Martial Inverse

Chapter 151 Beast God Live Broadcasting Room

The Bull Demon King absorbed the Holy Monster Fruit without any side effects and sequelae, Feng Hao really didn't want to stay in this sea monster world.

It's just that he's not sure whether Xiao Hei, who is a virtual dragon, and Xiao Qiuqiu, the beast god, will be the same as the Bull Demon King after devouring the holy demon fruit.

Feng Hao didn't want Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu to suffer any harm, so he was more cautious about Yao Shengguo.

If it were in the Great Thousand World, Feng Hao would not have to worry at all, there would be nothing beyond his control, but it is different in this universe.

"Do you have any connection with that monkey grandson?"

Feng Hao looked at the Bull Demon King.

"My big brother is probably not interested in things in the human world. He definitely doesn't have a mobile phone. There is no way to contact him."

The Bull Demon King shamelessly got involved with the Dou Zhan Sheng King, touched his head and said: "If Brother Feng finds him, take the old cow to say hello, it's really embarrassing to think of the years of fighting with him... ..."


Feng Hao was speechless for a while, the Bull Demon King really had a thick skin, but he was too lazy to care about the relationship between the Bull Demon King and Monkey King.

"If you don't want to leave, just stay and be your Four Sea Demon King!"

Feng Hao is very helpless towards the Bull Demon King, he can choose for himself who has fought side by side on the earth.

The bull demon king seemed to be pardoned, a few tears flowed from the corners of his eyes under the sunglasses, and he choked up and said, "Brother Feng has treated me with such kindness as a mountain..."

The Bull Demon King's shoulders twitched, and he performed so well in front of the movie king Feng Hao that he almost knelt down and hugged Feng Hao's thigh.


Feng Hao got goosebumps all over his body, he squinted at the Bull Demon King, and said indifferently: "Bring the phone..."


The Bull Demon King shuddered, with a look of reluctance on his face.

But seeing Feng Hao's eyes, he trembled all over, took out the smart phone that was wiped several times a day from his pocket, and handed it to Feng Hao.

Feng Hao skillfully opened the interface and found that the Bull Demon King's mobile phone still had a signal, but he was annoyed that the Bull Demon King actually changed his mobile phone, no wonder he couldn't locate the Bull Demon King's location.

Hard enough!

Then the phone popped up an interface full of text, which seemed to be a book that the Bull Demon King was reading.

"Actor's self-cultivation."

"On the Interaction of Actor and Audience."

Feng Hao was stunned. From the time when the Bull Demon King was soaring in acting, he guessed that the Bull Demon King must be influenced by the earth's culture, but he didn't expect it to be.

"I'm sure I'll be looking for you when I make a movie in the future. It just so happens that I know a few directors whose box office has exceeded one billion." Feng Hao took a deep breath.

He found that he still underestimated the Bull Demon King. This guy has been poisoned by the earth's culture, just like Xiao Qiuqiu's clamoring to live broadcast and become an Internet celebrity before, he has fallen into a demon.

Fortunately, Xiaoqiuqiu seems to have lost his way.

However... when Feng Hao was about to return the phone to the Bull Demon King, he found a pop-up message notification on the phone.

The news of the launch of a certain live broadcast room.

Feng Hao thought nothing of it, since the Bull Demon King had a way to connect his mobile phone to the Internet, there must be something to entertain him.

On a whim, Feng Hao suddenly wanted to see whose live broadcast the Bull Demon King subscribed to, and whether it was a live broadcast of Internet celebrity beauties.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened it, Feng Hao almost exploded.


It turned out to be its live broadcast, and it has returned to its old business.

In the live broadcast room, Xiao Qiuqiu was on a warship between the blue sea and blue sky, Feng Hao shivered a bit, he reached an agreement with Huaxia officials, and deleted all information related to him and Xiaohei Xiaoqiuqiu .

But if Xiao Hei showed his face in public again, wouldn't everything be ruined?

But soon, Feng Hao discovered a slight difference. He had never heard of this live broadcast software, and the name was the "Beast God" live broadcast room.

But now there are only five or six people in the live broadcast room, and there are names and avatars of Feng Hao's familiar people.

"Monkey King Sun Wukong."

"The Dragon King of the North Sea, Ao Shun."

"Ao Run, Dragon King of the West Sea."


Then there are a few guys with various names below, and the name of the Bull Demon King is a bit domineering, called 'Four Sea Demon Kings' Lord Bull Demon King.

"Everyone is online now? The Bull Demon King did a good job, conveying the will of the deity in place, but why are the Dragon King of the East China Sea and the Dragon King of the South China Sea not online?"

In the live broadcast room, there was a voice of Xiaoqiuqiu's exasperation.

At the same time, all the monsters in the Dragon Palace of the South Sea Dragon King also heard the voice, and the Bull Demon King trembled all over, and became even more frightened.

The injured East Sea Dragon King and South Sea Dragon King took out a mobile phone tremblingly, and then typed a few words on the screen.

"The old dragon is here!"

"The old dragon is here too."

At this time, Feng Hao's expression was stunned again, but he was no human being, and he understood in an instant that this was something that Xiao Qiuqiu secretly did.

Rather than the live broadcast platform on the Internet today, this is Xiao Qiuqiu's own stuff. As a beast god, he is naturally capable of making these things.

And the purpose of Xiaoqiuqiu is to convey his will as a beast god. In this way, this thing is quite reliable.

When their divine sense is not strong enough to radiate the entire earth, this live broadcast software can send news to the powerful monster races in the first time.

Good stuff!

Feng Hao couldn't help but want to praise Xiao Qiuqiu, so he directly left a message: "Good job, Xiao Qiuqiu."

However, Xiao Qiuqiu in the live broadcast room was furious and scolded: "Bull Demon King, your skin is itchy, aren't you?"

"I'm Fenghao!"

Feng Hao typed a line with a dark face, and suddenly... the little ball fell into a short freeze, and then the screen went black.

The ball is down.

At the same time, Xiao Qiuqiu on the warship had a confused expression on his face, and said in a low voice: "I was discovered, why am I so stupid, knowing that Feng Hao went to find the Bull Demon King, why should I pretend to be so aggressive... ..."

"But... Feng Hao seems to be praising me? Haha."

Xiao Qiuqiu suddenly grinned, anyway, sooner or later, Feng Hao will know about it, but this thing is just a prototype, the big monster that can be contacted is Sun Houzi, and the four dragon kings he asked the Bull Demon King to contact .

"Ox Demon King, didn't you say that Sun Wukong can't use a mobile phone? How did I see him?"

Feng Hao returned the phone to Bull Demon King, staring at him with a half-smile.

Xiao Qiuqiu made such a thing privately, Feng Hao didn't think there was anything wrong with it, and he didn't have to inform him of anything he wanted to do as a beast god.

"Ah, when I contacted Lord Beast God for the first time, there were only me and the Four Dragon Kings in the live broadcast room, Sun Houzi was really not there... I thought he wouldn't mess with this high-tech thing..."

The Bull Demon King wiped the sweat from his brow, he really couldn't be blamed for this.

"Okay, I'll leave the matter here to you, Xiao Hei and I will leave first."

After Feng Hao finished speaking, he greeted Xiao Hei to leave the South China Sea Dragon Palace. Anyway, he asked all the questions he needed to ask, and he knew everything he needed to know, and there was an unexpected harvest.

not bad.

"Brother Feng, go slowly..."

After seeing Feng Hao, Xiao Hei and the guy in the leather jacket leave, the Bull Demon King danced excitedly.

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