Martial Inverse

Chapter 194 Little Cultivator

The monks of the ancient tribe couldn't help but look at Feng Hao a few more times. It was the first time they had seen such an arrogant and ignorant person.

The way of practice is extremely difficult, and every breakthrough in a realm requires chance and understanding, and it also leads to a slight difference in realm, which is fatal.

However, a young man who seemed to be in his twenties threatened to challenge Duanmu Boyi, who had lived for hundreds of years and failed to cross the tribulation to become a Sanxian.

Only Cheng Jinnan and the others, who knew almost everything about Feng Hao, knew that Duanmu Boyi had been in the Chinese cultivation world for so long, and even Li Chunfeng, the sword fairy, was no match for him. .

"Are you stupid?"

A female cultivator from the ancient Cultivation Race rolled her eyes at Feng Hao. To be honest, Feng Hao's handsome appearance, combined with his status as the Cheng family's Tianjiao, might really attract many talented female cultivators.

Combining dual cultivation between monks, and meeting the right person, the cultivation base may go further. There are many dual cultivation monks in the cultivation world, and all of them are not weak in cultivation base.

This female monk is very beautiful and tall. She is not wearing the retro clothing of other monks, but bodysuits, which outline a perfect figure.

There is also a very moving temperament in the rolling eyes. Obviously, she was very optimistic about Feng Hao before that.

But now, she feels that Feng Hao is the kind of arrogant and arrogant person, and even has some problems with his head. He actually provokes the strong Sanxian and combines with him. He doesn't know how he will die in the future.

However, Feng Hao has already passed the realm of judging people by their appearance, and he really doesn't pay attention to this female monk.

However, Feng Hao still showed enough gentlemanly attitude towards a vulgar remark made by the nun to her annoyance, not to be as knowledgeable as her.

His eyes fell on Sanxian Duanmu Boyi, and the corner of his mouth curled into a provocative arc: "I don't know if Senior Duanmu can give me such a chance?"

Before Duanmu Boyi tried to abolish him, he was thinking about how to deal with this person, and how to occupy the moral high ground. After all, it would be inhumane if he directly killed him just now.

Who knows if this Duanmu Boyi is a respected senior of the ancient Cultivation Clan.

But now I didn't expect that Duanmu Boyi seemed to be unpopular in the cultivation world, so it was easy to handle.

If you deal with him by yourself, you might be able to win over these people from the ancient cultivator clan. In the future, if the holy son of the god clan wants to descend, unless he teleports across time and space, don't even think about it.

Nowadays, even the powerful people in the fairy world are trying to integrate the ancient Cultivation Clan of China, and use the prestige of the Long Group in China to hold this so-called Fairy Welcome Conference.

Then he can also take advantage of this opportunity to win over his influence. After all, no matter how strong a person is, he only has two fists. With the support of the ancient Huaxia Cultivation Clan, he can understand the Huaxia Cultivation World more thoroughly. It's not like it's all speculation now.

Duanmu Boyi remained silent all the time, being provoked by an unknown junior, he didn't bother to make a move, Duanmu Yang could crush his fellow monks.

But now that Duanmu Yang has lost to Feng Hao, and even his natal spirit sword has been taken away by the opponent, who else will take action for him now?

"Ha ha!"

Duanmu Boyi sneered twice, and said: "What is the identity of this immortal, and you can challenge it? How dare the light of the firefly compete with Haoyue?"

To be honest, Duanmu Boyi doesn't like Feng Hao.

"Little monk, this Duanmu old thief is a cruel master. It's not easy for you to cultivate, so don't annoy him, so as not to suffer..."

Our Lady of the Clouds said softly.

Although she admired Feng Hao's courage, Duanmu old thief is a Sanxian who is stronger than her, Feng Hao is really not enough for the opponent's teeth.

Immortal Zhang of Wudang Mountain took a deep look at Feng Hao, and found that he couldn't see through Feng Hao's cultivation level, then chuckled and said: "I don't know which ancient tribe the little monk is a disciple of, but he has such courage. On the other hand, other ancient tribes The arrogant Tianjiao, but a little lost his spirit, an old thief who once caused hundreds of thousands of innocent people in China to die or die, actually bowed his head and called him a fairy..."

There was a sense of sarcasm in these words, and the complexions of many young Gu clan darlings suddenly turned pale, but they did not dare to refute.

Some monks even ate fly droppings, it seemed that Master Zhang was talking about them.

Feng Hao smiled at Master Zhang of Wudang Mountain, and said: "The Cheng family is a junior..."


When the old Cheng family heard Feng Hao's words, his legs gave way in fright, and he sat down on the stool.

Feng Hao turned his head to look at Cheng Jinnan, and said, "What is the elder doing?"

Cheng Jinnan wiped the sweat from his forehead, his complexion turned extremely ugly. Feng Hao, as the Holy Master of the Shenmu Clan, is even the Lord of Great Thousands. Now he lowered his status and said that he is a junior of the Cheng family. Isn't this a disgrace to his old man?

Careful liver was almost not frightened.

"The spiritual power is not running smoothly for a while, and I am getting old...Feng...Cheng Hao, don't say such things in the future, you are the unique existence of the Cheng family, and you are by no means unpopular..." Cheng Jinnan panicked.

"Wind? Cheng Hao?" Master Zhang of Wudang Mountain murmured softly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

But Duanmu Boyi has always been narrow-minded, seeing that Feng Hao has been valued by the Holy Mother of the Clouds of Mount Tai and Master Zhang of Wudang Mountain successively, the killing intent in his eyes is a little stronger.

These two rivals seem to be quite optimistic about this kid.

The corner of Duanmu Boyi's mouth twitched into a sneer, and he stood up suddenly, and said in a serious tone: "You must have heard it too, this kid from the Cheng family is very talented, he managed to win against the Holy Son of our clan, but he was so arrogant that he defiantly challenged himself Immortal Venerable, that Immortal Venerable fulfilled his proposal and accepted his challenge..."

"The patriarch is mighty!" Duanmu Yang hurriedly bowed and nodded.

"Shameless old dog!"

"It's really shameless to bully the junior..."

Many elders of the ancient cultivation clan couldn't help but sneer. They have seen shameless people, but they have never seen such shameless people to this extent.

With the cultivation base of Sanxian, he accepted the challenge of the monks in the Nascent Soul Stage, and smashed other people's eggs with stones.

Many monks who had good relations with the Cheng family sent voice transmissions to Cheng Jinnan, asking him to stop them immediately, but Cheng Jinnan just shook his head with a wry smile.

What does Feng Hao want to do, how can he have the right to intervene, besides...he also hopes that Feng Hao will take action to punish the big old thief in the cultivation world.

"Let him go!" Cheng Jinnan said softly.


His unintentional words immediately made all the monks in the field gasp. Is this the arrogance of the family who is going to be buried?

The heart is too big!

"Come on, Cheng Hao!"

Cheng Cheng raised his pink fist to cheer Feng Hao up.

Now, the people of the ancient cultivators are completely convinced by the Cheng family. They really don't understand why they are willing to send Cheng Hao to his death. Could it be that the Cheng family is as arrogant as a dog?

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