Martial Inverse

Chapter 51 - Bull Demon King

The Huashan incident continued to spread on the Internet, and the rate of posts and replies was second only to the discussion section of the movie "War of the Ancient Gods".

The whole network is boiling.

At this moment, in the waiting room of sh airport, there are a few tall beauties wearing sunglasses, dressed very stylishly, like international superstars, with outstanding temperament.

The big TV in the waiting room was reporting the events on Mount Hua, which attracted everyone's attention, but their appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"It's Liu Xiaofei~"

Someone recognized Liu Xiaofei, who was wearing sunglasses, and exclaimed, a stone caused a thousand waves, everyone was excited, took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and asked for autographs.

"Aren't the other beauties from the crew of the Ancient Gods War?" Someone also recognized Zhang Yi and the others, and they were very surprised.

These tall beauties are none other than Zhang Yi, Xiao Lei, Xia Shilan, Liu Xiaofei who left the villa.

The crowd was crowded, and the security guard came to protect the safety through the walkie-talkie.

Fortunately. Because Liu Xiaofei is a film and television superstar, her manager has already completed the relevant registration procedures and directly entered the VIP room passage.

"They were on a flight to Mount Hua, and they must have followed Feng Hao. It was said on the gossip that they lived in the same room with Feng Hao."

"That's right, although no photos have been leaked, someone witnessed it with their own eyes, and the security guards of the community once posted on the post bar to testify."

"I'm really envious of single dogs. There are so many beauties, and Feng Hao is contracted by himself. I also want to practice. I also want to go to Huashan to seek immortality. I want beauties."

Some people look crazy and want to change the ticket. In this day and age, you can't find a girlfriend if you don't have money, but now there is a fairy fate. If you grasp it, you can be like Feng Hao and have many beauties.

"I also need to go!"

The people in the waiting room were red-eyed, because a close-up of the ancient Huashan tribe appeared on the TV. This mysterious ancient city of the Cheng family appeared in front of the world for the first time.

"A lot of them are wearing casual clothes... they are also very fashionable. It seems that there may be such people hidden around us."

The members of the ancient Cheng family faced the camera with an expressionless expression.

They didn't destroy the cameras and drive away the journalists,

Things have happened, violence has become meaningless, it is better to accept everything and face it calmly.

Because Feng Hao once said that he would protect the Cheng family.

"Will Feng Hao be in danger? I knew he would leave soon when he came back this time. This time I went to Mount Hua, so don't let him leave. Now he is alone, and the city is full of storms." Xiaolei said bitterly.

"Beat him!" Xia Shilan bit her lip.

"The flights are all delayed. Perhaps the plane will continue to take off only after the supernatural phenomenon in Huashan is resolved. Now all flights heading to sx are cancelled."

Liu Xiaofei's manager came over and shrugged his shoulders to express his helplessness.

"Is there no other way to go to Mount Hua?" Liu Xiaofei asked.

"Unless we fly over like Feng Hao..." the manager smiled wryly.

The girls were very disappointed, they took off their sunglasses and stared at the TV, expecting to see Feng Hao.


Suddenly, the roar of the beast came again, shaking the entire airport slightly, and the TV screen shifted and landed in the air.

Where the fire cloud merged with the black cloud, it tumbling endlessly, and the heavy coercion swept across the city. The cameraman's body was shaking, causing the picture to be very unstable.

But I could vaguely see the outline, it was a huge beast, with a hundred-foot-long beast hand protruding from the vortex, and smashing towards a phantom in the void.

That is Feng Hao.

The pretty faces of the girls were full of fear, and when the beast hand came out, the world seemed to quiet down, as if a meteorite had landed from outside the sky.

Feng Hao didn't know if he could resist.

People were very frightened, that is a real big monster, a beast hand is hundreds of feet long, how huge it must be.

"Finally dare to show up."

In the void, Feng Hao looked calm and indifferent. Facing the beast hand that could destroy a city, he stretched out his hand, and the phantom of the unicorn wrapped around his arm, and punched out with the same punch.


The earth-shattering sound resounded through the heavens and the earth, like a world-shocking divine thunder, the fire clouds and black clouds were scattered, revealing the true face of the great monster.

It turned out to be a big monster with the head of a cow and the body of a human with two horns on its head and a shiny black hair on its soul body.

Bull devil?

All the people who witnessed this scene were stunned. The big black monster occupying half of the sky showed its true appearance, and it was actually somewhat similar to the Bull Demon King in the movie.

Especially the bull's head, it's just a mold.

"Damn it, this Nima myth has reappeared, and the Bull Demon King has come out."

"Is this the world we live in? Who can stop such a big Bull Demon King?"

People felt their scalps go numb, the Bull Demon King was not a good stubble, roaring and roaring in the air at this moment, causing the earth to thunder.

"Who are you?"

The Bull Demon King's right hand was trembling, he roared again and again, and there was a trace of fear in the depths of his eyes.

Just now, when he fought with this person, his arm was almost broken, and the little ant that seemed to be easily trampled to death scattered the fire cloud he used to pretend to be coercive.

When did such a perverted person appear on the earth?

"Don't worry about who I am, tell me who you are, where you came from, and what does it have to do with the ancestor of the Zhou family? If you don't ask for it, I will stew you and give it to refugees in Africa."

Feng Hao is very domineering and responds forcefully.

The Bull Demon King glared angrily, his eyes were wider than the lake, and his eyes were red. He said angrily: "You are looking for death, dare to talk to Master Niu like this. If Master Niu had not just crossed the void and his strength has not fully recovered, you would have He died a thousand times."

"Mouth stinks!"

Feng Hao frowned, and rushed towards the Bull Demon King. The latter was covered with animal fur, and quickly stretched out his hand to block it. Unexpectedly, Feng Hao directly grabbed his animal hand, swung it up, and fell to the Pacific Ocean.


The Bull Demon King was frightened and angry, and he was completely dumbfounded.

After finally getting out of the cosmic bag of the ancestor of the Zhou family, he is ready to come back to the world and rebuild Niucheng with his sons and grandchildren.

Who knew that the first time his mother appeared, he met a ruthless person, and if he didn't agree with him, he would stew himself.

He was very disdainful at first, but now he was thrown by Feng Hao for tens of thousands of miles, and he panicked. Then the Bull Demon King woke up with a start, and said in a trembling voice: "You can't fucking be my brother, are you?"

"You don't deserve to have a relationship with me. I'll give you another chance. How did you come to Earth? Did the ancestor of the Zhou family master the method of crossing the void?"

Feng Hao chased after him, stretched out his hand and pulled back the Bull Demon King who flew upside down. Such a strong inertia stopped abruptly at this moment.

The powerful force caused huge ripples in the void, and the sea water in the entire Pacific Ocean boiled.

At this moment, the Bull Demon King's whole body was limp, all the hair on his body was gone, and he couldn't stand upright. Feng Hao lifted his thousand-foot body, which was extremely awkward no matter how he looked at it.

How can an ant lift an elephant up? It's too scary.

The aircraft carrier group that had been mg happened to pass by this place. The white captain saw this scene, and even the sergeants on the ship were completely scared to pee.

"Come on, turn the picture to the Pentagon, it's too scary, monsters appeared in the ancient eastern country, and superman..."

The picture was sent back to the mg Pentagon, but it was cracked by top international hackers, and the video was directly spread on the entire Internet.

Therefore, the picture of Feng Hao holding the Bull Demon King like a dog was spread all over the world, and people were shocked, thinking it was a dream.

When it came out, fire clouds and black clouds rolled, like the end of the world, that beast hand was like a meteorite hitting the earth, but unexpectedly fell into the hands of Dongfang youth Feng Hao.

"Master Niu, I'm so miserable, I can't, I'd better run away, this earth, I will never come again!"

The Bull Demon King was frightened, he felt that Feng Hao would really stew him, he couldn't say that he came to the earth to become king and rule the earth.

The Bull Demon King felt desolate at the moment, feeling that he had been tricked by the ancestor of the Zhou family, and wished he could kill the ancestor of the Zhou family to sacrifice the flag.

Because the ancestor of the Zhou family didn't tell him that there is such a powerful existence on the earth, which is as terrifying as his big brother...

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