Martial Inverse

Chapter 121 The Strongest Combat Power (Part 1)

"Go to hell! Lowly human."

On Lucifer's holy face, those eyes were extremely cold, and his six pairs of wings turned into extremely sharp blades, cutting towards Feng Hao.


Lin Yu's unicorn arm was cast, and it directly hammered on the wing, sparks sputtered immediately, and that powerful force also made Lu Xihua fly upside down for several hundred meters.

The wings behind Lu Xihua frantically fanned, and it was only then that he managed to stabilize his figure, and the eyes that looked at Feng Hao became even colder.

"You surprised me. Your strength is much stronger than that of the inferior angel who faced the Silver Wing King before."

Lu Xihua patted one of the wings behind him, it was hit by Feng Hao's unicorn arm, and now it is a little inflexible.

"Very powerful."

Lucifer chuckled and said, "Unfortunately, you still have to die. I am the eldest son of the heavenly father, the number one God of War in the universe and heaven."

Hearing what Lucifer said, Feng Hao laughed instead.

As long as someone claims to be the number one, it is definitely not the number one, because the real strong will never claim to be the number one.

The birdman named Lucifer in front of him is an arrogant guy. Through the fight just now, he has roughly figured out the strength of this guy.

If the number one god of war in the heavens looked like this, then his strength would be too weak.

He didn't even reach the Supreme Realm, yet he dared to pretend to be the number one God of War.

"Stop talking nonsense, big brother, hurry up."

Feng Hao also casually uttered a sentence on the Internet, with a slightly contemptuous tone.

"Who is your brother, you humble human being, who still wants to become the son of the heavenly father?"

Lucifer said angrily, it seemed that being his brother was something that made him very angry.

But at this moment, the golden circle of light above his head trembled suddenly, as if receiving some signal.


Lucifer frowned slightly, showing an unhappy expression.


His eyes fell on Feng Hao, and he said reluctantly: "Heavenly Father asked me just now, are you willing to be his son of God?"


Feng Hao was stunned when he heard the words, he didn't expect that his "big brother" would actually misunderstand the bird man.

But... What Lucifer said was worth thinking about.

Obviously, the Heavenly Father that Lucifer spoke of was watching the battle between him and Lucifer, and that golden halo was probably the thing that received and sent signals.

"Heavenly Father said that as long as you are willing to become his son of God, you can be named the second god of war in the heavens and become an archangel like me."

The halo above Lucifer's head trembled, receiving messages from Heavenly Father.

"No need, I'll go to heaven to find him for tea when I'm free."

Feng Hao waved his hand, signaling Luci to stop talking, let him become the son of the heavenly father, how is this possible? Even if his heavenly father is the master of this universe, he does not have the qualifications.

The Great Thousand World is far older than the universe. Speaking of it, even if the Heavenly Father is the Lord of the universe, in terms of seniority, he should call himself uncle when he sees himself.

The point is... Heavenly Father is not yet.

Just the ruler of a small world.


Suddenly, the halo above Lucifer's head trembled violently, and then left directly above Lucifer's head, and suddenly enlarged in mid-air, forming something like a mirror.

And in this mirror, there appeared an old man wearing a white robe and a white beard, who was actually somewhat similar to the God Jesus on Earth.

"Feng Hao, I am the heavenly father. You have many sins on your body. Come to my kingdom of heaven and let me wash away the sins on your body with love and make you the God of War in the heavens."

In the mirror, the old man said kindly.

"Heh~ Get out!"

Feng Hao smiled, his eyes suddenly focused, Qinglong quickly displayed his supernatural powers, and like lightning, he slammed his right unicorn arm towards the mirror.



The sound of glass shattering suddenly resounded, and several pieces of the halo broke immediately, and in the incomplete mirror surface, there emerged the exasperated roar of Tiantian.

"Damn you, you deserve to go to the 18th floor of hell!"

Feng Hao ignored it directly, and his eyes fell on the dull-faced Lucifer.

"You are disrespectful to the heavenly father? I, Lucifer, will deprive you of your life for the heavenly father. Go to hell!"

Lucifer roared again and again, his body flashed, and he turned into a light and shadow, darting towards Feng Hao, and at the same time, the golden wings cut, tearing the void, and slashed towards Feng Hao's head.

However, in this field, his speed is comparable to teleportation, and in his eyes, time seems to be at a standstill.

Even if this Lucifer is strong, in his eyes, he is just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

With a flash of figure, Feng Hao appeared behind Luci Hua and punched out, but Luci Hua seemed to be aware of it.

call out!

Twelve wings fluttered, leading Lucifer's body to evacuate directly, and Feng Hao's punch was also like a cannonball, hitting the air.


That space was smashed into a pitch-black hole by Feng Hao, and the black lightning swept across, which actually produced a turbulent flow of time and space.

Sweat oozed from Lucifer's forehead, and his body was trembling.

What a powerful force.

He didn't dare to imagine that if that punch hit him just now, his body would probably explode into a pulp.

At the same time, everything that happened here was also captured by the official satellites of various countries, but none of them were broadcast on private radio stations.

"This Fenghao's strength is too terrifying..."

"Our country has withdrawn from its plans against him."

"What are you afraid of? Standing behind Country M is Heavenly Father. He is an invincible existence in the universe. He is a mere clown."


The high-level leaders of several countries are holding video meetings, and they have seen the destructive power of Fenghao together.

They didn't dare to imagine that if Feng Hao's anger was vented on their land, their lives might be ruined, so it's better to avoid this killing god.


A certain small country directly cut off the video meeting and withdrew from the alliance.

"Baga, this country guy from Y, if Feng Hao gets rid of him in the future, he won't be safe either."

"WTF, this old thing gets cold feet, sanctions, sanctions immediately!"


In the mountains and forests on the outskirts of Country R, ​​the battle between Feng Hao and the Archangel Lu Xihua had reached a fever pitch, and Feng Hao was startled by Lu Xihua's ability to react.

And Lucifer was shocked by Fenghao's powerful power.

At this moment, Lucifer's whole body was bathed in the holy light. Obviously, under the wrath of the heavenly father, he also bestowed great power on Lucifer.

Lucifer was like an angel of golden light, very holy, his wings fluttered slowly, and there was a high fighting spirit in his eyes.

"Thank you, Heavenly Father, for letting me feel such a powerful force..."

Lucifer's pair of eyeballs turned golden, and then two golden lights shot out from his eyes, sweeping towards Feng Hao directly.


The mountain was directly flattened, causing extremely powerful damage.

And Feng Hao was almost swept by the golden light, touched his cheek, but found a drop of blood dripping, and the small wound healed instantly.

In an instant, Feng Hao's face was covered with a layer of frost.

This seemed to be the first time he was injured after coming to Earth.

"very good!"

Feng Haohan said in a cold voice, staring at Lu Xihua, the aura on his body suddenly changed drastically.

At this moment, he seems to have returned to the posture of the Lord of the Great Thousand Worlds, looking down at the world, looking at the enemy with eyes that have no emotion.


Lucifer's heart trembled for no reason, and an indescribable coercion descended instantly, and he found that his body was unable to move.

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