Martial Inverse

Chapter 268: Victory or defeat

Chapter 268

Such a strong attitude of Nine-eyed Jade Chan was already expected by Feng Hao.

After all, he is a strong man in the realm of gods, how could he bow his head because of this.

Sighing slightly in his heart, Feng Hao's eyes flickered with a little cold light, in this case, then he doesn't need to be merciful.

At this time, the Nine-eyed Jade Toad, who was imprisoned by the power of the scourge, had no ability to resist. Feng Hao used different seals with his hands again and again, and the majestic power of the scourge was rapidly condensing. It seemed that Feng Hao It seems to be the end of this battle.

With the presentation of this scene, all the experts from the Nine-Eyed Jade Toad clan showed mournful expressions. The Nine-Eyed Jade Chan is their patriarch, but at this moment they can only watch this scene happen!

"General Demon Fish, please help me!"

However, at this time, the strong members of the Nine-eyed Jade Toad clan also suddenly turned their eyes on the Seven-color Demon Fish. Usually, the two clans have a close relationship, so naturally they can only focus their eyes for help. On the body of the seven-color demon fish.

Because, this is not a battle that they can intervene at the supreme level, only the existence of a god general like the seven-color demon fish can influence the battle situation.

The seven-color demon fish did not speak, and its face became gloomy and uncertain, obviously thinking about something. For him, Feng Hao's strength was beyond his expectations. He originally thought that with the ability of the nine-eyed jade toad, he could It was easy to clean up Feng Hao.

But the result was so unexpected, Feng Hao directly defeated the Nine-Eyed Jade Toad with a kind of ease that ordinary people couldn't find!

Moreover, the power used by Feng Hao is so tyrannical that even he is afraid of it.

What is it that is full of powerful destructive power?

The Seven-Color Demon Fish pondered whether to intervene, but at this time Xuanyuan Bupo and Ji Wushuang seemed to have noticed him, and the two of them took a step forward calmly, the meaning was obvious, if you want to intervene, don't blame them for intervening too .

The Seven-Color Demon Fish immediately dispelled this idea. Originally, he was not sure how to intervene, but now it seems that he is not allowed to intervene.

The roaring still continued, and accompanied by bursts of thunder, the entire East Pole Sea was filled with majestic destructive power!

After a while, the seal knot in Feng Hao's hand was finally completed. At this time, he slowly stretched out a finger, facing the still struggling Nine-eyed Jade Toad, shook his head indifferently, and then There was a light drink from his mouth.


In an instant, with the fall of this syllable, the scourge formed by the condensed power of the scourge surged in an instant, and the bright thunder light directly flooded the place like a vast formation, and everyone was shocked. He couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly, unable to look directly at this powerful force!

In a trance, everyone seemed to have heard a scream. No one knew where the scream came from, but many people sighed in their hearts. I am afraid that starting today, the four major events in the East Pole Sea The monster giant is about to change!

The Nine-Eyed Jade Toad has fallen!

It took a long time for the majestic energy fluctuations to calm down. There was no energy involved in the huge sea, but there was only a majestic figure standing in midair! That is Feng Hao!

The dazzling thunder light in the sky is gone, together with the crimson body of the nine-eyed jade toad also disappeared!

The outcome of this game. It seems to have come to an end.

However, at this time, there was an extra dark blue energy spirit bead in Feng Hao's hand. This was the spirit bead obtained from the Nine-Eyed Jade Toad. Upturned.

This spirit orb was indeed carried by the nine-eyed jade toad, but the nine-eyed jade toad couldn't understand the spirit orb, otherwise, I'm afraid it would be quite difficult for him.

This is the battle of the gods, and the process is naturally a little simpler. The main thing is that Feng Hao realized that the strong man in the sea of ​​the East Pole,

It seems that he didn't realize the ability of God's punishment, but relatively speaking, he took advantage of it.

The Nine-Eyed Jade Toad was easily dealt with.

At this time, the sea of ​​East Pole was dead silent, even Xuanyuan Bupo and Ji Wushuang were stunned in place. Although this scene had already happened, it was still extremely shocking to them!

"This... is this the end?" Ji Wushuang stammered, his eyes revealing an unbelievable expression, the nine-eyed jade toad was dealt with so easily, oh my god, this is the realm of the gods The strong!

"It seems... yes." Xuanyuan Bupo couldn't believe it, but the facts in front of them told them that Feng Hao had indeed killed the Nine-Eyed Jade Chan with his own hands, and still obtained the Lingzhu.

"What is the origin of this guy? It's so scary, it's unbelievable." Ji Wushuang whispered, looking at Feng Hao in his eyes, unconsciously became full of fear, the reason is very simple, Feng Hao can do this If Nine-Eyed Jade Toad can be dealt with easily, then relatively speaking, Feng Hao can also easily deal with other experts in the supernatural realm!

"Could it be that he... is in the fairyland!?"

Later, Ji Wushuang also thought of this possibility, and couldn't help but be filled with astonishment.

"How is it possible? It's not like you don't know. He is a strong man in the Supreme Realm. If he hadn't obtained the Lingzhu from me, he wouldn't have become a God General." Xuanyuan Bupo smiled wryly. Feng Hao has indeed exceeded their expectations.

If he hadn't been familiar with Feng Hao, maybe he would have thought that Feng Hao was a strong man in the fairyland!

"He can refine all the spirit beads. From this, we can see that he is not an ordinary person. Maybe... maybe he has a relationship with Pangu God."

Xuanyuan Bupo also quietly said, this is his speculation, because he has also studied the Lingzhu before, but he has no way to start, now seeing Feng Hao's performance like this, he immediately guessed in his heart, if this is not the case, it is really hard to explain .

"What? You said he was with God Venerable Pangu..." Ji Wushuang also showed shock at the moment.

"Don't get too excited, I'm just guessing. After all, you also know that you and I can guess the powerhouse who has reached that level. Forget it, we will know in the future. The most important thing right now is that we can Feng Hao got a way to return to the plane."

Xuanyuan Bupo also said leisurely, a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth, making friends with Feng Hao is the most worthwhile thing in his life, after all, he can fulfill the ideals of his predecessors.

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