Martial Inverse

Chapter 22 Treatment

Feng Hao walked to the bedside and looked at Xia Jianghe who was already unconscious on the hospital bed.

Xia Jianghe is the founder of Quanxia Group, and he is considered one of the few business figures in the entire AH city. His assets are enough to make anyone envious.

But these are worthless in Feng Hao's eyes. If it's just these things, Feng Hao won't pay any attention to Xia Jianghe's life or death.

However, Xia Jianghe is Qingwu, or Xia Shilan's father, Mengmeng's grandfather, then Feng Hao will never allow him to die in front of Xia Shilan.

Feng Hao stood in front of the bed and reached out to grab Xia Jianghe's wrist.

"Wait, who are you?"

Suddenly, Feng Hao stopped Feng Hao's actions with a sharp shout, and one of the five middle-aged men who had been guarding the ward spoke, and then turned to look at Xia Shilan next to him: "Shilan, who is he?"

Hearing the middle-aged man's question, Xia Shilan glanced at Feng Hao: "His name is Feng Hao, it's me, it's me..."

"Boy friend!"

Seeing that Xia Shilan seemed to be hesitant, not knowing how to introduce himself, Feng Hao said three words lightly.

The word boyfriend was learned by Feng Hao after he came to Earth, and there is no such word in Tianwu Continent.

In fact, Feng Hao wanted to say that he was Xia Shilan's husband, but considering that all of them were her uncles, Feng Hao said so because he was afraid that Xia Shilan would be shy.

After lightly saying the word boyfriend, Feng Hao stopped caring about others, and grabbed Xia Jianghe's wrist, silently sensing Xia Jianghe's body.

Xia Jianghe's body was very weak and his vitality was weak, like a burnt candle that might go out at any time.

Following the meridians in Xia Jianghe's body to sense the whole body, and slowly coming to the brain, he only felt that the meridians in the head were very blocked, some of the meridians were like rivers blocked by sand, and even petrified.

This is what the earth calls cerebrovascular sclerosis.

No wonder it is said to be an incurable disease of the earth. Even if this disease is placed on the Tianwu Continent, it will be very troublesome.

However, this is nothing to Feng Hao, he has the Shennong Pharmacopoeia, as long as he does not die on the spot, he has a way to save him.

Feng Hao silently stimulated the properties of the medicine listed in the Shennong Pharmacopoeia, slowly poured it into Xia Jianghe's body, and began to swim all over his body.

"Shilan, is he your boyfriend? Why have you never heard of it? Is he a doctor?"

The middle-aged man who spoke looked at Feng Hao who was holding Xia Jianghe's wrist, and said with a puzzled expression.

When the word "boyfriend" was mentioned, Xia Shilan's face turned red. Just when she didn't know how to explain it, Xia Mengmeng next to her said loudly, "Uncle Feng is not mom's boyfriend, he is Mengmeng's father."

As soon as Xia Mengmeng spoke, everyone in the ward was stunned.

Adorable dad?

Isn't that Xia Shilan's husband?

Xia Shilan's face turned red immediately, and she took Xia Mengmeng's hand: "Mengmeng, don't talk nonsense."

After finishing speaking, Xia Shilan coughed slightly: "It's not like this, uh, I don't know what to say, anyway, he is my friend, I don't know if he is a doctor, but he is very capable."

Thinking of everything that happened in front of her these days, Xia Shilan's face suddenly flashed a trace of determination.

Yes, with him here, Dad will definitely get better.

However, the doctor next to him who seemed to be ignored by everyone suddenly said: "Miss Xia, although I really hope that there will be a miracle, I still want to say that our AH Hospital is one of the best in the country in terms of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases." Yes. Even in the international arena, it is difficult to find more advanced medical technology than ours.”

"Mr. Xia's illness was diagnosed and treated too late. If we could have come earlier, we might still have a solution. But now, sorry, Miss Xia, I'm afraid it's a fairy descending to earth, and there is nothing we can do."

The doctor said apologetically, but as soon as he finished speaking, the doctor froze there.

In the quiet ward, there was a muffled groan. Xia Jianghe, who had been in a coma for several days, suddenly moved his eyelids, and then slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, Feng Hao let go of Xia Jianghe's wrist, and then said calmly: "It may not be possible for an immortal to go down to earth, but I can."

Xia Jianghe woke up, and he woke up with a clear mind, not moving his eyelids in a meaningless coma.

Especially after seeing Xia Jianghe wake up, with the support of others, he tried his best to sit up, and asked someone to prepare millet porridge, and when he ate it in small bites, the doctor next to him stood there dumbfounded for a long time. know how long.

After confirming that he was not dreaming, the doctor only had two words repeated: "Miracle...!"

In a short while, countless doctors poured into the ward, and they were all chief physicians and professors who had participated in Xia Jianghe's treatment.

After seeing that Xia Jianghe really woke up, they all had expressions of disbelief.

Everyone gathered around Xia Jianghe, one checked this and the other checked that. After ten minutes, everyone came up with an almost unbelievable result.

Xia Jianghe recovered, not just waking up, but healed.

Cerebral arteriosclerosis is gone, and all the indicators of the body have also improved significantly. Even if they have not reached the level of normal people, they are definitely not far behind.

The heart is beating steadily and powerfully, supplying blood and oxygen to all parts of the body.

Even the high blood pressure that had plagued Xia Jianghe for many years began to stabilize.

It's almost like a different person.

Yes, at least compared to this morning, when Xia Jianghe was unconscious and seemed to be going to heaven at any time, it really seemed like a different person.

There was even an unbelievable doctor who secretly compared the blood sample that Xia Jianghe had just drawn with the previous blood sample of Xia Jianghe kept in the hospital, so he couldn't believe it. He was about to report to Lord Yan Xia Jianghe really got better just like that.

Then, there was another bunch of doctors silently chanting "miracle", "miracle" and "unbelievable" in the ward.

All the doctors gathered around the only doctor who witnessed Xia Jianghe's waking up process. After repeatedly asking about Xia Jianghe's waking up process, everyone stared dumbfounded at Feng Hao who had been standing quietly by the side.

Just shake the wrist, and then, and that's it?

You said that it’s fine if you don’t have surgery or surgery, and you can give some medicine. We will also treat it as the latest research results of international cerebrovascular sclerosis.

Or, if you take out a silver needle and give Mr. Xia two needles, we can also raise our heads and sigh, Chinese medicine is really profound.

But, you just hold your wrist, and then, Xia Jianghe will be fine?

Are you slapping your face, or are you slapping your face, or are you slapping your face?

All the doctors looked at me and I looked at you, in a daze for a while, and the ward fell silent for a while.

After a while, the director of AH Hospital also came to the ward in a hurry, and after learning about the situation with the chief physicians, he also looked at Feng Hao in surprise.

The dean's eyes flickered for a while, and finally he forced himself to walk in front of Feng Hao calmly.

"You are Mr. Feng, right? I don't know where Mr. Feng is working? Do you plan to change jobs? Our hospital still lacks a vice president...?"

Hearing the dean's words, Feng Hao glanced lightly, and before the dean finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Xia Shilan beside the hospital bed, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Shilan, since Mr. Xia is awake, I'm leaving first, you can take good care of him here. If you have any other problems that can't be solved, please call me."

After finishing speaking, Feng Hao smiled and nodded at Xia Mengmeng, then turned and left the ward.

From the beginning to the end, the self-serving dean was ignored.

The vice president of the hospital?

What is that.

But just as Feng Hao walked out of the ward, suddenly Xia Shilan also ran out: "Feng Hao."

Feng Hao paused, and turned his head to look at Xia Shilan behind him.

Xia Shilan's face turned red, she pursed her lips, as if she had made up her mind, she walked quickly to Feng Hao, and looked up at Feng Hao's face.

Then, taking a deep breath, his hands slowly wrapped around Feng Hao's neck, and a little red cherry lips were tightly attached to Feng Hao's lips.

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