Martial Inverse

Chapter 221 Breaking through the 0 Army

Chapter 221

As Moluotian's mouthful of blood essence sprayed on the Sifang Ding, the Sifang Ding trembled slightly at the moment, and the power emanating from it was even more astonishing!

A tyrannical pulling force immediately erupted from the Sifang Ding, accompanied by bursts of dark aura permeating from the Sifang Ding, it looked even more terrifying, like a black hole, emitting Unparalleled suction.

Feng Hao frowned slightly. Under such suction, he found that his body began to shake forward unknowingly. The erupting dark aura became even more terrifying!

"Sifang Ding, swallow the sky."

Mo Luotian's eyes became extremely ferocious, and there was even a smear of blood at the corner of his mouth. At that moment, he also squeezed out a strange seal formula with both hands, and the Sifang Ding trembled suddenly, and then trembled slightly. Hao's whole body was absorbed in it.

At that moment, Feng Hao's eyes were constricted, and his body could not be controlled at all. The suction burst out from the Sifang Ding made him unable to even react, and he was directly sucked into the Sifang Ding.

Seeing Feng Hao's body being sucked into the Sifang Ding, Mo Luotian also couldn't stop laughing. The Sifang Ding is a supreme weapon, and it forms a world of its own. However, as long as Feng Hao is absorbed into it, he can't escape. His Wuzhishan.

Over the years, there have been quite a few strong men who died on the Sifang Ding.

After Sifang Ding absorbed Feng Hao in, the body of the Ding Ding suddenly turned upright, and Mo Luotian changed the seal formula again and again, and immediately called out the spirit pearl in his body, and flew slowly to the mouth of the Ding Ding Immediately above, bright rays of light burst out, like a round of scorching sun.

And with the appearance of the Lingzhu, at this moment, the Sifang Ding is also completely covered by the black divine light, Mo Luotian is also silently stimulating the energy of the Sifang Ding, and the original intention is to rely on the Sifang Ding to directly Refining Fenghao!

As long as Feng Hao is refined, then the Lingzhu on Fenghao's body will naturally belong to him. Mo Luotian doesn't know much about the Lingzhu, but he is very clear about the mysterious power contained in the Lingzhu , can make him stronger.

At this time, Mo Luotian has half a foot into the realm of the gods, but only one opportunity is needed to enter the realm of the gods. Obviously, the spirit orb in Fenghao's body is this opportunity for him!

At this moment, Feng Hao appeared in a world surrounded by darkness, he couldn't see his fingers, but when he raised his head, he saw the top, revealing a ray of light, but in the center of the light, there was still a mass of black Divine light.


Feng Hao also squinted his eyes slightly, and instantly understood what was going on. He began to look around at the beginning, wanting to see what kind of place it was, but the pitch-black environment where he couldn't see his fingers was too much. He frowned.


There was a slight tremor in the space, and suddenly Feng Hao frowned. He couldn't see the situation around him, but he felt it. The temperature around him suddenly rose, just like in this There is an invisible flame burning all around!

In an instant, Feng Hao understood that he was already in the space of the Sifang Ding at this time, and the top of his head was naturally the mouth of the Sifang Ding, and Mo Luotian used the Sifang Ding and the The combination of the two powers of the Lingzhu seems to be trying to refine himself.

Thinking of this, Feng Hao also began to think, the temperature he could feel at this time was constantly rising, and immediately he began to react, forcibly activating the spirit beads in his body. On the surface, a layer of dark blue divine light appeared.

At the same time, Mo Luotian, who was outside at the same time, was also shocked. He felt a more pure power through the Sifang Ding.

"Lingzhu, why is the power of his Lingzhu so powerful?"

Mo Luotian said to himself,

Then he suddenly thought of it. This situation shows that there is more than one spirit bead on Feng Hao's body. Otherwise, the spirit bead erupting from his body would definitely not be so strong.

Thinking of this, the smile on Mo Luotian's face was even more gloomy. To him, this might not be a bad thing. Feng Hao is now in the Sifang Ding, and in his eyes, he is like a dead person. Pearls, of course, belong to me.

For Mo Luotian, the more spirit beads on Feng Hao's body, the better, because in the end, they all belong to him.

"Come on, let me refine you, give me the spirit beads on your body, and I will be able to enter the realm of the gods." Moluotian said to himself, and then silently urged the Sifangding, trying to be Hurry up and refine Fenghao!

At this time, within the Sifang Ding, Feng Hao also took the opportunity to explore the dark environment around him by virtue of the faint blue light that bloomed from his body. flame!

The pitch-black flames burned together silently, and even Feng Hao felt stunned by such a strong temperature.

"It's not that simple to refine me."

At the moment, Feng Hao sneered again and again, and looked around. Undoubtedly, this is the space within the Sifang Ding, forming a world of its own. This is a method that can be achieved by the supreme level. He just thought of it. Although the space in the world looks stable, in fact, it only needs to explode with a force stronger than this space to break open the Sifang Ding!

Breaking through a thousand junctures with one force.

Feng Hao took a deep breath, the spirit orbs in his body had started to run automatically, he naturally didn't need to be afraid, he glanced around coldly, and silently started the Kai Tian Jue in his heart, this time, He wants to break the Sifang Ding with one blow!

He knew very well that the Sifang Ding was Mo Luotian's natal weapon, as long as the Sifang Ding was destroyed, Mo Luotian could be completely and possibly severely injured.

In an instant, Feng Hao opened his eyes suddenly, and the eyes were gradually filled with a kind of faint blue light, and he slowly waved his fist. The energy fluctuations in his body also became violent in an instant.

"Opening the sky."

Feng Hao said every word clearly, and at that moment, a layer of faint blue light appeared on his fists, and under the extremely terrifying fluctuations in his body, the Sifang Ding also began to tremble violently.

"I want to resist..." At that moment, Mo Luotian also sensed that something was wrong, and immediately shouted angrily.

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