Martial Inverse

Chapter 265 Contest

Chapter 265 Contest

"You are going to fight the Nine-Eyed Jade Toad."

Xuanyuan Bupo was stunned for a moment, and asked hesitantly.

"Well, that's right." Feng Hao nodded. Naturally, he had his own plan in doing so. In this way, he could avoid getting Shenlong Island involved in this dispute. To be honest, even so far He doesn't want to involve other people.

In this way, he can fight Nine-Eyed Yuchan alone without affecting others.

Moreover, if this is the case, the Nine-eyed Yuchan must not be refusing, because he is not sure of defeating the three powerhouses who are in the realm of gods.

"Nine-eyed Yuchan, we can settle the matter between you and me alone, without involving other people." At this time, Feng Hao also took a slight step forward.

"You want to fight alone with me." Nine-eyed Yuchan was also stunned at the moment, he never thought that Feng Hao would have such a plan, he couldn't believe it at the moment, he was guessing in his heart, whether Feng Hao was here What kind of conspiracy is planned.

"Don't worry, you are also a sensible person. In the face of our strength, is there any meaning to conspiracy and tricks?" Feng Hao smiled, and the nine-eyed jade toad was too cautious, and immediately added: "You and I believe Dou, if I lose, I will do as you please, on the contrary, if you lose, give me the spirit beads on your body, how about it."

This condition is not a disadvantage.

Especially for the nine-eyed jade toad, it is full of temptation.

If not, the Nine-eyed Yuchan didn't even think about it, and just nodded in agreement.

"With so many people present, I think you won't be able to escape, so let the old man fight with you." Nine-eyed Yuchan also said coldly.

In this way, Nine-Eyed Jade Chan has agreed to Feng Hao's conditions. The two sides fight alone, and whoever wins can have the right to demand the other party.

At the moment, the rest of the people saw that they were so persistent, but they were helpless. Xuanyuan Bupo and Ji Wushuang looked at each other, and they also retreated a lot. They each made room for Feng Hao to play on his own.

"Feng Hao, be careful, this guy is not a simple person." Xuanyuan Bupo still reminded him.

Feng Hao nodded, he naturally understands that who can become the existence of the god general, who will be a simple person, but at the moment he has just been promoted to the god general, and he wants to understand the power of this realm urgently, Undoubtedly, the Nine-Eyed Jade Toad in front of him is a good target.

In an instant, the atmosphere between the two became tense. Standing opposite the Nine-Eyed Jade Toad, Feng Hao seemed a little calmer. The power in his body was rushing, like the body of a vast starry sky, and the stars were like stars. Like lighting up, majestic power emerged in an instant.

In the sea of ​​the East Pole, the situation changed in an instant, and the nine-eyed jade toad was not to be outdone, bursts of reddish light appeared on his body, and a more ferocious vicissitudes of energy surged out of the sky, like a long river that crossed time. Now the ferocious monster.

Even behind the Nine-Eyed Jade Toad, a blurry phantom appeared, and the specific appearance could not be seen clearly, but the nine eyeballs were vaguely seen, which were as bright as the day and the sun. This is the main body image of the Nine-Eyed Jade Toad.

Facing this scene, Feng Hao took a deep breath, widened his eyes suddenly, and directly raised his hand to condense a rainbow-like brilliant light, and suppressed it with a bang.

The gorgeous seven-color energies, like a series of galaxies, shrouded down without any accidents. At this moment, the seven-color energies carried extremely terrifying energy, covering this sea area.


The Nine-Eyed Jade Chan roared directly, and the crimson aura on his body suddenly swelled, and the whole person disappeared in place, but the phantom behind him suddenly became much more solid , All of a sudden, the nine-eyed jade toad directly used the power of its body.

As far as monsters are concerned, it is natural that the power transformed into the main body is the strongest form. Although they can condense the human form, they are the strongest when they exert the power of the main body.

Feng Hao sneered again and again, naturally he would not be afraid of this, immediately he directly stimulated the power in his body, formed a series of sharp blades, and fell fiercely from the sky.

But at this moment, there was a trembling sound in the void, and the crimson light covering the body of the nine-eyed jade toad burst out with bright light at this time, like a star, and the breath suddenly became a lot more violent.

Those are the scales on the body of the Nine-Eyed Jade Toad, which directly condenses into a pair of crimson battle armor.

In front of these trembling metallic voices, the ferocious posture of the Nine-Eyed Jade Toad is undoubtedly a precedent. It is like a demon god, stepping in step by step, surrounded by a shocking crimson light, and a powerful aura pervades the surface of the body. , It made many strong people around feel astonished.

"Natural Battle Armor."

Xuanyuan Bupo's eyes tightened at the moment, and he was horrified. The nine-eyed jade toad also fought hard, and actually directly used the battle armor of his body, which did not give Feng Hao a chance to survive.

For existences of their level, the natal weapons refined are beyond the village of the Supreme Divine Weapon. What is the degree of power that must be expected.

Especially with the existence of the god general realm, this natal battle armor seems to be difficult to break.

The monstrous energy of seven colors fell instantly, but it did not cause the kind of damage that Feng Hao expected. It made a burst of ferocious sound, but it did not cause any damage to the nine-eyed jade toad.

This is the power of the divine realm.

Seeing that his offensive seems to have lost its effect, Feng Hao couldn't help but frowned. The means of this supernatural realm is indeed a bit unimaginable. If his own attack is placed in front of the supreme realm, it will be difficult to dodge at all.

But the existence of the God General Realm is different. He doesn't need to avoid it, because they are all on the same level as each other, and they are very clear about energy.

"Is this the only level of your cultivation?"

At that moment, the sarcastic voice of Nine-Eyed Jade Toad also emerged, and through the natal battle armor, his eyes showed a sarcastic look, staring at Feng Hao like an ant, as if he didn't take him seriously at all.

Feng Hao frowned, and took a few steps back at the moment, but the nine-eyed jade toad seemed not to give Feng Hao a chance, and launched his own offensive impressively. Suddenly, the stars surged, the sky and the earth changed color, and the whole east The extreme sea is boiling.

A powerful force enveloped this area in an instant.

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