Martial Inverse

Chapter 203 Slaying the Holy Son (Part 1)

Duanmu Yang claimed to be the reincarnation of the holy son of a certain clan in the God Realm, his expression was extremely arrogant, and he even communicated with the God Realm in a flash.

The ray of light between the eyebrows is the bridge.

In just a moment, before everyone had time to react, Duanmu Yang's temperament changed drastically, as if he was a different person.

A mighty coercion also came down out of thin air. The ancient monks in the field all felt their kneecaps numb, and couldn't help but kneel on the ground.

Only Feng Hao, Bai Ling, the strongest of the Xianzong, and the three Taishan Beidou-level monks in the tribulation stage did not change their colors under this Wia.

"Emperor Feng, Duanmu Yang is the carrier of the Holy Son of the God Race, if you don't make a move, the Holy Son of the God Race will come, and this building may not be able to be kept..."

An ancient monk said anxiously, their foreheads were sweating, and the invisible coercion shattered all the tempered glass doors and windows on this floor.

Suddenly the gust of wind poured in, and everyone felt uncomfortable.

Feng Hao looked at Duanmu Yang, who was bathed in the divine light not far away, with a curved mouth, and said with a light smile: "Didn't this Duanmu Yang be said to be the reincarnation of the Holy Son? This emperor also wants to see who the Holy Son is... "

Feng Hao then unfolded his basalt domain, wrapping everyone inside. In an instant, the coercion disappeared, and even the wind seemed to stop.

The monks of the ancient tribe felt the pressure disappear, and their gazes towards Feng Hao changed again. Without a sound, they broke this coercion. Who else can match this strength in the world?

Duanmu Yang's body directly floated up, just like ascending to immortality, his body was bathed in the divine light, and his body shape and appearance began to change.

However, Feng Hao looked at Duanmu Yang as if he was looking at a clown. Unless the Lord of the God Realm descended in body, otherwise, he really didn't pay attention to these so-called holy sons.

Even Lu Xihua, the former angel of the heavens, was beheaded by him in the cosmic starry sky. Even if Duanmu Yang turned into a holy son, he came here to make a comparison.

However, these ancient monks were a little worried. After all, they practiced the incomplete skills of the God Realm, and they knew very well the power of the strong in the God Realm.

They were worried that Feng Hao would be directly suppressed.

However, the next scene left them stunned and completely relieved.

"Three minutes, is the Holy Son here?"

Feng Hao shot out like lightning,

He rushed directly into the divine light where Duanmu Yang was. The next moment, Duanmu Yang's body was kicked out of the divine light, and bounced on the ground several times like a ball.

Immediately afterwards, the divine light disappeared directly.

But Feng Hao's body appeared in the same place again, if he hadn't disappeared in that instant, it seemed that he hadn't moved at all.

"It's such a powerful existence, no wonder it's so arrogant... I heard that the holy son of the Qianyu God Clan was sealed by the earth monks, so you must be that person?"

A voice full of indifference came from Duanmu Yang's mouth in the distance.

Then everyone's eyes fell on Duanmu Yang's body. In an instant, the surface of Duanmu Yang's body seemed to be cracked, and a dazzling golden light burst out from his body.


There was a sound like a balloon bursting, and the monks saw a young man who looked a bit like Duanmu Yang, bathed in golden light, suspended three feet above the ground, with golden pupils, staring at Feng Hao, There was a palpitating chill at the corner of his mouth.

"The news is very well-informed. The God Lord of the Qianyu God Clan never thought of coming to me from the lower realms?"

Feng Hao smiled lightly, this seems to have a particularly strong visual impact and psychological impact, but it is an existence equivalent to the strength of Xianzong.

Feng Hao really didn't understand where Duanmu Yang's confidence came from.

"The Lord Thousand Feathers is coming soon, and the space-time teleportation array in the God Realm is almost finished..."

The holy son said in a haughty tone: "At that time, the extremely noble and powerful gods in your eyes will descend on the earth, and those who are bathed in the glory of the gods will have eternal life and great strength..."

The Holy Son's words were obviously intended for those ancient monks.

Many monks of the ancient clan were really moved, but considering Feng Hao's strength and the fact that they had sworn allegiance several times before, they did not dare to act rashly this time.

If the Holy Son of the Protoss has fallen, you don't have to think about it, just follow Feng Hao to the death.

But now, with their rich experience, how could they turn back immediately?

The Holy Son looked down on the world with contempt, his golden pupils glanced at everyone, and there was a slight fluctuation in his emotions.

He found that no one was moved?

Could it be that this group of humble ants don't even pursue immortality and powerful power?

Feng Hao raised his head and looked at Shengzi, his figure was also out of the influence of gravity, suspended in mid-air, and said with a sneer, "Let's go, I'll take you to see the scenery."


Shengzi obviously didn't understand the meaning of Feng Hao's words, he frowned and said, "What scenery?"

"You'll know when you go!"

As soon as the words fell, Feng Hao grabbed Sheng Zi's neck directly, and his figure disappeared directly on the spot.


And in the starry sky above the nine heavens, a thick voice suddenly sounded, and when everyone looked up, they were shocked.

Feng Hao actually brought the holy son of the gods to appear above the nine heavens. Needless to say, the scenery Feng Hao mentioned is the starry sky outside the earth.

The holy son who befalls Duanmu Yang will most likely end up in a terrible end.

The Immortal Sect expert beside Long Xueqing was trembling non-stop, and he suddenly discovered that the Immortal Sect seemed to be useless.

This Feng Hao is simply their nemesis.

Could it be that the Immortal World has to be loyal to him in order to survive?

At the same time, in the outer starry sky nine days away, Feng Hao directly brought the Holy Son here,

Cosmic starry sky is undoubtedly a good place to kill and rob.

Everything happened so suddenly, before the Holy Son could understand the meaning of Feng Hao's words, he was directly taken to the universe and starry sky.

"Damn it!"

The Holy Son was furious and his face was flushed red. It was too frightening for a monk in the mortal world to be so powerful.

Fortunately, he is the holy son of the gods, with an immortal body, otherwise his physical body would have exploded long ago.

"Where will the time-space portal of the God Realm appear?" Feng Hao stared at Shengzi with a half-smile.

This guy who looks a bit like Duanmu Yang, at this point, his whole body is still shining with gold. Could it be that his divine power is already so strong?

"Want to know? It depends on whether you have the strength..."

The Holy Son sneered, and spread his palms out, and suddenly a long spear shot out from the deep hole in the universe.

Shengzi stretched out his hand, held the magic gun directly, and attacked Lin Yu. The tip of the gun was chilling, and the few gun flowers he pulled out were especially beautiful in the starry sky of the universe.

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