Martial Inverse

Chapter 219 Contaminated Lingzhu!

Faced with the sudden burst of Feng Hao's aura at this time, Mo Luotian's eyes were calm, and he slowly stared at Feng Hao, but there was no sign in his body.

"What about the spirit pearl in your body, why don't you use this power."

Mo Luotian's words caused waves in Feng Hao's heart, why does this guy know that there is a spirit pearl in his body?

"No need to be surprised, the soul song poison can only be suppressed with the power of the spirit beads. No matter how powerful the supreme poison body is, it is impossible to suppress the soul song poison with personal cultivation." Mo Luo Tian looked at Feng Hao and said, "The spirit pearl in your body is also a big temptation for me."

Feng Hao squinted his eyes slightly, but many thoughts flashed through his mind. This guy seems to know a lot. Could it be that he has inquired about himself these two days? He does have spirit beads in his body, and there are quite a few of them, but Mo Luotian seemed to know the power of the Lingzhu, and he probably wanted to get the Lingzhu from himself.

This also means that Mo Luotian possesses spirit beads!

"You also have Lingzhu on your body."

At that moment, Feng Hao's expression became serious, and he looked directly at Mo Luotian. If he had Lingzhu on his body, it was also very important to him.

Each spirit bead represents a completely different power, which can almost give him a kind of ability. This is the charm of the spirit bead. People in the past have not found a way to trigger the spirit bead, but Feng Hao is. It was done by chance and coincidence, and similarly, other people can do it if they have this kind of chance, and if they have Lingzhu.

Mo Luotian smiled, and the smile squeezed out by such a horrible face looked particularly terrifying. He slowly stretched out his palm, and after a while, he condensed a dark light, which gradually The ground turned into a fist-sized bead.

When he saw this bamboo, Feng Hao's eyes tightened, and there were bursts of abnormal fluctuations from the spirit beads in his dantian, but obviously they were not very strong, which was different from usual, if he met the spirit beads, he The spirit beads in the dantian in the body may have exploded directly.

The scene in front of him made Feng Hao suspicious.

The bead in Mo Luotian's hand seems to be the same size as the spirit bead, but the color is different. The spirit bead in his body is blue, but Mo Luotian's hand is indeed black, revealing everywhere. A weird fluctuation.

"If it wasn't for this spirit bead, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to survive."

Looking at the Lingzhu in his hand, Mo Luotian couldn't help but said in a daze. After a while, his eyes narrowed and he looked directly at Feng Hao.

"Hand over the spirit beads on your body, and I don't have to kill you."

Facing such a powerful Mo Luotian, Feng Hao took a deep breath, and immediately said with a light smile: "The premise is that you are sure that you can kill me."

During this process, Feng Hao has been guessing what is going on with the bead in Mo Luotian's hand. It is really a spirit bead, but it seems to him that it is not. This is what surprised him the most. place.

Each spirit bead contains a special ability, but it is not known what kind of ability this spirit bead in Mo Luotian's hand gave him.

"Then kill you, and I will take it myself."

Seeing Feng Hao's refusal, Mo Luotian yelled angrily immediately, clasped his hands together, and the spirit pearl in his hand suddenly glowed with a deep black divine light, but when the divine light erupted, it was accompanied by A cold breath.

This place was originally an extremely cold place, the remains of glaciers, and the accumulated wind and snow all year round made the temperature here very scary, but at this time, with the eruption of the spirit beads in Mo Luotian's hands, Feng Hao obviously understood to a colder temperature.

Even the soul can be frozen!

Feng Hao's eyes tightened, how could this kind of energy be so familiar, soul poison.

That's right, the soul poison is such extremely cold energy fluctuations, that is to say, the soul poison is derived from this spirit bead.

"Is it very familiar?" Mo Luotian said with a smirk, "The fun is yet to come."

At that moment, when Mo Luotian waved his hand, a majestic black energy belt like a rainbow on the edge of the sky suddenly emerged. Accompanied by the snowstorm of the glacier ruins, this black icy energy, It looks even weirder!

Feng Hao didn't dare to take it too seriously, and now he was concentrating on this battle.

You know, this time he is facing Moluotian, and the Lingzhu is involved. No matter who it is, only one person can leave this glacier ruin alive.

Now Feng Hao feels that the tricky thing is that he can't figure out what kind of ability is contained in the strange spirit orb in the other party's hand. After all, he owns spirit orbs and knows every one of them. , all represent a kind of ability.

If you are not careful, it is very possible that you will find the way because of this.

In a moment, the breath erupting from Mo Luotian's body almost made him feel a feeling that it was almost difficult to breathe. Above the realm, Mo Luotian was almost infinitely close to the realm of the gods. Comprehension, obviously Mo Luotian will not be weaker than himself.

Feng Hao's eyes glared angrily, and his hands formed several kinds of seal formulas continuously, directly condensing a piece of bright nine-color divine light, forming a piece of light curtain, and quickly resisted this A black divine light.

In the white land of snow and glaciers, all kinds of gods erupted brightly, each occupying a piece of the sky, which was particularly spectacular, breaking the silence of many years here.

After going on for about a moment, Mo Luotian snorted coldly, and immediately let go and withdrew his own energy. At present, the area with a radius of ten miles around him was shrouded in a faint black energy.

Even if a layer of nine-colored radiant auras appeared in Feng Hao's body, these black energies fell like snow, and when he got close to Feng Hao, he was continuously eroded by these nine-colored auras and turned into nothingness.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Hao stared at Mo Luotian, and he seemed to have vaguely guessed in his heart what kind of ability this spirit bead bestowed on Mo Luotian.


The spirit bead in Mo Luotian's hand endowed him with the power of death, the power of death to end all life! Feng Hao couldn't help but think that the soul poison was only derived from the power of this spirit bead It's just one kind that comes out.

But this also makes Feng Hao curious, judging from the spirit beads he has come into contact with, it does not have the power to represent death at all.

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