Martial Inverse

Chapter 192 Cheng Hao (2)

"Then according to what you said, I am also competing with you now. There is a difference between winning and losing, life and death?"

Feng Hao looked at Duanmu Yang with a smile that was not a smile, and the corner of his mouth drew a playful arc.

Duanmu Yang looked Feng Hao up and down, and said indifferently: "What are you? Is your name on the list of the ancient clan's geniuses?"

Duanmu Yang saw that Feng Hao had a very strange face, he wasn't the one who couldn't confront the sky in his impression, so his tone naturally became a little arrogant.

But as soon as these words came out, the faces of Cheng Jinnan and Cheng Dong, the elders of the Cheng family, changed, and they all looked at Duanmu Yang with pity.

Who is Feng Hao? The Holy Son of the Thousand Feathers God Clan was beaten to death even when he came. A weak chicken in the Nascent Soul stage is not enough for him to warm up.

"Slap your mouth!"

Feng Hao's face turned cold, and he slapped his palm in the air, and suddenly the spiritual force field around Duanmu Yang changed dramatically, as if his left cheek was hit by a gun, he was directly thrown three or four meters away, smashing many things.


Duanmu Yang yelled and got up, touched his left cheek that was in severe pain, and said angrily: "You actually attacked this young master, I am the holy son of the Duanmu family in Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, do you know what you are doing? You are doing it yourself. Seeking death!"

Duanmu Yang, who is used to being pampered, has always been the only one who favors others, and no one has ever disobeyed his will.

But now there is a bitch from the Cheng family first, and now there is a bitch man, who is pulling his teeth out of his tiger's mouth and committing suicide!

Duanmu Yang rushed towards Feng Hao clamorously, his cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage broke out, and his ten fingers burst out with pure spiritual power, which instantly turned into life-killing spiritual blades, and the air that cut the ground hummed.

A chilling air permeated the entire conference site.

Many elders of the ancient cultivators couldn't bear it. Could it be that they were going to lose another Tianjiao of the ancient clan?

In this situation of the Dharma-ending era, the fall of any ancient genius would be a great loss to the entire cultivation world.

The strong Sanxian from Duanmu's family saw a change in the spiritual power in many people's bodies, and immediately released a powerful Sanxian coercion, shaking everyone's hearts, shaking their heads and sighing.

"The Long Group has established a practice with the strong in the fairy world. Only by making Duanmu Yang famous in the first battle can he be favored by the strong in the fairy world. This is a great opportunity..."

Duanmu Boyi whispered in his heart,

As a Sanxian strongman, he is a person with hands and eyes that can reach the sky, and any knowledge about the cultivation world, big or small, cannot escape his eyes.

It's like the Long Group's battle this time. The so-called Fairy Welcome Conference is actually a big investigation of the ancient Cultivation Clan in China by the powerful in the fairy world.

Trying to achieve absolute control, even if you can't do it, you must have a good understanding of the gods behind the major ancient clans.

What kind of person is Duanmu Boyi? The supreme genius who can become a Sanxian, although he doesn't know what happened to the earth, but from the various events since this period, it can be concluded that the earth will have a great opportunity. This is an unprecedented perfect era.

If their ancient comprehension clan seizes this opportunity, why can't they reach a new height.

Of course, before that, Duanmu Yang's reputation must be publicized to impress the powerful in the fairy world. Only then will his Duanmu family have more opportunities to show their faces.

So whoever dares to stop Duanmu Yang right now, he will be the first to cripple the opponent.

It's Duanmu Boyi who is talking about being so cool and flamboyant.

At the same time, seeing Duanmu Yang's spiritual blade that cut the air coming, Feng Hao's eyes did not fluctuate at all.

Everyone thought that Feng Hao had become a fool from fright, and they all sighed softly.

However, the next scene completely overturned their cognition, so that the tip of their eyes turned into dead fish eyes, and their jaws dropped in shock.

I saw that the powerful spiritual blade that cut even the space, when it was only an inch away from Feng Hao's eyebrows, it was like encountering an invisible iron wall and could no longer improve half a step.

At the same time, Feng Hao stretched out his hand and grabbed those spiritual blades directly, and even... played with them in the palm of his hand.


Duanmu Boyi's heart tightened, and his brows were wrinkled. It's not uncommon to be able to perfectly control the spirit blade, but what's strange would be too shocking to control the enemy's spirit blade.

This shows what? It shows that his cultivation base is absolutely crushing, and only those who are above the stage of transformation into gods can barely do this.

The key is... Feng Hao actually played with the five spiritual blades with one hand, and the spiritual blade was begging for mercy as if he had seen his master, full of aura of agility.

It was a dead thing, but in Feng Hao's hands, it became a living thing with a soul.


Duanmu Yang sternly shouted, the five spiritual blades are not simply formed by the condensed spiritual power, they are his natal flying sword wrapped in spiritual power, which can produce enough power to break the body protection of the strong in the transformation stage .

However, his natal flying sword was fiddled with by Feng Hao, and in a fit of rage, he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Flying swords are quite interesting, but unfortunately they seem to look down on you..." Feng Hao looked at Duanmu Yang contemptuously.

And the five flying swords really bent towards Duanmu Yang very expressively, agreeing with Feng Hao's words very much.


Immediately, the ancient monks in the entire venue were stunned, and they all looked at Feng Hao in amazement.

"It is rumored that the real king of swordsmanship can make flying swords in the world submit to him, and he can practice the unique art of swordsmanship that returns thousands of swords to his clan..."

An ancient monk said.

Hearing this, everyone cast shocking eyes full of strange colors at Feng Hao again.

Only the elders of the Cheng family, Cheng Cheng, and Cheng Dong were holding back their laughter. Feng Hao was not a king of swordsmanship.

He... is the Lord of the Great Thousand, the powerhouse who came to the universe by accident, and the Holy Lord of the Shenmu Clan behind them.

Looking at the entire cultivation world, there is absolutely no one who is stronger than him.

Not to mention the return of Wanjian to the sect, even if it is a hundred thousand swords, Bai Wanjian's return to the sect is not a problem at all.

"Who are you? What is your relationship with the Cheng family?"

Seeing that Duanmu Yang was no longer his opponent Duanmu Boyi, the Sanxian Duanmu Boyi looked at him with a gloomy face and said, Feng Hao's strength was no longer something Duanmu Yang could compete with.

At this time, he needs to take action to sanction.

In the eyes of the Duanmu family, there are only two kinds of people, one is an ally, and the other is a dead person.

Feng Hao grasped with five fingers, and he held the five flying swords with spiritual blades directly in the palm of his hand, his eyes fell directly on Duanmu Boyi, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he said indifferently: "You can call me Cheng Hao, I am Huashan A disciple of the Cheng family of the ancient Cultivation Clan."

"Cheng Hao?"

The ancient monks present all frowned. This name is very strange, it should not be the ancient Tianjiao who became famous before.

It is very likely that the Cheng family has been secretly hiding the spoiled girl who is now using this opportunity to make a name for herself.

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