Martial Inverse

Chapter 234: Feng Hao's Choice

At that moment, the five spirit beads were all in motion, and an inexplicable power swept across the place, and the many runes suspended in the void were activated by some kind of power at this moment generally.

The sudden burst of energy fluctuations from the five spirit beads caused strange changes to appear in this piece of heaven and earth.

"How is it possible, you will have five spirit beads."

At this time, Mo Luotian was almost insane. This is completely unbelievable. He once owned a spirit bead, but it was not refined by himself, but given by the mysterious lord of the demon world. For him to use, he is well aware of how powerful the power of the Lingzhu is, one is enough to create a peerless powerhouse.

What's more, at this moment, Feng Hao has five spirit beads on his body, which is definitely an extremely terrifying thing.

Now he finally understands why Feng Hao can defeat him so easily. After all, he has five spirit beads in his body, and there is not much difference in cultivation.

This time, Feng Hao finally revealed all his trump cards, and now he understands that what is sealed on this dark island is not just the passage leading to the Demon Realm, but also a very terrifying existence, the Lord of the Demon Realm.

So this time, no matter what, this guy is going to be sealed again.

In fact, the seal of the Dark Island could not be maintained for too long after countless years of operation. In the dark, there seemed to be some kind of power guiding Feng Hao to the Dark Island.

"No,,, you can't seal it again,,, tell me, whatever you need, I can satisfy you."

At this time, the lord of the demon world on the island of darkness seemed to have finally panicked. He didn't know how much energy the five spirit beads could burst out, but they could awaken the prohibition here again, and The next ban will be stronger than ever!

Since he was sealed here, it not only cut off the communication channel between the demon world and this world, but also because he was sealed in this channel oh well, now he is in this channel, and he can't return to the demon world. He came to the world of Penglai No, it's embarrassing.

Countless years have passed since the Pangu God Venerable sat down. Over the years, he has been trying to find a way to consume the seal restriction. In fact, he did it. Although it was later, God Dropping a spirit bead once again perfected the seal.

However, he still did not give up, and it took countless years again. This time, he not only weakened the power of the prohibition seal, but even used his own power to pollute this spirit bead for his own use, but However, this seal was left by the god Pangu after all.

In the world of Penglai, the god Pangu is the ruler, and the ruler of all, his seal is still indestructible.

Now the seal is extremely damaged, allowing him to see the hope of seeing the sun again, but the appearance of Feng Hao, and the appearance of carrying five spirit beads, can completely perfect the seal again, that is to say, after so many years , his efforts will be completely wasted.

How could he see such a thing.

So the current lord of the demon world is also at all costs, and he also wants to hope that Feng Hao will not do anything.

"Sorry, you can't give me what I want."

Feng Hao sneered and said, what is the meaning of this so-called temptation to him.

Seeing Feng Hao's demeanor, the lord of the demon world suddenly felt a chill in his heart, knowing that not everyone is Mo Luotian. He saved Mo Luotian at the beginning because Mo Luotian said that he could even dedicate himself soul.

It can be seen that not everyone is greedy for life and fear of death, and is greedy for temporary benefits.

"What are you still in a daze for, stop him with your hands."

However, at this time, the lord of the demon world finally roared at Mo Luotian, and now he has no ability to face Feng Hao, so he must rely on Mo Luotian to stop Feng Hao,

Once Feng Hao successfully awakens the restriction here, it will undoubtedly be a bad news for him.

Mo Luotian came back to his senses in astonishment, looked at Feng Hao at this time, gritted his teeth, urged the power in his body, and immediately attacked Feng Hao.

Feng Hao, who was urging the power of the Lingzhu, did not expect that Mo Luotian would attack him, and he was forced to retreat a few steps when he was careless.

"Moluotian, you are originally from Lingxiao Peak, so you should be more aware of what kind of creatures are in the devil world. Have you fallen to such a level now?"

Feng Hao shouted angrily, he thought that Mo Luotian just had evil thoughts in his heart, but he didn't expect that he would be so depraved, and he would still help the evildoers.

"From the day I was expelled from Ling Xiaofeng, I have been dead."

Mo Luotian also showed madness on his face. He frantically urged his energy to stop Feng Hao, and what followed was that the runes that existed in the surrounding void also displayed an astonishing The speed is trembling.

Streaks of black cracks are constantly spreading out, accompanied by an extremely terrifying energy fluctuation.

Understand this scene, Feng Hao couldn't help frowning, it seems that the Lord of the Demon Realm couldn't hold back, if he wants to take the opportunity to break through the seal, it will be very troublesome.

"No, it is absolutely impossible to let this monster break through the seal."

Feng Hao took a deep breath, and immediately set his eyes on Mo Luotian, and suddenly became extremely cold, with bursts of killing intent flickering in his eyes.

"Moluotian, I originally wanted to save your life, but now you are so shameless that you actually help the evildoers, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless."

Feng Hao roared, and immediately the energy in his body exploded completely. He knew that if he wanted to use the power of the Lingzhu to activate the seal again, the premise must be to get rid of Mo Luotian.

After killing Mo Luotian, there will be no one to hinder him.

"Come on, either you die or I die."

Mo Luotian roared angrily. Although he no longer had the dark spirit orb in his body at this time, his own cultivation still existed. For Feng Hao, he was still a difficult existence to deal with.

However, at this moment, traces of dark aura emanating from the fissures of these space fissures poured into Mo Luotian's body all of a sudden.

Mo Luotian suddenly let out a scream, as if he didn't know what happened, and Feng Hao was also stunned at this moment, looking at the ferocious Mo Luotian, he also felt strange in his heart.

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