Martial Inverse

Chapter 190 Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Duanmu Poplar

Cheng Jinnan was also in the same dilemma. On one side was the Shenmu clan behind the Cheng family, and on the other was the Holy Master of the Shenmu clan. He knew who he should listen to.

But the crux of the problem is, who should be chosen, as the guide of Shenmu Xuanyuan, the holy son of Shenmu, Cheng Cheng was rejected by Feng Hao, so it is impossible to let him be this old bone?

Even if he is willing, Shengzi Shenmu is still not happy.

Feng Hao glanced at Cheng Jinnan who looked hesitant, and said, "I've found the candidate for you, and when the meeting to welcome the immortals is over, let that Shenmu boy descend to the realm!"

Cheng Jinnan's eyes lit up, and he nodded, "That's very good, I thank you, Lord Holy Master!"


Feng Hao nodded lightly, and then said: "It's getting late, you all go back to your room and rest!"

The three of Cheng Jinnan looked at each other, then turned and left the room.

Cheng Cheng originally wanted to stay for a while longer, but after remembering what the clan elder said just now, after Feng Hao was the Lord of the Shenmu, she felt that Feng Hao was too far away from her.

It is impossible to keep up with his footsteps in this lifetime.


At the same time, at the invitation of the Longshi Group, all the ancient cultivators on the land of Huaxia began to surface gradually, and sent out the most talented and outstanding disciples of their respective clans, as well as the elders of various clans.

The reason why the clan elders rushed here was probably because everyone knew some clues that there was a strong man from the fairy world descending to the earth, so they rushed over with their bodies half buried in the ground.

If they can get good luck, their lifespan may be able to live for a few more years, and even... the gate of the fairy world may be opened for them.

So, a very strange scene happened at SH Pudong Airport in the past two days. One after another, young people accompanied the gray-haired old man to the magic city of SH. Those who didn’t know it thought it was an elderly tour group.

The members of the Long Group who picked up the plane drove the luxurious Maybach and Lincoln, and picked up the representatives of the Ancient Cultivation Clan to the hotel.

Time flies, and the Immortal Welcome Conference held on the top floor of the Jinmao Building was officially held, and all the representatives from the ancient Chinese cultivators also arrived as scheduled.

The Huaxia officials also dispatched special forces to maintain order and unpredictable risks occurred. Zhao Yang, who is almost half of Feng Hao's friend, also participated in this Fairy Welcome Conference.

The Fairy Welcome Conference is like a grand reception.

Feng Hao, who had rushed to the Jinmao Tower with Cheng Jinnan and the other three, saw Zhao Yang in the uniform of the Cultivation Alliance at a glance.

A smile appeared on the corner of Feng Hao's mouth. It seems that Zhao Yang still has some skills. He even got an identity to enter this kind of occasion.

According to Feng Hao's knowledge, each ancient cultivator had only three quotas at most, while the Cultivation Alliance had only five quotas in total, but they still got one of them.

Many representatives of the Ancient Cultivation Clan who came in advance, when they met familiar people, they habitually bowed their hands in the way of practitioners.

Feng Hao and Cheng Cheng sat in the rest area beside them, looking at the representatives of the ancient cultivators who came and went, and always felt that these people with different costumes seemed to be attending a masquerade ball, and it would be more similar if everyone wore a mask .

At the same time, there is also a sense of sight of the eight sects besieging Guangmingding.

Feng Hao's spiritual thoughts silently swept over these monks of the ancient cultivators, and the ones with the highest cultivation were only at the stage of becoming a god, similar to the old Cheng Jinnan of the Cheng family.

It was an old man with white hair, wearing a loose white robe, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and he had an invincible aura when opening and closing.

And the weakest one has also reached Nascent Soul, and all of them are young heroes with haughty expressions. From time to time, they always look at Cheng Cheng, and a hint of lust emerges from the depths of their eyes.

Ever since Cheng Cheng was rescued by Feng Hao with his original power, his temperament is like a fairy who has fallen into the mortal world. In addition, his current cultivation base is progressing rapidly, and there is an invisible temperament in him that charms all living beings. Even if these young heroes are talented, Also hard to resist.

"This junior sister, who is a disciple of any clan? My name is Duanmu Yang, and I come from Jade Dragon Snow Mountain."

At this moment, a handsome guy in a suit and leather shoes came over with a smile on the corner of his mouth, holding a wine glass. His manner and conversation were very decent, and his appearance was not that of a popular star

If you were an ordinary person, you would feel hot all over, and you couldn't help but want to take off your clothes

But when he met Cheng Cheng, a Cheng Cheng who could only pretend to be one person in his heart, he naturally dismissed the handsome guy from the ancient clan who struck up a conversation.

Feng Hao looked at Cheng Cheng with a half-smile, but he ignored the handsome guy from the ancient clan

Seeing that Cheng Cheng didn't respond to him, Duan Muyang was not angry but happy. He was used to popular celebrities who threw themselves into their arms and Internet celebrities who were about to give birth to him. He seemed to be full of aloofness towards Cheng Cheng's fairy temperament The breathless woman has an irrepressible sense of conquest.

He wanted to climb up the icy snow mountain of Cheng Cheng, and then sweat wantonly on it.

"Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is one of the five holy places of practice. I don't know if Junior Sister is..."

Duanmuyang spoke again, but this time before he finished speaking, Cheng Cheng said coldly: "Get lost!"


In an instant, Duanmu Yang only felt his head buzzing, and he froze in place, while the other young disciples of the ancient clan also looked at this side, looking like they were enjoying the show.

Of the twenty-six ancient Cultivation Clans, the Duanmu Clan in Jade Dragon Snow Mountain can be ranked in the top five, and Duanmu Yang is also a genius who is famous for the Cultivation Ancient Clan in China.

It's just that I didn't expect that today, I lost all face in front of an unfamiliar female monk.

In fact, the twenty-six ancient Cultivation Clans are also secretly in touch with each other, and occasionally hold some competition meetings, and take out the spirit treasures of their respective families as prizes, so they have some impressions of those who have the original intention of aptitude

But Cheng Cheng... is not a true cultivator of the ancient clan, but his mother is the adopted daughter of clan elder Cheng Jinnan. Besides, the other ancient cultivators didn't even know of her existence.

"You tell me to go? Haha!"

Duanmu Yang's face turned into a liver color, especially the eyes of those monks of the same generation in the reception were particularly glaring, he almost couldn't help but want to kill someone.

After laughing twice, Duanmu Yang's eyes showed a hint of violence. He doesn't care what the status of this unknown female monk is, only good governance is the kingly way.

The big hand stretched out, and the dragon shadow accompanied him, even accompanied by a slight sound of dragon chant. In an instant, a majestic wave of spiritual power erupted from Duanmu Yang's body.


Cheng Cheng was no longer the weak woman she was back then. With a cold snort, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, his body flew up from the sand, his five fingers stretched out, and five green silk threads were directly entwined towards Duanmu Yang, like spider silk, pulling Duanmu Yang Wrapped into a big rice dumpling.


Everyone who watched the show gasped, and began to look at Cheng Cheng with admiration. He really had two brushes, otherwise he would have the courage to scold the genius disciple of the Duanmu family in Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.

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