Martial Inverse

Chapter 226: Land of the Gods!

Thinking of this, Feng Hao's heart was also turbulent. He didn't expect that this is not the place of inheritance of the pure supreme, but the inheritance of the gods, and even the powerhouse of the fairy. This can also explain why. It will take so long for Wanxin to accept the inheritance this time.

If it is an ordinary supreme being, I am afraid that there is no need to do so. Only a strong man in the general realm or a strong man in the fairy realm can allow Wanxin to enter such a long-term inheritance.

At this time, the restriction on the ice lake has been lifted. As the restriction left by Mo Luotian dissipated completely, the ice lake finally gradually revealed its original appearance. Rising out.

Those solidified wind and snow melted suddenly at this moment. In front of Feng Hao, the ice and snow with a radius of hundreds of miles collapsed completely at this moment, gradually revealing a huge lake, many misty white The icy air lingered, and Feng Hao, who was standing by the lake, almost felt a kind of freezing that penetrated into his soul.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Hao also stared at the frozen lake in front of him, he could feel it with his spiritual sense, the original restrictions on the frozen lake were set by Mo Luotian The prohibition disappeared altogether.

Now he can freely enter this icy lake, but the problem is how he should enter this icy lake.

Could it be that he walked directly like this? Thinking of this, Feng Hao couldn't help shivering. The freezing temperature of this frozen lake is so terrifying. If he walked directly, he might be directly affected by these icy breaths. The ground ice becomes an ice sculpture.

Frowning, Feng Hao immediately squatted down and stared at the icy lake. Soon he found something was wrong. On the surface of the lake surrounded by white icy mist, there was a layer of faint space fluctuations. The land is weak, but it was successfully captured by Feng Hao.

This ray of space fluctuation appears and disappears from time to time, if you don't observe carefully, the gap will not be close at all.

"Could it be that there are space restrictions on it."

At the moment Feng Hao also thought about it, and he immediately diffused the power of space in his body slowly. As expected, after a while, he felt a faint space fluctuation.

Opening his eyes, Feng Hao fell into deep thought, and now it seemed that he could only enter the icy lake by himself.

"Wanxin, wait for me."

Feng Hao also secretly thought in his heart, looking at the icy lake and groping for the place where the spatial fluctuations exist, Feng Hao also clenched his fists calmly, then took a deep breath, and punched down directly!


A loud noise came suddenly, and the current ice lake directly permeated with a terrible energy fluctuation, and the white mist directly permeated out, occupying this space, but at this time, Feng Hao really His eyes tightened, and he jumped forward.

That's right, he just jumped into this frozen lake directly!

Feng Hao noticed that the space restriction of this icy lake could not be undone by force at all. If it was destroyed, it would be tantamount to completely sealing off the icy lake. This is also what Feng Hao did not want to see.

But there is another way, that is to temporarily let the space restriction appear cracks, so that you can enter it!

And Feng Hao is now using the space law in his body to make the space restriction here, and there is a short vacancy, giving him a chance to enter!

With a leap, Feng Hao also felt a cold feeling coming towards him, making the blood in his whole body feel like it was frozen!

Forcibly clenching his teeth, Feng Hao's body surface now showed a nine-color divine light shield, which completely shattered the icy breath that covered him almost instantly, and during this process, he also felt the tension around him. Space warp waves.

I don't know how long it took, but the feeling of weightlessness gradually disappeared, but Feng Hao fell to the ground suddenly, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing the surrounding situation,

Feng Hao couldn't help but slightly widened his pupils, this is simply unbelievable, if he didn't see it with his own eyes, it would be difficult to explain what he saw.

He is now at the bottom of the lake, but he doesn't feel the surge of water around him. Above his head, an invisible crystal barrier completely isolates the icy lake. The bone-chilling aura still exists.

Through the transparent crystal barrier, Feng Hao also saw the surface of the lake, and the rippling surface of the lake, with many ice cubes emerging at this time, all of this seemed so wonderful.

"The ordinary strong men here can't come up with such methods."

Feng Hao sighed slightly, and immediately began to close his eyes, feeling everything in this space. After a while, he slowly opened his eyes, his face was full of solemnity, it seems that his guess was right, this is not The place where the supreme powerhouse fell.

It is the place where a strong man in the fairyland sits and transforms in ancient times, and here is the inheritance of a strong man in the fairyland!

Thinking of this, Feng Hao was also a little excited. He had only seen the Immortal of the Void as a strong man in the Fairy Spirit Realm. The tyrannical place is definitely not something that the Supreme can imagine.

It can even be said that the supreme being is just an ant in front of the strong in the fairyland, or maybe not even an ant!

This is the inheritance place of a strong person in the fairyland. However, once this news spreads to the outside world, it may cause a lot of blood and rain. Fortunately, no one knows, even Namo Luotian. Unexpectedly, this place will be the inheritance place of a strong person in the fairyland.

If he finds out, he will probably come in at all costs and snatch the inheritance from Wanxin.

The inheritance of the fairyland itself is full of temptations. Feng Hao knows very well that the inheritance left by the Immortal of Nothingness to him is not much, but it has raised his perception of power to a higher level, and even unlocked his own power. shackles of blood.

From this, it can be seen that any strong man in the fairyland will not be in vain,

"If this is the inheritance place of the fairyland, then Wanxin is a great fortune." Feng Hao sighed again and again, and he was also happy for Wanxin in his heart. No wonder there has been no news for many years. I am afraid that he will accept the favor of this strong man in the spiritual realm. Inheritance is not an easy task, but it is understandable now.

Now his problem is to find Wanxin!

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