Martial Inverse

Chapter 280 Returning to the East Pole Family

Chapter 280 Returning to the East Pole Clan


At this time, Feng Hao is like a master, standing between the heaven and the earth. Although there is no breath on his body, his whole body feels different, as if he is a real master, and everything in the world is under his control.

Li Xiaoyao was also returning from a distance at this time, and when he saw the disappearance of the Scourge, he had already guessed that Feng Hao at this time had already been promoted successfully.

"Congratulations, you have become a real fairy."

Li Xiaoyao was also surprised and authentic, he didn't expect that Feng Hao could actually complete this time's scourge, even he was afraid of the previous scourge, it was not a power he could imagine at all.

"Let's go, go back to the Dongji clan, this is the place you want to go back to." Feng Hao raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and immediately smiled lightly.

"The restriction of the East Pole Sea hasn't disappeared yet."

Li Xiaoyao also glanced back, and asked, in his perception, the restraining power of the East Pole Sea has not completely disappeared. This kind of restraining power is very strange. Even though a large part of it has been consumed, it is still Cannot be destroyed.

That is to say, Xuanyuan Bupo and others are still trapped in the sea of ​​East Pole.

"To open the restriction here, you must collect nine spirit beads. Otherwise, you can't do it at all." Feng Hao also shook his head. He knew this very well. With eight spirit beads in his hand, he could only It is part of the force that barely manipulates this prohibition.

But if you want to completely destroy it, it is almost impossible.

After all, what God Venerable Pan Gu arranged with his own hands cannot be solved by the Fairy Spirit Realm.

Li Xiaoyao nodded silently, sighed inwardly, and immediately glanced in the direction of the Dongji clan, full of worry.

"Why, are you still afraid to face the clansmen?"

Feng Hao glanced at Li Xiaoyao, and immediately guessed his thoughts in his heart.

"After all, I caused them to suffer so many years for me." Li Xiaoyao smiled wryly, because his wrong behavior back then caused the entire Dongji clan to suffer the punishment of Pangu God for many years.

"After all, this is also a thing of the past. Perhaps we should be glad that the Dongji clan appeared in the outside world. Maybe it will not exist until now." Feng Hao smiled and said, he is very clear about this, the reason is very simple, In the catastrophic catastrophes that occurred in the Penglai world back then, the overall strength of the Dongji clan was not strong, and at that time, they might really disappear.

"Perhaps, I won't show up later." After all, Li Xiaoyao couldn't pass his test and couldn't face his clansmen. Even if the clansmen today are not the same group of clansmen as before, there is still guilt in his heart. .

Feng Hao didn't force too much, since he didn't want to, then forget it, anyway, Li Xiaoyao is in a spirit state, and other people can't see him.

At the moment, under the guidance of Li Xiaoyao, Feng Hao quickly headed towards the direction of the Dongji clan. He was also quite anxious, because in the mouth of Tianjizi, there would be the last Lingzhu The whereabouts of this is very important to him.

After a long return journey, I finally saw the Dongji clan. After hundreds of years, there was still no change.

Feng Hao landed on the shore, and immediately attracted the attention of many Dongji clan members. After many years, these clan members had long forgotten Feng Hao, but Tian Jizi walked out of the cave in person at this time. Come out and meet Feng Hao.

"You finally came back, six hundred years, you disappeared for six hundred years."

Tian Jizi sensed Feng Hao's appearance, and immediately sighed in his heart.

"No way, there will always be some troublesome things." Feng Hao raised his mouth slightly.

"Since you have come back, I believe you will not let me down." Tian Jizi also smiled heartily when he heard this. The future fate of the Dongji clan will be in Feng Hao's hands.

"As you wish, I brought the things back.


Feng Hao took out the stone tablet from his bosom, and handed it over immediately. This is what the Dongji family needs.

When Tian Jizi saw the section of stone tablet in Feng Hao's hand, his whole body suddenly became much more energetic, and those cloudy eyes also glowed with a little brilliance!

"Okay, okay, okay, you really did it, this is the section of the stone tablet."

Tianjizi laughed and said, his expression was quite excited. This is what their Dongji clan has been waiting for for many years. As long as they have this stele, they will undoubtedly be able to break away from the restriction imposed on them by Pan Gu. !

Never use to stay here any longer!

Taking a deep breath, Feng Hao immediately smiled and said, "Senior Tian Jizi, what I need."

Tianjizi laughed, and immediately put away the stone tablet. To unravel the curse of the Dongji clan, he still needs to prepare some things. At that moment, he also smiled and said: "You need the whereabouts of the Lingzhu, so I can tell you naturally."

After saying this, Tian Jizi looked at Feng Hao immediately, and then he also noticed something different, showing a strange color, and said: "You have made a breakthrough."

Feng Hao smiled, nodded, and didn't say much.

"God General Realm, you are considered a monster." Tian Jizi shook his head and didn't say much. He didn't have much cultivation, so he couldn't fully see Feng Hao's cultivation, but he could vaguely feel Feng Hao's cultivation. Hao's cultivation is unusual.

But how did he know that Feng Hao is already a strong man who has achieved the fairyland, but Feng Hao didn't say much.

"Come with me." Tian Jizi nodded, then turned around and left, as if he was going to the cave that Feng Hao had visited last time.

Feng Hao followed, and the surrounding Dongji clan members were vaguely excited at this time. From their patriarch, it seemed that they saw the hope of breaking the curse, which meant that they could no longer endure these countless years. pain.

"By the way, when you were looking for this stele, did you meet anyone?"

Tian Jizi suddenly asked softly.

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, his expression became weird, could it be that Tian Jizi knew something.

However, Li Xiaoyao said that he didn't want his clansmen to know that he was still alive, so he shook his head immediately and said, "There are no other people, it's just that I met the remnants of the demon clan."

"All the demons stayed, so logically, he should be alive too. God Venerable Pan Gu never said that he would kill him." Tian Jizi said in doubt, frowning, wondering what was wrong.

"Feng Hao, don't talk too much, I don't want others to know that I am still alive."

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