Martial Inverse

Chapter 226: The Mysterious Race

What came into view was darkness. In this darkness, Feng Hao immediately saw that the surrounding stone walls were all inlaid with night pearls. Although they were not bright enough, they could still see the way ahead.

Appearing in front of Feng Hao's eyes was a small path leading straight to the depths. Feng Hao took a deep breath and immediately walked in with big strides.

It was about a moment later that he came to the end and found that he had come to the belly of the mountain. It was not a big space, but there was a stone platform in the center. On the stone platform, there was a figure sitting cross-legged. That figure was old and frail, obviously not young anymore.

"Excuse me, senior."

At the moment, Feng Hao also dare not have any presumptuousness. He is very clear that the origin of the figure in front of him is very likely to be extremely complicated.

"Just call me Tianjizi."

That figure turned around slowly, revealing an old face, but Feng Hao noticed it, even so, there was a bright light in those eyes.

"Senior Tianjizi, dare to ask where it is."

Feng Hao immediately asked straight to the point.

"This is the land of the East Pole, near the edge of the vast world."

Feng Hao was taken aback for a moment, he naturally knew this, but he respectfully said: "May I also ask, what kind of race are these races outside?"

"They are accused by the heavens, and they will be imprisoned in the East Pole for life." Tian Jizi said unhurriedly, glanced at Feng Hao, and immediately asked: "You are here to go to sea."

"Yes, please let me do it, senior." Feng Hao clasped his fists and said.

"But to find the island of darkness."

"Yes." Feng Hao didn't hide anything, because he knew very well that he probably had no other purpose to come here except to find the island of darkness.

"I can give you a boat, but there is one condition." Tian Jizi's eyes flickered brightly, as if he wanted to seek Feng Hao's help.

Feng Hao frowned, could he agree to this?

"The race living here is the Dongji clan. Because of some ancient things, they were imprisoned here, unable to leave here, and have no cultivation at all." Tianjizi's words penetrated a kind of vicissitudes breath.

"Maybe what I ask you to do for help will be very difficult, but I have no other choice. The future of the Dongji clan can only depend on you."

When he said this, Tian Jizi also showed a rare look of regret, as if he had done something for his past.

"Can you tell me the reason of the matter." Feng Hao's expression also moved slightly, Tian Jizi in front of him, at such an age, seems to be an elder of the Dongji clan, it seems that there is something hidden.

"A long time ago, the Dongji clan was a group of ordinary people who lived by the sea and lived by fishing all day long. During a period of time, a genius appeared in the Dongji clan with unparalleled aptitude for cultivation. Soon, they stepped into the Among the thousands of worlds of mortals, seek the way you are after."

"In the vast expanse, there is actually no silence. Many vicious sea monsters and the Dongji clan have been threatened by these sea monsters for a period of time. However, after the appearance of that genius, this Everything changes."

"That person, who went out to practice successfully, returned to the land of Dongji and became the patron saint of the Dongji clan. Under his leadership, the Dongji clan gradually began to fight against the sea monsters."

"However, all of this was soon changed. One day, a group of mysterious evil creatures appeared in the vast expanse. The geniuses who were known as the patron saints of the East Pole clan were bewitched by them and did Many things that endanger the common people."

"In fact, in the end, when the battle of the gods broke out, the people of the Dongji family were also implicated. The genius known as the patron saint was killed by Pan Gu, and the entire Dongji family was also cursed. among."

"Later generations can no longer continue to practice,

And you can't step out of the range of the East Pole, otherwise you will end up dead. "

When he heard this, Feng Hao understood instantly in his heart that the Dongji clan was probably at the time when the monsters were coming.

And obviously, the genius of the Dongji clan back then was bewitched by monsters, and all of them made a big mistake, which led to the subsequent punishment of the Dongji clan.

"What do you want me to do." Feng Hao said slowly.

"On the island of darkness, there is a stone tablet left by God Pangu back then. The power of this stone tablet suppresses the island of darkness. return."

Tian Jizi said slowly, his expression was also full of pleading.

"Wait." Feng Hao frowned and said: "If this is the case, then the island of darkness, wouldn't it mean that the suppression has been lost?"

At the moment, Feng Hao also sensed that something was wrong. God Venerable Pan Gu left a stone tablet to suppress the Dark Island. However, if it was taken away, something might happen to the Dark Island. After all, before, here But as a place where monsters come.

"I have also considered this, so I will give you something." Tianjizi said in a deep voice, and immediately took out an object wrapped in crystal, exuding a hazy divine light, and slowly handed it over. To Fenghao.

However, when he saw such a thing, Feng Hao's eyes suddenly tightened, because there was a heart wrapped in the crystal.

"This is the heart of the patron saint of our East Pole family in the past. At the last moment, he woke up and realized the terrible mistake he made before, so his heart was kept, and the god Pangu once said However, after countless years, as long as someone can take his heart and put it on the dark island, it can replace that stone tablet."

"And as long as the stele returns here, the punishment of the Dongji clan will be considered as gone."

Tianjizi took a deep breath and said: "In the past years, the Dongji clan has not had a clansman who can cultivate, let alone go to find the dark island, not to mention other things, even this vast ** The sea monsters among them are not something we can deal with."

"So you are waiting for someone to show up." Feng Hao was also stunned. Although it was a bit unbelievable, in general, he still believed in Tian Jizi's words, because what he said was consistent with what he knew. They are all quite consistent.

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