Martial Inverse

Chapter 196 Protoss powerhouse?

Not only Duanmu Boyi was stunned, but all the monks of the ancient clan present, including the powerhouses of the three major tribulation stages, were also stunned.

The younger generation from the Cheng family of the ancient clan smashed the aura shield of the strong Sanxian with one finger, even the body may not be shattered, but Cheng Hao broke it with one finger.


Silence, deathly silence, no one is not shocked inside.

Only the Cheng family had expected this result, and they were the most calm among them.

Duanmu Yang, who was originally arrogant at the corners of his mouth, stared at a pair of incredible dead fish eyes at this moment, looking at Feng Hao as if he had seen a ghost, his expression was like eating a pile of fly droppings.

Difficult to see the extreme.

Seeing the fear in Duanmu Boyi's eyes, Feng Hao said softly, "Didn't you say you want to leave me a whole body? Why don't you do it now?"

Duanmu Boyi gritted his teeth, his eyes seemed to pierce Feng Hao, he really couldn't understand why such a weird thing happened?

"who are you?"

Duanmu Boyi didn't believe that there would be such a heaven-defying child in the Cheng family. Even if there were, it would definitely be... the arrival of the strong gods.

Duanmu Boyi stared at Feng Hao, and said word by word: "Are you the protoss powerhouse behind the Cheng family?"


As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the entire conference site. Has the protoss powerhouse descended?

But if you think about it carefully, there is indeed a possibility. If it wasn't for the arrival of a strong man from the god world, how could he defeat Sanxian Duanmu Boyi's spiritual power shield?

As a result, everyone's eyes on Feng Hao changed.

Duanmu Boyi has regained his confidence, and it is not a shame to suffer at the hands of the protoss powerhouse.

"I don't know which senior from the God Realm is in front of me. Xiaoxian is reckless, and I will die!" Duanmu Boyi's attitude changed 360 degrees, and he was extremely respectful.


Cheng Cheng, who was on the side, couldn't help laughing directly, and almost spit out the dessert that just fell into his throat.

Cheng Jinnan and Cheng Dong were also affected, and couldn't help laughing.

It's just that the smile is full of mockery.

Duanmu Boyi's face turned livid, and he wanted to have a fit, but thinking that the Cheng family had such a protoss powerhouse, he had no choice but to smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

Feng Hao glanced at Duanmu Boyi indifferently, and said, "Now I have a choice for you, whether to keep the whole body or to be wiped out?"


Duanmu Boyi's body trembled, but he didn't understand Feng Hao's meaning.

He bowed his head, why did he still say such a thing? This doesn't follow the routine...

"Senior, don't do anything wrong. There are strong protoss behind my Duanmu family..." Duanmu Boyi said softly.

He didn't say the whole thing, and the meaning was very obvious. Let everything stay on the line, so we can meet each other in the future...


However, to everyone's surprise, Feng Hao raised his foot and kicked Duanmu Boyi. Hearing a loud noise, everyone saw that Duanmu Boyi was embedded in the wall, with a disheveled face.


Many ancient monks took a few breaths.

"What kind of protoss powerhouse is behind your Duanmu family? Come down and kill one by one. I keep my word. If you kill yourself, leave your whole body..." Feng Hao said coldly.


Duanmu Boyi coughed up two mouthfuls of blood, and the breath in his body rushed wildly, as if he was about to burst out of his body. If he hadn't held on tightly, his body would probably have dissipated.

He is a loose immortal, and his physical body is not comparable to those monks in the transcending tribulation period and the Mahayana period. The spiritual power in his body and the immortal energy absorbed during the tribulation are also forcibly condensed.

Just with Feng Hao's kick just now, it almost collapsed his hard-working cultivation base.

"Old Ancestor!"

Duanmu Yang was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were splitting, and the elders of the family and Tianjiao hurried over. When they saw Duanmu Boyi's pulse was unstable and the spiritual power in his body was violent, they were frightened and panicked.

There is a ray of fairy energy mixed in the spiritual power of the strong immortals. With their cultivation base and means, there is really no way to help them.

"As a protoss powerhouse, don't you think it's too much to treat a Sanxian in the mortal world like this?"

Duanmu Boyi said in a hoarse voice.

"Excessive? Just now I don't know who was bullying the weak. If I hadn't cultivated so well, I'm afraid I would have been wiped out by you..." Feng Hao sneered.

Before that, Duanmu Boyi still wanted to kill himself everywhere, and the reason was because he stole Duanmu Yang's limelight.

The other ancient monks in the arena also looked at Duanmu Boyi with contempt, the majestic Sanxian strongman had the face to say such words.

Duanmu Boyi also seemed to feel that what he said was a little too much, his face flushed slightly, he forcibly suppressed the violent spiritual power in his body, and walked out from the cement stone pillar.

"How about I admit defeat?"

Duanmu Boyi brushed off the lime on his body, cupped his hands and said, "I apologize to Senior for my rudeness just now, it is not easy to practice in the world, and there are many seniors, why not just..."


However, before Duanmu Boyi had finished speaking, Feng Hao shot directly, piercing Duanmu Boyi's brow with one finger.


Duanmu Boyi's eyes were wide open, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

He has confessed, why should he kill him?

Not reconciled!

Soon, Duanmu Boyi, whose sea of ​​spiritual consciousness was directly muddled by Feng Hao's spiritual consciousness, disappeared with a look of daring.

"Old Ancestor!"

Duanmu Yang roared heart-piercingly. Once Duanmu Boyi died, the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, a holy place for practice, probably could not be occupied by the Duanmu family anymore.

The other members of the Ancient Cultivation Clan also froze in place, their bodies trembling slightly, obviously they didn't expect Feng Hao to make a move as soon as he said it.

However, when they thought that Duanmu Boyi wanted to kill Feng Hao everywhere before, they were relieved, and they could not live without their own crimes.

Feng Hao shot to kill Duanmu Boyi, the expression on his face was calm, as simple as killing an ant.

He could have crushed the opponent to death with one hand, but Feng Hao thought it was too cheap, this old guy, it was just a waste of time.

"Go ahead, everyone, just killed a slightly obtrusive fly!" Feng Hao smiled openly at other ancient monks.

"Yes Yes!"

The other ancient monks also laughed dryly.

The Holy Mother of the Clouds of Mount Tai, Master Zhang of Wudang Mountain, and Venerable Tang of Mount Qingcheng looked at each other, then walked up to Feng Hao, bowed and saluted and said, "I have seen the seniors of the God Race!"

"Hey, wait..."

Feng Hao waved his hand and said, "I'm not from the Protoss."

"Ah! If you're not a protoss powerhouse, how could you kill the old bandit Duanmu in a single thought? Could it be that you are a powerhouse from the fairy world?"

Master Zhang of Wudang Mountain made a sound in surprise.

If it wasn't a strong man from the God Realm, then it must be a strong man from the Immortal Realm who came from the lower realm this time, but... It seems that no one in the Cheng family has ascended to immortality.

Feng Hao shook his head, and said: "It's not the powerhouse of the fairy world, the three don't guess, the real strong man of the fairy world has come, and they are at the door..."

As he said that, Feng Hao whistled, put his hands in his trouser pockets, walked to the place where Cheng Cheng and the others were, and continued to look at the door.

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