that I want to kill the poisonous insect that poisons the soul?" Feng Hao paused and said.

"That's right, what you have to do is to prevent the poisonous insect from appearing, and devour the last soul power of Lexin. For Qingmeng, as long as you give a little more time, you can use the power in your body to control the poisonous poison." gone."

Xiao Hei said in a deep voice, after such a refinement, Qingmeng has gradually controlled the power of the soul poison, but she still needs time to completely control it, but the premise is that the poisonous insects of the soul poison are not Nothing is to destroy the last soul power of Lexin.

If not, it would be tantamount to wasting all previous efforts.

"I understand."

Feng Hao also nodded at the moment, and immediately took the opportunity to cast a layer of spirit-binding spell on Le Xin's body, and then waited, waiting for the soul-poisoning poisonous insect to show up!

This time, he can't be careless, this poisonous insect is the key to poisoning the soul, but this poisonous insect is also connected with Mo Luotian, so it is easy for Feng Hao to imagine that what he is dealing with is not an ordinary poisonous insect .

Even this poisonous insect is attached to part of Mo Luotian's power!

In this way, this poisonous Gu insect is not easy.

After a while, Le Xin's body continued to struggle subconsciously, with a pained expression on her face. At this time, she also returned to normal. Mo Luotian did not continue to control Le Xin, but what was even worse was that from her body The power emanating from it is becoming more and more terrifying!

Immediately afterwards, Le Xin's throat squirmed slightly, as if something was about to struggle out. After a while, she subconsciously vomited, and a misty white light suddenly rushed out of her mouth, and immediately the surrounding area It was like entering an extremely cold place.

The temperature dropped suddenly, but Feng Hao suddenly stretched out his palm at this moment, tightly holding the misty white light.

This is the poisonous insect that poisons the soul.

The feeling of starting is a bone-chilling ice-cold,

Immediately, Feng Hao's entire arm was covered with a layer of hoarfrost, but at this time Feng Hao's face changed drastically, and he felt that this group of divine lights wanted to enter his body.

"Jie Jie, you are too naive, so I can invade your body."

Mo Luotian's voice came out of the misty white energy light immediately, Feng Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and he could clearly see that judging from his own hand feeling, this should be a bug, but this bug is at this time He wanted to get into his body, that is, the soul poison.

Mo Luotian is so cunning, both Xiao Hei and Feng Hao thought that Mo Luotian was going to destroy Lexin, but he didn't expect that Mo Luotian would call Feng Hao's attention because of this!

"The abacus is quite good, but it seems naive to want to plant this soul poison into my body."

Feng Hao also sneered slightly, even though his arms were already covered with hoarfrost at this time, and he even felt a little numb, but the power in his body was running quickly, directly resisting the soul poison invasion!

"Feng Hao, hold on, Qingmeng will take a while, don't let the soul poison enter your body, otherwise, all previous efforts will be wasted." Xiao Hei's anxious cold came from Feng Hao's ear Sound, he also reminded at the moment.

Now Qingmeng's refinement has entered a critical period, as long as she is given a little more time, she can find a way to completely control this soul poison, and at that time, this soul poison will belong to Xiaoqing Once the dream is in control, no matter how powerful Mo Luotian is, he will definitely be unable to do anything.

Feng Hao took a deep breath, and immediately he tightly held the misty white energy in his hand, and he slowly closed his eyes, the old one in his body was automatically running, resisting This soul poisonous invasion.

In the dantian, the power of the Lingzhu burst out suddenly, and the faint blue light quickly appeared on Feng Hao's arm.


There was a slight sound, and suddenly, Feng Hao also found that the hoarfrost on his arms before had gradually melted away.

"This is"

Feng Hao couldn't help being slightly taken aback, even after noticing this scene, he found out that it seemed to be related to the power of the soul, could it be the power of the spirit beads that restrained the power of these soul poisons, but it was wrong , Why didn't this happen before.

"You actually have a spirit pearl on your body." But at this moment, Mo Luotian's distraught voice came.

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