Martial Inverse

Chapter 277: Peerless


An unprecedented loud sound resounded in the hearts of all the powerful people in the Penglai world in an instant!

At this time, the faces of countless powerhouses showed astonishment, because at the same time, they all felt a kind of throbbing in their hearts.

The throbbing from the depths of the soul seemed to be in their blood, and some kind of shackles were about to be opened.

The emergence of this kind of throbbing made these strong men unable to bear the urge to look up to the sky and scream. This feeling really made them feel a sense of joy.

However, it didn't take long for this feeling to appear, and the next moment, it stopped in astonishment, and countless strong men turned pale, as if someone was choking their throats.

extremely uncomfortable!

"With my strength, break new ground."

Feng Hao let out a roar, suspended between the sky and the earth, surrounded by Thunder Snakes, and phantoms attacked him, as if they wanted to tear him apart.


In everyone's hearts, a sound of things breaking suddenly emerged. At this moment, the strong people in the entire Penglai world felt a more terrifying throbbing in an instant.

They looked at their bodies in amazement, because at that moment, they noticed the disappearance of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth!

This scene obviously shocked countless people. They simply didn't know what happened and why they had this illusion!

The imprint of the Dao in the hearts of all the strong people disappeared at the same time, this invisible, for them, was a kind of shock!

However, at this time, Feng Hao was unaware of all this, and immediately Feng Hao was facing a more dangerous situation.

From the dark sky, a huge thunderbolt suddenly fell. Facing this huge thunderbolt, Feng Hao was unavoidable. At that moment, the whole person froze in place, and endured this forcefully. Damn.

It was like a fairy light from the vast universe, eternal and incomparable, it directly smashed Feng Hao's indestructible body, and even turned into a little dust, as if it was about to disappear completely in the world.

At this time, among the phantoms, they did not stop attacking Feng Hao, and each transformed into a series of terrifying divine lights, which continuously landed on Feng Hao's shattered body.

"I, Feng Hao, have practiced so far, and I am still one step away from living the same life as the world. No one can stop me."

In the midst of Mrs. Chen, who was filled with terrible divine punishment, there was a terrifying sound, it was Feng Hao's roar, and the power of the eight spirit beads spun again, and his flesh and blood body was once again in the ashes. Rebirth in Nirvana!

However, at this time, the spirit beads suspended around Feng Hao's body also merged into one in an instant, exuding even more majestic power!

"Comrades in the world, what are you waiting for? The Dao of Heaven has been temporarily broken by me, and all the shackles will no longer exist. If you don't take the opportunity to break through now, let alone when."

Feng Hao roared fiercely, but this roar resounded through the hearts of the strong in the entire Penglai world.

All of a sudden, the strong people in the world reacted, and they finally understood why they felt this way.

It turned out that all of this was because Feng Hao was suppressing Tiandao.

It is appalling to say this, it is simply unimaginable, it is beyond their expectations to use human power to suppress the way of heaven.

But you, this is just a short-lived illusion. After an instant, the more majestic power of heaven is pervading, as if something is brewing, and the world seems to be about to explode!

Except for Feng Hao, everyone else can feel the feeling of this scene at the same time, as if they are being warned, whoever dares to cross this taboo will surely die.

A frightening atmosphere permeated the air, but Feng Hao's body was like a solitary boat in a violent storm, constantly hitting the dark clouds above his head.

In an instant, the thunder flickered, and there were continuous thunders that were as thick as fairy light coming down,

Feng Hao's body was destroyed time and time again, but Feng Hao still did not give up, he was always fighting.

This is fighting against the sky.

This is just his first step against the sky, and the real test is just beginning now.


Feng Hao kept roaring, completely disregarding the price his body would have to pay, he walked against the sky, his whole body was exuding a radiant aura, at this moment, his soul burned up, directly annihilating the void .


In an instant, it was as if the movement between heaven and earth completely disappeared, and there was a moment of silence.

"Even now, you haven't broken through yet."

At this moment, Feng Hao's voice suddenly sounded in the ears of many experts in Shengtian Academy, including Xian'er, Feng Xiaoyun and others.

This roar was like thunder, and it woke them up all of a sudden.

These people all looked at each other, although they didn't know what happened, but in the current situation, they felt that the restraints in their bodies had completely disappeared, and a wave of energy was constantly moving around in their bodies, as if they were about to make a breakthrough .

"I'm going to break through."

Feng Xiaoyun raised his head and let out a long roar, then suddenly stepped into the mid-air, and began to guide his own scourge.

In this scene, Feng Xiaoyun was not the only one, the same was true for other people, including Xiao Qingmeng, who had already achieved the Supreme Realm, and at this moment, they also felt the opportunity to break through!

"All you have to do is guide the scourge, and leave the rest to me."

Feng Hao's voice was extremely calm, but it resounded through their minds!

What a boldness this is.

However, Feng Hao kept punching the sky at this time, resisting the power of heaven generated by the way of heaven, and constantly blasting it away.

This is one of Feng Hao's goals.

He not only wants to guide his own world-destroying scourge, but his real action is to overcome the catastrophe in the world.

Because he knew very well that he was going to use the forbidden power next, but no matter what, he had to succeed this time.

In this process, Tiandao must show his true strength, but relying on him to overcome the tribulation, according to his understanding, Tiandao will not use all his power easily, but there is another exception, so it is not only him A time to cross the catastrophe.

The powerhouses in the whole world are going through the catastrophe. At that time, a scene unparalleled in the world will naturally come. Apart from Feng Hao, there are also many powerhouses in the Supreme Realm who will make breakthroughs. This is an incredible event. However, if Tiandao wanted to completely kill these people, he might have to pay a high price.

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