Martial Inverse

Chapter 49 Killing the Patriarch of the Zhou Family

"Who are you, dare to speak to me like that? Believe it or not, I will kill you?"

The ancestor of the Zhou family glared angrily, and when he looked at Feng Hao, it was as if he was looking at a dead person.

No one has ever dared to speak to him like this, and actually despise him, it is really arrogant, the aura in his body is rampant, and he can kill this ant at any time.


Feng Hao's eyes were gloomy, he was really angry, this old dog killed people in front of him, and even threatened himself, he was looking for his own death.

"you wanna die!"

The ancestor of the Zhou family was furious. This young man was so arrogant that he actually let him go.

The spiritual energy in his body was rioting, and the strength of the Nascent Soul stage exploded. The big hand fanned down like a futon, and a big spiritual hand suddenly appeared in midair, smashing towards Feng Hao.

"What a powerful coercion, let's run!"

The members of the Cheng family were frightened, and the strong in the Nascent Soul stage took action and burned their lives. After all, when gods fight, mortals suffer.

They were far away from the center of the storm, their hearts were beating, and they looked at the back of the young man on the main street in horror, wondering if he could resist.


The great hand of spiritual power smashed down, the whole ancient city was shaking, the ground was cracked, a piece of flying sand and rocks were flying, and many houses were directly razed to the ground.

Powerful energy swept across, and the weak Cheng family monk vomited blood and flew backwards, his eyes were terrified to the extreme.

Dust covered Feng Hao's figure, people don't know his current situation, presumably... the end will be miserable.

Because the ancestors of the Zhou family cast spells very fast, it might be too late to defend, so they could only withstand such a powerful attack abruptly.

"You can't shake a tree without knowing what you can do. This kind of rubbish dares to talk to me like this, come and kill ten of them!" The ancestor of the Zhou family sneered.


However, a cold and quiet voice sounded at the same place. With a wave of his hand, it was as if a strong wind was blowing, the dust was blown away, and the sky and the earth returned to clarity.

Standing on the main street, he has a detached aura. Even if he has no cultivation, his divine body is still shining, like a god-man. The bluestone floor tiles under his feet are intact, but there is a huge palm print around him, and the ground has been sunk.

"Feng Hao is not dead, he carried it down."

The eyes of the Cheng family were bulging, and they couldn't believe it was true. Feng Hao actually withstood the attack of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

"You little Nascent Soul, dare to act presumptuously in front of me?!" Behind Feng Hao, the Vermilion Bird spread its wings and flew towards the ancestor of the Zhou family.

He stretched out his right hand, glowing with fiery red light, and a phantom of a unicorn appeared on his arm, grabbing towards the ancestor of the Zhou family.

With a bang, he grabbed the right leg of the ancestor of the Zhou family, and then slammed it hard, throwing it towards a copper mountain in the ancient city.

With a bang, there was a deafening sound from the copper mountain in the ancient city.

The ancestor of the Zhou family was smashed into the mountain, his hair was disheveled, and he looked like a beggar.

His physical body seemed to be very strong, even Tongshan was almost violent, but he was not seriously injured, only a little blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

In the city, the Cheng family and the Cheng family were stunned. To them, this was simply a myth.

That ancestor of the Zhou family was a leader among the ancient cultivators, an old monster in the Nascent Soul stage who had lived for a thousand years, and it was terrifying to be whipped by Feng Hao just like that.


Feng Hao frowned, this Zhou family patriarch's physical body is so powerful, it is frighteningly strong, if it is an ordinary Wu Zong strong, his physical body would be smashed into a pulp after being thrown by him like this.

"Feng Hao, he majors in the physical body, the diamond is not bad, and the copper mountain can't kill him, but the ancestral mountain of my Cheng family can, and there is a formation defense there, so it can't be damaged."

The old eyes of the Cheng family were shining, and he guessed that the ancestor of the Zhou family was going to die here today.

"it is good!"

With a flap of Fenghao Suzaku's wings, he broke through the sound barrier and appeared on Tongshan Mountain. The ancestor of the Zhou family raised his head again and fell towards Chengjiazu Mountain.

Chengjiazu Mountain is several thousand meters high, steep terrain, full of ancient atmosphere.

The ancestor of the Zhou family was thrown and whipped on the ancestral mountain, his whole body was howling, his flesh and blood were blurred, and his parents probably couldn't recognize him.

This is Zushan, the foundation of the family, it has formation defenses, so it is naturally extremely strong, the ancestor of the Zhou family seems to be hitting an iron plate, and it is rare to not die.

"Who the fuck is this?"

The ancestor of the Zhou family was terrified to the extreme. He had never seen such a character. Could it be that there are still old monsters who have practiced for thousands of years in Huaxia?

It was so perverted that he threw him around like a sandbag, almost killing him.

You know, he is the representative of the peak of Huaxia monks. With the aura of the earth, it is impossible for someone who is much stronger than him to appear.

"You forced me to do this. I never thought of releasing it on Earth, but you are cruel enough to force me to do so."

The ancestor of the Zhou family said coldly, he took out a bag from his arms, opened a hole, threw it into the air, and said with a smirk: "Boy, I don't know who you are, but it doesn't matter anymore, you know my Qiankun bag Is there something in it? It's a big monster, a big monster who has lived for thousands of years, you are doomed. '


A roar came from the Qiankun bag, as if it came across time and space, and a breath of prehistoric land came.

Feng Hao frowned, it was fine if the ancestor of the Zhou family didn't say that he was going to die, once he said that, he couldn't calm down, the old dog threatened him even when he was about to die.

At that moment, he used all his strength, grabbed the thigh of the ancestor of the Zhou family, and smashed it to the ancestor mountain of the Cheng family with all his strength.


The entire ancestral mountain was trembling. The strength was so great that it almost collapsed the ancestral mountain of the Cheng family. The ancestor of the Zhou family let out a final heart-piercing howl on the spot, and the whole person was smashed into a pulp.

Just like he killed the Cheng family before.

This is Feng Hao's way of dealing with his own body, his eyes are calm, he has killed too many people in his life, and it is impossible for him to make waves.

"This, this... I'm really screwed, the ancestor of the Zhou family died like this? I suspect that this is a fake ancestor of the Zhou family."

"Damn it, this is the great power of the Nascent Soul Stage. He can rule the life and death of a country, but he was smashed to death just like that."

The members of the Cheng family were terrified from the bottom of their hearts, and they were so shocked. Feng Hao made a movie called Rising, and he had never heard of this character before.

He seemed to have jumped out of a rock, and he was so overbearing that he killed an old monk at the Nascent Soul Stage with just a single raise of his hand.


There was another roar in the air, this time more clearly and shockingly, as if an ancient troll was waking up, and huge rocks and soil rolled down from the surface of Tongshan.

The members of the Cheng family were terrified, they felt Zu Shan trembling, and they could imagine how powerful the existence in the universe bag would be.

The ten thousand year old monster, just thinking about it, already makes one's scalp tingle.

Feng Hao's expression was indifferent. He has gone through countless catastrophes and walked through the wind and rain. What big scene has he not seen? A big monster in the district, I really didn't pay attention to it.

The members of the Cheng family were terrified and looked terrified. The aura of the big monster in the Qiankun bag was very terrifying, and the entire enchantment changed.

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