Martial Inverse

Chapter 214 Supreme War

Chapter 214? Supreme War

????? "Come on, come on, talk like I'm afraid of you."

?Nangong Wushuang was also careless. He shook his hands casually, and directly condensed the energy of heaven and earth to release a shimmering long sword. In an instant, the aura of the sword was overwhelming.

???? Feng Hao glanced at it, and immediately nodded. The battle between the two sides started directly again. This time, it was a battle of the Supreme Realm, and ordinary divine masters simply couldn't intervene!

???Five Supremes, each has its own opponent, and now Feng Hao found the previous middle-ranked Supreme who escaped again, without saying a word, he started to fight directly!

???As the battle between them began, immediately after that, Yue Huang and the others started the battle. The battle was extremely fierce, and the strong people in Ling Xiaofeng were all holding their breaths in their hearts. Therefore, the attack was particularly ruthless.


??? Almost no way to survive, either you die or I die!

?????Nangong Wushuang fought with the supreme two people who used the sword. Within a radius of ten miles, the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and the sword energy was fierce. Almost no one approached. Nangong Wushuang seemed to have a grudge against him, so The other strong men at the moment also wisely let the two of them continue to fight.

??? At this time, Feng Hao seemed much more relaxed. Although he was facing a middle god master, but because of his amazing combat power, the middle god master had nothing to do with him, even vaguely speaking, Feng Hao gradually gained the upper hand.

?? "Damn it, this kid, who is clearly a low-level supreme cultivation base, is able to explode with such astonishing strength."

??? The plain robed old man's face is also gloomy and uncertain. Obviously Feng Hao is putting him under a lot of pressure at this time, and it is simply difficult to deal with. Facing a strong man like Feng Hao, even if he is a middle-level god master, he is beginning to feel extremely difficult .

???Looking at the others, although the situation does not show an overwhelming advantage, relatively speaking, they are not at a disadvantage at this time, and the battle in the Divine Master Realm seems to be over soon, after all It is a strong man from a giant force like Ling Xiaofeng, no matter the secret technique he cultivates or the magic weapon he uses in his hands, he can provide him with stronger combat power relatively speaking!

??? About half an hour later, there were many strong men in the God Master Realm uttering pitiful screams. These were strong men from Mo Luotian's subordinates. After fighting for a while, they also At a disadvantage, he was beheaded by Ling Xiaofeng's strong men!

?No mercy at all, even when facing powerhouses of the same level, led by Le Huang and Le Yu, this part of the powerhouses from Ling Xiaofeng was almost red-eyed, and died between Le Huang and Le Yu There are no fewer than four strong men in his hands.

?? These two guys have red eyes, and they kill people when they see them. It’s no wonder they are under too much pressure during this period. Ling Xiaofeng has undergone tremendous changes. These people still want to take advantage of the fire to destroy Ling Xiaofeng , How can they bear it.

???Of course, the direction of this battle is not determined by the strong among the God Master Realm, and everything is a battle that falls on the Supreme Realm.

???Without any hesitation, the result was determined first. It was Nangong Wushuang's battle. An earth-shattering sword aura erupted suddenly. Wushuang stood in midair with a calm expression on his face.

?? The long sword in his hand pointed at the strong man who fell on the ground in front of him, and said softly: "The sword can't be born. I said that the bones are thousands of years old. Why come out at this time to embarrass yourself?"

????? "Bah, fart, Sword Master, let me tell you, even if I die, don't even think about stopping Ling Xiaofeng's demise, Mo Luotian will never let Ling Xiaofeng go." Obviously the injuries he suffered were serious, but he also stared at Nangong Wushuang fiercely.


I know you have grievances with Ling Xiaofeng, but it's wrong for you to collude with Mo Luotian at this time. "Jianzun said calmly: "Let's go, because of the face we have known for many years, I will not kill you, but next time, my sword will not show mercy. "

?????? Hearing the words, Dao Busheng's face was gloomy and uncertain. He glanced at Ling Xiaofeng's strong man with hatred, and his eyes suddenly became murderous. However, the next moment, the sword in Master Sword's hand was On his neck, the flickering chill made him wake up instantly without cutting the knife.

?? "Don't doubt what I said, I only give you one chance." Jian Zun said indifferently, just because he didn't want to kill a sword, it doesn't mean that he won't kill a sword and die.

???? "Jianzun, you are ruthless enough. Let me go today. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely attack Ling Xiaofeng again!" Dao Busheng said fiercely, glanced at the others, and immediately snorted With a sound, he walked away directly.

???? There is no other reason, Dao Busheng has already lost, and he is not qualified to stay on this battlefield. This time, if the Sword Master does not kill him, it does not mean that the Sword Master really cannot kill him.

???? Looking at the back of Dao Busheng leaving, Jian Zun also sighed softly. If he hadn't had friendship with Dao Busheng, if he hadn't known that what happened to Dao Busheng back then was indeed related to an elder of Ling Xiaofeng, Maybe he won't let the knife go away.

????? "I have lived for thousands of years, and I am still so old and foolish. Can hatred be eaten?" Jian Zun sighed and said silently in his heart, but at this time he turned his attention to other people On his body, he also found that the battle situation was quite stalemate.

???Feng Hao's situation is not bad, at least facing the middle God Lord, he can still maintain his advantage, and gradually becomes overwhelming.

??? This scene shocked Sword Master. You must know that Feng Hao was able to maintain such a level. I have the power to contend.

???? "Grandma, bear, look at him, and look at that unfilial apprentice, it's really maddening." Jian Zun muttered, and then he glanced at Nangong Wuji and was relieved that he wasn't in any danger at this time .

???? At the moment, as Sword Master ended the battle first, the situation suddenly became clear. After the battle, Sword Master also held a long sword and joined other battle groups again. All of a sudden, the original balanced situation was destroyed.

?????With the joining of Sword Master, Ling Xiaofeng began to gain an advantage. After all, two-on-one, no matter how bad it is, it can easily achieve the advantage of crushing.

?At this time, everyone could see that it seemed to be the opposite. The strong men under Mo Luotian were much more dangerous. The battle in the Divine Master Realm below was over, so naturally the strong men from Ling Xiaofeng won.

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