When he heard this strange male voice, Lao Peng on the other side of the phone fell silent. After a while, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I don't want anyone to disturb my current life in any way!"

A faint voice came from Feng Hao's mouth, and then he returned the collection to Xiaolei with a smile, hugged the back of his head, and walked down the stairs leisurely.

"Xiao Lei, what's going on? Who is that person?"

After Xiaolei answered the phone again, Lao Peng asked hurriedly.


Xiaolei opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.

Who is Feng Hao?

Otaku, slacker, shadow, and...

"Is he a shadow?"

Lao Peng's eyes lit up.

This luck must have been a little bit better, the black shadow was actually found!


Xiaolei responded softly.

She knew that after Feng Hao answered the phone, it proved that he had no intention of hiding anything, but if the country wanted to take him for its own use, it would be basically impossible.

If it is strong...

The consequences would be unimaginable.

"Did something else happen?"

Lao Peng heard something strange from her tone.


Xiaolei didn't know what to say, she was very conflicted now, whether she should hide Feng Hao's identity or not.

"Did that guy threaten you?"

Over there, Lao Peng's tone was obviously a lot heavier, "Hmph, I'll meet that guy in person!"

After all, she hung up the phone without even giving Xiaolei time to react.

It was really swift and resolute, and before nightfall, the doorbell of the apartment rang.

Xiaolei glanced at Feng Hao who was lying on the sofa, eating snacks and looking at the computer screen, and walked slowly towards the door.

As expected, her boss, Lao Peng, was outside the door.

"Chief, why are you really here?"

Xiaolei was speechless.

"Can I not come? If something goes wrong with you, that guy won't fight for me!"

Lao Peng glared at her, then walked in on his own.

Zhang Yi didn't show up upstairs. In the hall, Xiao Qiuqiu was eating happily among a pile of snacks, while Xiao Heilong was crawling at Feng Hao's feet. When he saw him coming in, he just glanced indifferently, and Withdrawing his gaze, he arched Gong Fenghao's feet flatteringly, and could get a piece or two of jerky.

After glancing at Feng Hao, Lao Peng concentrated his eyes on Feng Hao, hesitated for a moment, strode over, sat opposite Feng Hao, and opened his mouth to ask, "Are you the black shadow?"


Hearing his unceremonious voice, the little black dragon crouching at Feng Hao's feet became displeased, stood up, and yelled at him in a low voice, and Xiao Lei, who was following behind him, broke out in a cold sweat.

"Little black."

Feng Hao kicked Xiao Heilong casually. Although the latter walked away a little, he still stared at Lao Peng unkindly, with the tendency to pounce on him at any time.

In its mind, its master is supreme, and it will tear apart any creature that dares to provoke its master without hesitation!

After glancing at the anxious Xiaolei, Feng Hao turned his attention to the old man sitting opposite him, and asked in confusion, "What is a black shadow?"

He thought it was because of the incident of the black dragon making trouble in the sea that the old man couldn't help looking for it.

"Stop pretending to me, isn't it you who answered the phone..."

Lao Peng glared at him.


Before he finished speaking, Xiao Hei couldn't help it anymore, let out a low growl, and stepped on the coffee table in the middle, with a great power, he went straight to the old man, and a strong wind blew around, blowing the furniture everywhere All kinds of things are messed up.

"Your uncle!"

Feng Hao was too late, and the potato chips in his hand blew directly on his face, the corner of his mouth twitched immediately, he kicked Xiao Hei out, and cursed, "Get out, go out and watch the door!"

Lao Peng was almost suffocated by the sudden pressure.

Fortunately, that momentum only lasted for a moment, otherwise...

Lao Peng's eyes were filled with shock.

That kind of natural power made him feel how small he was, like... an ant at the foot of a giant!

He was sure that the black dog's paw would be enough to smash him into pieces.

However, what happened next made his eyeballs almost pop out.

The black dog who was majestic one second, squatted at the door with its tail between its legs the next second. Although there was resentment in those eyes, Lao Peng could clearly see that the black dog was looking at Feng Hao. At that time, its eyes were filled with deep awe.

"It's absolutely impossible to be a dog!"

Lao Peng's heart trembled.

He was a soldier, a tiger, a leopard, a jackal, he had never seen anything, he had never fought anything, but this black dog was different, and the more he looked at it, the more frightened he was, he always felt that he was facing a peerless beast. beast.

Especially after the little black dragon glanced at him lightly, his body trembled violently, dripping with cold sweat.


Seeing that there was something strange about him, Xiaolei walked up to him and pushed him.


Only then did Lao Peng wake up, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and looked at Xiao Lei with a questioning look.

"This... is indeed the black shadow we are looking for, but he has another identity..."

Xiaolei took a careful look at Feng Hao, and seeing that there was nothing unusual about him, she took a deep breath and told the shocking truth.

[ps: I saw a lot of comments from readers, and I did admit that Wu Ni’s later writing was very bad, even bad. After arriving in Zhenwu Continent, it was basically wrong. That’s because the following plots were written hastily, and most of them were secretly written at work using mobile phones, so many plots were wrong, and many of them couldn’t be connected. , Apologize again, if everyone strongly requests, resolve to rewrite Wu Ni! This mainly depends on how many people want to watch the rewrite, and if the rewrite starts from the time of Zhenwu Continent, I believe that the previous plot should not be bad, what do you think? If you have any good opinions, you can add WeChat, zhishixiaoxiami, just a small pinyin, leave a message to tell, thank you for your support, thank you. 】


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